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The job hunting support thread

Whilst I'm sure that's true. Even posts I was fully suitable for, meeting both essential and desirable criteria in the person spec very very rarely replied except when shortlisted. Not even a stock email.
Yeah, me too. I'm only applying for jobs where this is the case, in fact.

I was really surprised to begin with, but now I'm mostly not expecting any response.
Not a job I'm hunting for, but got called for interview next Monday for this promotion, said I couldn't make the appointed time, and now it's gone quiet... :hmm:
Whilst I'm sure that's true. Even posts I was fully suitable for, meeting both essential and desirable criteria in the person spec very very rarely replied except when shortlisted. Not even a stock email.
In my last job hunt it was the same for me, no feedback from agencies, it was down to me to chase them.
:rolleyes: to agencies.

I think of the agency jobs I have applied for (mostly fairly bog standard admin stuff, so suppose they will get a heck of a lot) I think I've had one actual reply, and that was from a small and fairly specialist agency.
Got a reply from an application from yesterday, just asking me if I knew the location of the job would be in 2 areas and am I still interested. 2 areas which are very local to me, so YES!! (something to do with cash machines, and fixing them)

*fingers crossed*

Maybe I don't have to go to fcuking York after all (waiting to hear back on the travel funds situation on that one)
Another place phoned me up just now, have a pre interview, interview on monday.

York is looking further and further away....


I got a letter in the post this morning from one of the places I've applied to recently - was 2nd class and on opening I saw the letter was quite short.


Then read it - it's a "thank you for your application, we will be in touch soon" letter


didn't know anyone still did that

especially when they have my e-mail address and I sent my application by e-mail.
In a quandry. The job I accepted is low pay 18k. Just got a call about another job I applied. Higher pay but in Camden. It is only for 6 months so will take me up to July. Then unemployed again. Though i should be able to sign on as it is contract work so jobcentre should not be difficult. I'm tempted as the low pay one is annoying in terms of pay scale. Also secured an interview on Monday for a job in Hammersmith but that involves overnight shift which I'm not too keen on. Not sure what to do.
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Just got a letter confirming what I predicted which is that I've not been shortlisted for a union job which I really wanted and was perfectly qualified for.

Although I had predicted this, it has still really upset me because, frankly, I need a job, and I'm getting increasingly anxious. This is the first union role for which I've not even been interviewed.

It's difficult to keep going. I've got three more roles I need to apply for today and tomorrow. One union, one employee relations and one civil service.

But I'm crying too much to do anything.
Just got a letter confirming what I predicted which is that I've not been shortlisted for a union job which I really wanted and was perfectly qualified for.

Although I had predicted this, it has still really upset me because, frankly, I need a job, and I'm getting increasingly anxious. This is the first union role for which I've not even been interviewed.

It's difficult to keep going. I've got three more roles I need to apply for today and tomorrow. One union, one employee relations and one civil service.

But I'm crying too much to do anything.


I feel very disadvantaged in an interview setting because I'm naturally introverted, and trying to pretend I'm outgoing etc. comes across as insincere- in addition I have a lazy eye which is squinting a bit, thus trying to look people straight in the eye- like you do- and seem 'normal ' at the same time simply gets too much and they always call my bluff... How do i act in such situations, then? I *can* overcome my shyness and talk quite happily but simply can't do 'normal' since I'm err, not normal... When trying to be outgoing I often seem arrogant, for example- that's just me trying to summon up the energy I don't have and project it outwards like I suppose social people do. But it's obviously not working... :( :facepalm:
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Had a meeting with my allocated adviser (whom I think I have met once in 6 months).. wanted to chat about possible training courses as you need certificate for everything now !!! He told me that all courses were fully booked but I have been put on an "employabilty" course starting next week monday to friday 9-4. Not too sure what this course entails but I best attend... probably a load of shit but it'll beat sitting indoors for a week.
Shit! I wouldn't want to advise you either way, but perhaps call and ask them. You might not be expected to come in. And if you can, speak to a rep there, and they will advise you.
It's quite likely they'd advise you not to risk your position by striking. I was advised that when some people at my work striked (struck?) and I wasn't contracted, just agency staff.
Shit! I wouldn't want to advise you either way, but perhaps call and ask them. You might not be expected to come in. And if you can, speak to a rep there, and they will advise you.
It's quite likely they'd advise you not to risk your position by striking. I was advised that when some people at my work striked (struck?) and I wasn't contracted, just agency staff.
Ta! Moved my post to the work frustrations thread - thought it would be better there.

I will definitely ask about it tomorrow when I start and gauge what everyone else is doing. I think it might only be a 2 hour strike through Unison, but I don't know if that changes anything at all.
I had to go and sign on today, because I didn't make it on Friday, and i saw a temporary person, who was terribly polite, but clearly didn't know what she was doing - she kept asking other advisers where things were and what to do and so on.

But she did tell me that I have to fill in the paper job search thing as well as the online one, and that I am expected to demonstrate that I am looking for jobs every day, including Saturday and Sunday.

When I said that I had not been told this before, she said it was a new directive.

Has anyone else been told those two things?
Because they will only use the time to gaze adoringly at their humunguous flat screen TVs, paid for by the honest hard-working taxpayer. Or something.
Let 'em.
Applying for jobs is much harder work that actual work. You shouldn't really be expected to look for work more than three hours a day - a morning or an afternoon. Even that is taxing and demoralising.
I'm getting angry now. Where's that graph again? The one with the figures of benefits fraud, unclaimed benefit and avoided income and corporate tax? So they go after poor people for having the gall to only look for work five days a week, whilst the real spongers go shooting. The blood boils.
Indeed - it is crazy to say that people should be looking for work 7 days a week!

Although, frankly, I probably do at least check out emails and jobsites 7 days a week - the error I make is not to put that on the crappy "universal jobmatch" thing, or to write it on a bit of paper they have given me which I lost ages ago.

And yes, O_U, applying for jobs is fucking hard work. I am really struggling to complete the complex application forms and questionnaires, and to stay positive about myself as well.

I have to keep reminding myself that, if I had stayed at my last job, I would be in an even worse mess, mentally and emotionally, than I am now, and would probably not be working for much longer anyway, because I would have had a breakdown!
Gosh, not seen that before. Unfortunately, it won't help, because I have to fill in this "activity record" thing with every website I have visited and email I have read and phone call I have made.

I can see what it is trying to do, though, which is possibly why they now say you have to fill in the "activity record", and not just apply for jobs on the site.
Let 'em.
Applying for jobs is much harder work that actual work. You shouldn't really be expected to look for work more than three hours a day - a morning or an afternoon. Even that is taxing and demoralising.
I'm getting angry now. Where's that graph again? The one with the figures of benefits fraud, unclaimed benefit and avoided income and corporate tax? So they go after poor people for having the gall to only look for work five days a week, whilst the real spongers go shooting. The blood boils.

there you go

I feel very disadvantaged in an interview setting because I'm naturally introverted, and trying to pretend I'm outgoing etc. comes across as insincere- in addition I have a lazy eye which is squinting a bit, thus trying to look people straight in the eye- like you do- and seem 'normal ' at the same time simply gets too much and they always call my bluff... How do i act in such situations, then? I *can* overcome my shyness and talk quite happily but simply can't do 'normal' since I'm err, not normal... When trying to be outgoing I often seem arrogant, for example- that's just me trying to summon up the energy I don't have and project it outwards like I suppose social people do. But it's obviously not working... :( :facepalm:

Not everyone only wants to recruit outgoing extroverts. If that was the case, I'd have been unemployed my entire life! I'd say it's much better to come across as geniune, and yourself in an interview, even pointing out your quietness and the benefits this can have in the work environment (eg calm, focussed nature, you get on with work/meet deadlines etc). There's nothing wrong with being an introvert
Another interview invite for next week - again in the line of work I was in some time ago, so will probably be another 'creditable also-ran' sort of thing. Meh.

I was right.

"very good - but - another candidate with current experience - close decision - good luck - piss off"

Think I'm wasting my time and effort trying to get back in to that line of work.

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