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The Islamic state

Accordingly, German troops blew up the medieval Royal Castle that had so impressed Baedeker. They undermined the fourteenth-century cathedral and blew that up too. Then they destroyed the Jesuit Church. The Saxon Palace was systematically blown up over the course of three days just after Christmas 1944, as was the entire complex of baroque and rococo palaces. The European Hotel, recommended by Baedeker, was first burned down in October and then, just to make sure, blown up in January 1945. German troops went from house to house, street to street, systematically destroying the entire city: 93 per cent of Warsaw’s dwellings were destroyed or damaged beyond repair. To complete the destruction they burned down the National Archive, the Archives of Ancient Documents, the Financial Archives, the Municipal Archives, the Archives of New Documents and the Public Library.

From the book 'Savage Continent'

So, there were modern day precedents for ISIS's destruction then?
Animated map of YPG+allies progress in and around Cizire canton (including in iraq) and moving towards Kobani canton - don't hear too much of the regimes forces still in the area:

In Ramadi as elsewhere, apparently they are governing somewhat effectively, are less corrupt than the Iraqi gov and have some support of the pop.
The Sunni Muslim extremist group appears to be following the same blueprint as it has in other conquered parts of Anbar province: seize territory, execute “apostates” and “traitors” in a bloodbath, and then reassure terrified civilians by producing goods and services that surpass those provided by the Shiite Muslim-led government in Baghdad.

.....some aspects of life have improved under Islamic State rule. In Fallujah, he said, there’s an efficient Islamic court where residents can file their grievances, “even if you have a complaint against the State.” Seven schools are operating, he said, teaching math and science along with religion, but abolishing English, history and any mention of evolution.
Wasn't sure whether to put this in one of the Turkey threads or here but thought that this was a good read


Turkey’s ruling party has turned the country, which it calls “the new Turkey,” into a capitalist nightmare: a triad of neoliberal economics, political despotism, and Islamist conservatism. This article provides an overview of neoliberalism in Turkey, then looks at the government’s extraction policies, highlighting the Soma mine massacre as one tragic example of the destructive policies of the governing party, the Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP, Justice and Development Party). It also examines the extreme authoritarianism of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (formerly prime minister), and the growing cultural-relgious conservatism, which the AKP has interlaced with Islamist rhetoric. This hegemonic triad of neoliberalism, despotism, and conservatism is an especially dangerous one. However, it is being increasingly criticized, and resistance movements against neoliberal policies are growing. All of this gives some hope for Turkey’s future.

Theres a disturbing report in the sunday times about ethnic cleansing by the Kurdish Peoples Protection Units. is there any truth to this at all?
Theres a disturbing report in the sunday times about ethnic cleansing by the Kurdish Peoples Protection Units. is there any truth to this at all?

Widely seems to be considered bullshit, there is no evidence of it and similar stories have cropped up before after successful YPG offensives. I see no real reason to treat this seriously until we have evidence to the contrary, and that hasn't been forthcoming in the wake of allegations in the past.
Theres a disturbing report in the sunday times about ethnic cleansing by the Kurdish Peoples Protection Units. is there any truth to this at all?

The journalist responsible, Hannah Lucinda Smith, has been under twitter scrutiny since the piece appeared, bombarded by Kurdish commentators (some from the frontline) demanding to know this mysterious NGO source, requesting that she engages with arab families in the areas concerned to ask for their perspective, & suggesting that the source is the IHH, & that the piece is motivated by anti-Kurdish politics. Others, including top twitter stalinist phil greaves, have suggested that something has changed - that the West/Nato/Empire have reneged on a previous deal/hardened a temporarily softened line on the Rojavan Kurds, and are now intent on pushing the PYD back into the PKK terrorist narrative - perhaps having realised that the revolutionary intent is real, & will be difficult to submerge under whatever future regional plan they're drawing up.
Regime airforce clearing path for ISIS to attack non-islamist rebels still in Aleppo (in links, posting article for opening commentary):

Assad is now ISIS’s airforce and the US is Assad’s airforce: The moment the counterrevolution joins hands

And so since the rebels – who have done more to actually fight ISIS and drive it out of great chunks of Syria than have any other armed force in either Syria or Iraq – know that the main enemy remains the regime, which massacres around 100 people every day, and that in any case it is impossible to defeat a symptom (ISIS) without defeating the cause (Assad), they in their mass never signed up; and the US, always hostile to the actual revolutionary forces like the FSA, never tried to sign up actual FSA brigades, but rather tried to “vet” individual fighters to form a new US-puppet armed force from scratch. But now it is even many of these individual few hundred potential mercs that are quitting: I guess some people are slow.
From the book 'Savage Continent'

So, there were modern day precedents for ISIS's destruction then?

Difference is that ISIS's destruction is for reasons of belief, whether you choose to call it religion or ideology. The razing of Warsaw was a deliberate military tactic to reduce insurgency and deny insurgents shelter - a version of "salting the earth".
That Hollywood actor not exactly going down a storm...

***Attention to whomever is in charge of monitoring my account for the state department***
Michael Enright the mentally unstable actor who is in rojava is in danger of being killed by one of many westerners and kurds who want to bury him.
This man has been the biggest p.o.s that ever walked in rojava, immediantly after coming here he tried selling his story to the media. He has been kicked out of 4 different fighting units and asked to leave twice by the ypg to which end he ...put the barrel of his rifle in his mouth and threatened to kill himself if he was sent home. (He is still working on his movie script)
He constantly lies and tries manipulating everyone around him both kurd and westerner. The generals have even told us they try keeping him away from everyone for fear that there own men will kill him.
We have taken the bolt from his Ak quite some time ago so he runs around taking pictures of himself in the rear saying he killed daesh with a weapon he cant even fire.
several others can confirm this story, Matthew Hinstridge, Clay lawton, Jesse Gillispie, Lei Gallagher, Brian Wilson, and others i dont have fbs for.
Balls in your court.....

(Jordan Matson's Facebook)
In line with the above post by me, looks like hasakah is being lost by the regime to ISIS, re-opening ISIS attacks on areas of kurdish-FSA-allies co-operation. What a handy co-incidence.
Christ, so thats what it looks like to take on heavy artillery with smallish arms. Bailed when I that lad loading a small mortar type thing. I've got mates little brothers older than that. They may not have been able to take kobane but they certainly did a number on it. Buildings just blasted. Similar reaction when I saw that photo of downtown damascus, in ruins. Not discounting the human cost but...look at what they have to return to when its safe. A boneyard.
The journalist responsible, Hannah Lucinda Smith, has been under twitter scrutiny since the piece appeared, bombarded by Kurdish commentators (some from the frontline) demanding to know this mysterious NGO source, requesting that she engages with arab families in the areas concerned to ask for their perspective, & suggesting that the source is the IHH, & that the piece is motivated by anti-Kurdish politics. Others, including top twitter stalinist phil greaves, have suggested that something has changed - that the West/Nato/Empire have reneged on a previous deal/hardened a temporarily softened line on the Rojavan Kurds, and are now intent on pushing the PYD back into the PKK terrorist narrative - perhaps having realised that the revolutionary intent is real, & will be difficult to submerge under whatever future regional plan they're drawing up.

As I said when this thing kicked off , someday the Kurds may well have cause to regret the presence of all these dodgy western types in their midst . Most from what i can see are adventurers and posers with shady backgrounds and are as dodgy as fuck .wholl be only too happy to do the bidding of whichever agency bungs them a few quid or even does them the honour of acknowleging them .The west want Peshmerga to be the dominant Kurdish force , nobody else . They also want the region dismembered along sectarian lines , which is why they've backed the Islamic insurgency from the outset . Hence their interest in fanning sectarianism across the board .

I believe the wests only interest in Rojava was it gave them a humanitarian excuse for a military foot in the door on Syrian territory . Nothing else . While they were pulling concerned faces the bearded ones were being assisted by aNATO member the entire time, often barefacedly . As are many others of similar stripe with similar agendas . If necessary they'll bomb the Kurds in a heartbeat . Or stand back and let turkey do it .
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