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The Islamic state

One thing that could be done very easily is for the msm to stop publicising these assholes as fucking rock stars . Giving them this aura of success and invincibility by broadcasting their own media savvy propaganda pieces because they look cool and have striking visuals . It's precisely what the bastards want and that's what's attracting so many overseas recruits . There's plenty of videos online of ones captured by the Kurds , Syrian army and Hezbollah almost pissing their pants . Supermen they are not . Whinging crybabies when the sandals on the other foot . They should broadcast that stuff instead .
Le figaro published a load of letters from ones looking to go back to their families . Complaining they weren't even allowed fight and were made stay in the camp cleaning the latrines , washing laundry and doing the dishes . While another one was complaining he was being sent to the front and hadn't a clue how to fight . Obviously a crap dishwasher . And if you ask can you go home they just cut your head off...regardless if you've done a good job with the dishes or not . And some Indian one was complaining about the complete lack of religious instruction too .
This appears to be a major victory for al-Nusra & the other Islamo rebels. The article says it could be the gateway to the Alawite heartland, the Latakia area. If ISIS & co get there, the slaughter will be mind boggling.

Amazing how a collection of rebel groups looks to be winning against the Syrian military supported by Iran/Hezbollah & American & other western air power.
Islamist rebels in Syria have taken over the key north-western town of Jisr al-Shughur, activists say.
It was the last major town under government control in Idlib province. Correspondents say it may give rebels a route to the ruling elite's heartland.
This appears to be a major victory for al-Nusra & the other Islamo rebels. The article says it could be the gateway to the Alawite heartland, the Latakia area. If ISIS & co get there, the slaughter will be mind boggling.

Amazing how a collection of rebel groups looks to be winning against the Syrian military supported by Iran/Hezbollah & American & other western air power.

Allow ISIS to devastate the home ground of the ruling elite, said elite packs it's bags and makes a run for it, Assad out of the picture, all out war on ISIS? major realignment of various factions??
Bit far fetched I admit, but what isn't over there at the moment?
I'm not convinced al Q or at least part of it won't side with Daesh as they've done before and did pretty recently.

I think that scenario has been assads strategy. Attack and destroy all secular oppo and then turn round point at Daesh and have previous enemies help him cling to power.
Tbf the average british teenager is only real use to islamic state is as a properganda tool not only do they lack any useful skills but they are a high admin cost bowl of rice bit of dead goat and a blanket isnt really going to keep them fighting fit or happy :D.

Had this rather mad lecture form an SAS officer drew on research form the korean war the US pows cracked fastest and most because life in the US and US military was soft
The british less because Life was still fucking hard.
turks gave zero fucks because life in a north korean prison camp was less harsh than life on a turkish farm or in the turkish military.
" I get to lie in until 6 fed every day theres fresh straw to sleep in and no back breaking labour ? This is a holiday camp :D".
This stuff about the Syrian army not attacking the loonies and only attacking the non existent "secular " groups is bollocks IMHO . It's just a load of twats whinging about the fact the loonies are dominating the scene to an extent they're totally marginalised . That's because that's who their foreign sponsors are backing with all sorts . But they can't denounce the sponsors because the pittance they get now would turn into nothing at all .
This latest offensive seems to have come from straight across the Turkish border , so maybe Assad is supposed to invade turkey or something .
There's numerous reports of it being the other way round , with non aq affiliated groups in localised ceasefire arrangements with the Syrian army .

But it's a handy excuse for the foreign backers of this campaign as to why aq and such types are dominating the scene . Not the fault of the foreign powers supplying them with bases on their territory and tonnes of logistics . Nope...it's assads fault . He's deliberately making his army face a massive setback that threatens his home turf just for pr purposes . So some guardian reader can go tut tut over the muesli .

I think not somehow
I think the analysis is correct, especially considering the article from the Washington Post, posted by J eD upthread. It is entirely likely that IS will continue in one form or another.
I see Israel are nibbling away at the border of late. Catching a few hizbolla in the act or smuggling/ planting bombs. This is an interesting time for Israel. Fairly secure from outside meddling as everyone else is tied up elsewhere, and they reckon hundreds of hiz have been killed so far in Syria. What will Israel do to capitalise on this?

The last thing they want is a defeat of IS and he prospect of battle hardened hiz coming home and ready to kick off again?

ISIS just claimed responsibility for the attack on geller et al. Bollocks or not?

I think Simpson was reported somewhere to have done that pledge of allegiance thing, but they probably had flip all to do with the planning of or arrangement of the attack itself.

Did you see that load of shit article on the bbc yesterday advocating syria be partitioned with ISIS taking control of some of it then the other factions 'hypothetically' uniting to drive them out?

Did you see that load of shit article on the bbc yesterday advocating syria be partitioned with ISIS taking control of some of it then the other factions 'hypothetically' uniting to drive them out?
That was the same stuff as that Chelsea manning argued, and to their shame a few clowns on here supported - on the basis of who said it rather than anything else.
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