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The Islamic state

Assad actually looks good compared to daesh.
In the same way a kneecapping is prefable to death:mad:

He looks good compared to all the dirty bastards he's fighting against . Let's not forget it was a hero of the great "secular resistance " who videoed himself engaged in the cannibalisation Of a murdered prisoner. Presumably because he didn't think all the Fsa beheading videos and stuff like that we're extreme enough . And let's not forget either how all those western captives fell into the hands of daesh in the first place . The great secular resistance sold them to them .

They're all a bunch of dirty scum and the sooner Assad wipes them all out the better .
The problem is assad bombed schools check
Nerve gas check he's gone in for the more conventional industrial approach to horror while his enemies have gone for the craftsman unique approachto atrocity.
Although the poor sod who " committed" suicide in one of his jail s just before being released showed his side could do custom jobs just as well:(
He looks good compared to all the dirty bastards he's fighting against . Let's not forget it was a hero of the great "secular resistance " who videoed himself engaged in the cannibalisation Of a murdered prisoner. Presumably because he didn't think all the Fsa beheading videos and stuff like that we're extreme enough . And let's not forget either how all those western captives fell into the hands of daesh in the first place . The great secular resistance sold them to them .

They're all a bunch of dirty scum and the sooner Assad wipes them all out the better .

How the fuck does he 'look good' in any way, shape or form? He has killed ten times more than the rest of them put together.
How the fuck does he 'look good' in any way, shape or form? He has killed ten times more than the rest of them put together.

Have you figures for that quite startling claim ? Estimates of the death toll vary between 2 and 300,000 . It's thought anywhere up to 120 to 130,000 of those are pro government fighters whether military, police, militia, hezbollah etc . It's thought around one third of all alawites of fighting age have been killed in this war . That total doesnt include government officials , workers and the like ...all of whom are considered legitimate targets by the opposition . Much less civilians who happen to be of the wrong creed .

Unless you're claiming Assad has been wiping out his own supporters you might need to revise that estimate downwards...just a tad .

Btw it turns the sohr have been rather cheekily assigning civilian status to opposition fighters whenever they're killed if they didn't happen to be an army deserter beforehand . But even with sleight of hand your estimates are well off the wall . You seem to be using the Cameron Obama formula of all these deaths are assads fault, therefore Assad technically killed them . Even when it's his own fighters and supporters who make up the bulk of them .
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Loads of footage from their drones over kobani. (apols for quietness, just mad busy time for me)

edit: that's simple filming drones not weapeonised US style wedding party murder drones.
Nerve gas check he's gone in for the more conventional industrial approach to horror while his enemies have gone for the craftsman unique approachto atrocity.

There's simply no evidence he has used used nerve gas, only assumptions put about by the very agencies looking to topple him that don't stand up to scrutiny . Even the usas own intelligence figures have stated the case against Assad in that regard is far from convincing . What's known for sure is though that daesh have recruited heavily among the former Iraqi army and saddams warfare specialists and most certainly have the experts on hand that can create nerve gas . And that opposition fighters have been detained in turkey while in possession of sarin .

We also know that the first nerve gas strike was on the pro Assad positions in khan Al assal killing about a dozen Syrian troops .so are you seriously claiming he's gassing his own fighters and supporters or was someone else doing it ? The un investigation has concluded the sarin used in khan al assal was identical to the sarin used in ghouta . And that the rockets used to deliver it comprised of home made fins and war heads .

The ghouta attack took place just 3 days after the un inspectors finally arrived in Damascus at Syrians insistence to investigate nerve gas being used against their own supporters and fighters . With the inspectors housed barely 2 miles from the site . Carla del ponte has stated they're virtually certain rebels have used it , freed western hostages have stated they overheard their captors admitting the ghouta attack was the work of the rebels . And the only people who stood to benefit from its use we're the very people looking to overthrow him . Which includes daesh . Who have the capability , the obvious motive and the ruthlessness required to use it against syrian troops and civilians alike for their own ends . Which includes assads overthrow .

You're just making up bland assumptions, parroting the stuff John McCain is coming out with . The actual evidence doesn't support it though .
Have you figures for that quite startling claim ? Estimates of the death toll vary between 2 and 300,000 . It's thought anywhere up to 120 to 130,000 of those are pro government fighters whether military, police, militia, hezbollah etc . It's thought around one third of all alawites of fighting age have been killed in this war . That total doesnt include government officials , workers and the like ...all of whom are considered legitimate targets by the opposition . Much less civilians who happen to be of the wrong creed .

Unless you're claiming Assad has been wiping out his own supporters you might need to revise that estimate downwards...just a tad .

Btw it turns the sohr have been rather cheekily assigning civilian status to opposition fighters whenever they're killed if they didn't happen to be an army deserter beforehand . But even with sleight of hand your estimates are well off the wall . You seem to be using the Cameron Obama formula of all these deaths are assads fault, therefore Assad technically killed them . Even when it's his own fighters and supporters who make up the bulk of them .

No it's not. But you have me on ignore.
Lots of conflicting stuff on twitter about Ramadi and the US military downplaying its importance. Im not an expert in military stuff but someone said that taking Ramadi might be a blunder as its so close to Mosul, so their resources are stretched thinner. I really hope so as ISIS look like they are winning there. I feel so sorry for all the poor people who are trying to leave.
butchersapron Geri elbows etc

Absolutely fantastic piece here about the formation of Islamic State and the role of espionage and Baathist intelligence services.

#IslamicState documents show that Haji Bakr created ubiquitous spying structures like East German Stasi. spon.de/aetVm
New Daesh video in which they behead Ethiopian Copts in Libya.

Meanwhile Al-Nusra's persecution forces Christians to flee Idlib despite assurances that their right to religion would be protected. Same behaviour as in previous acquisitions of territory.
A strong feeling for me in the face of all this is one of helplessness and fear. EG The barbarity of the hostage beheadings, with real life stories, on our tellies - it's so real, and really is happening now, to real people, and it's at the behest of cunt politicians; years and years of it, escalating every time - it goes on and on, relentlessly - combine that with a general disillusionment, not having any faith in our leaders and politics in general, and particular pessimism wrt the Middle East situation.

The particular cruel and brutal horrors from IS (etc) we see so often just seem to turn the screw further. Powerless in the face of the horror, and the futility of it's purpose and the futility of hope for change :(
I don't think they do either but it's hard to see how ISIS can be beaten with Turkey sitting out the fight, and allowing it's border to be the gateway for recruits.
...Question is what can anyone do about it?


everytime you hear a politician or read an article talking about reducing (or not increasing, lots of our stuff is on its last legs and gets more expensive to operate every day: same resources, less and less out of them) the defence budget you're seeing someone say they want to buy fewer Brimstone missiles and Paveway bombs, they want the Tornado's and Reapers in the air for less time, and they want the RC-135's to spend less time pinpointing the origin of IS phone calls.

every time you see someone say we shouldn't get involved in other peoples wars you're seeing someone deny that a NATO standard Mechanized Brigade placed somewhere north-west of Baghdad would stop IS dead in its tracks.
You could try telling the Saudis and qataris if they don't stop financing and arming them and their al bursa buddies then they'll be bombed into the same stone age they're happy to inhabit spiritually . It'd be over in 5 minutes . Better still just stick them on the list of states that actively sponsor terrorism and apply the appropriate sanctions .

But we all know that's never going to happen , so let's all admit that western opposition to daesh is just one big fucking charade .
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