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The Islamic state

nah i have just found another one that seems to be a genuine jihadi. Anyone come across a sumbag called Abu Baraa?

The only one of his youtube musings worth bothering with is the one where he tries to justify the pilot being burned, which ends up being the most bizarre plea for tolerance you will ever hear.
Wallerstein's take on the barriers to an effective, co-ordinated challenge to IS.

Why then cannot there be a coalition of those who are opposed to the IS and its expansionary threats? The answer is very simple. They all have other priorities. The Egyptian government is fighting first of all the Muslim Brotherhood. The Saudi government is fighting first of all Iran and anyone who threatens their claim to leadership of Sunni Muslims in the Middle East. The Qataris are fighting first of all the Saudi government. The government of Bahrain gives priority to suppressing the Shias who are numerically the vast majority. The Iranian government is fighting first of all Sunni forces in Iraq. The Turkish government is fighting first of all Syria's Bashar al-Assad. The Kurdish movements are fighting not only for their autonomy (or independence) but also each other. The Russian and the U.S. governments are both giving priority to their mutual quarrels. And the Israelis are fighting primarily Iran and the Palestinians. Name one that puts fighting the IS at the top of its list.


Internationalist fighter Ivana Hoffman, fighting alongside the People's/Women's Defense Forces (YPG/YPJ) against Daesh/ISIS in Rojava, was killed in Til Temir yesterday evening.

Ivana Hoffman (code name Avaşîn Tekoşîn Güneş) was a communist fighter with the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (MLKP). According to the MLKP's announcement, Ivana lost her life in a 3 a.m. clash in the early morning hours of March 7, on the eve of World Women's Day.

The statement said that for Ivana, standing up for the Rojava revolution meant standing up for the future. It noted that she had taken up frontline positions in the bloody battle to defend Assyrian and Syriac villages from Daesh's genocidal attacks.

"After the Rojava revolution, her greatest dream was to take part in the struggle in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan. She was a seeker of freedom, with dreams of revolution," said the statement. "Avaşîn Têkoşîn Güneş, with her gleeful laugh, was our source of joy. In Tel Temir, we saw her off to her final rest and her immortality. Our pain is great. Our rage is as high as the mountains."
Are the families of the groomed girls being advised by Cage to come out with this nonsense? I just don't see the point of it other than to reinforce the us and them attitudes of those already beholden to Salafist ideology, which as far as I can tell seems to be a key part of Cage's media strategy if we attribute it to anything other than outright incompetence.
Are the families of the groomed girls being advised by Cage to come out with this nonsense? I just don't see the point of it other than to reinforce the us and them attitudes of those already beholden to Salafist ideology, which as far as I can tell seems to be a key part of Cage's media strategy if we attribute it to anything other than outright incompetence.
I don't know who is behind the advice the parents are getting but, that said, I don't think what the parents/families are saying is nonsense. I'd say that either or both OB & School owed a duty of care that should have been extended to parents. If, as it seems, the three girls had been spoken to by the OB at school, sending a letter home via 'blazer pocket post' was an error, and the OB have pretty well said as much. Having seen the parents interviewed I do really feel sorry for them.
I don't think anyone's linked to this Atlantic article yet.
What ISIS really wants
And so on. Interesting and chilling article.

It's a long article. Basically, if I understand it right, it argues that the rest of the world ignores ISIS's religious motivation at its peril, that ISIS beliefs prevent it from ever negotiating, that the prospects of defeating it militarily are bleak, and that our best hope seems to be that it implodes politically. It would be good to have an informed angle on the article, as I'm certainly no expert in the subject.

Interesting long read response to this article by a Qatari professor in Jadalliya magazine, referencing The Management of Savagery again (frogwoman IC3D), & discussing ways that the wider muslim world can challenge IS's interpretation & implementation of Sharia law & Quranic/historic legitimacy.
I don't know who is behind the advice the parents are getting but, that said, I don't think what the parents/families are saying is nonsense. I'd say that either or both OB & School owed a duty of care that should have been extended to parents. If, as it seems, the three girls had been spoken to by the OB at school, sending a letter home via 'blazer pocket post' was an error, and the OB have pretty well said as much. Having seen the parents interviewed I do really feel sorry for them.

Not defending the coppery, but the deputy head has made contact with the parents about this matter before the letters were handed out - I have no idea of call detial, but it seems that the families were aware their daughters were being IV'd as witnesses
Not defending the coppery, but the deputy head has made contact with the parents about this matter before the letters were handed out - I have no idea of call detial, but it seems that the families were aware their daughters were being IV'd as witnesses
Got any links for that?
BBC says...
On Friday, the girls' families criticised police for not passing on "vital" information they say may have helped them to intervene in the trio's plans.

Tasnime AkunjeeFamilies' solicitor
The following day, the Met acknowledged it could have handled differently attempts to contact the families.

But it had to amend a statement on the issue after initially saying that the families had been informed, by the deputy head of the girls' school, that a fellow pupil had disappeared to Syria in December.

It later clarified, "following further discussions with Bethnal Green Academy", that the teacher had in fact informed them only that the girl was missing.

The solicitor for the girls' parents, Tasnime Akunjee, said it was a "disgrace" that the original press release had effectively accused them of lying.
"“We now understand that these letters were not passed on in every case. With the benefit of hindsight, we acknowledge that the letters could have been delivered direct to the parents. However, the parents were already aware from the deputy head that the 15-year-old girl had travelled to Syria, all the teenagers were all being co-operative, they were all being treated as potential witnesses and there was nothing whatsoever to indicate that they themselves were planning to travel to Syria.”


"However, police said in a statement that the parents had been informed about the meetings by the deputy head of the school and that when police met with a group of girls at the school official's office, they were being treated as witnesses to help in the case of their missing friend. The police insist there was nothing whatsoever to suggest the girls were planning to travel to Syria."


there is certainly arse covering going on.

Im really not comfortable with the school being dragged into a copper/ security matter and being accused of what appears ton be negligence by the families
Another link from Jadalliya magazine - Scott Long (US academic, Human Rights Watch background) writing an engaging, slightly scatter-gun piece on the dissemination/analysis of IS propaganda, particularly the execution of gay men, challenging identity politics responses that allow gay men in the US especially to respond as fellow victims ("gay as a source of sympathy trumps American as a reminder of responsibility. Probably that is because sympathy, unlike responsibility, does not carry obligations"), & even challenging the description of the victims as 'gay'.

Link contains photos of executions.
yep, plenty of arse covering. knowing how school communities work, I would be surpised if the parents were not aware of the previous girls story( just based on our local nonce vicar story in Peckham)

that doesnt mean however that the parents conencted the dots & realised the risk with their own

its fuckin tragic. I hope these girls can get out and home.
I've been busy and only caught the headlines.

Am I right that the school gave letters saying "dear parents, the police want to talk to your daughter" to the daughters and expected them to be delivered?

E2A: seems so.

E2A2: has the school never met a teenager?
I've been busy and only caught the headlines.

Am I right that the school gave letters saying "dear parents, the police want to talk to your daughter" to the daughters and expected them to be delivered?

E2A: seems so.

E2A2: has the school never met a teenager?
it seems incredible that pocket mail fail being a known thing amongst older schoolies.

Also OB recon they funded the trip by robbing the family jewelry. A relative on the news said this was not likely to be so. I don't know wether thats her not wanting to believe that of the trio or if the security forces would rather not advertise that funding can come in for some travellers to join IS. Murky business.

I just hope they get out alive, because they've swallowed IS propaganda hook and line imo. Reality isn't going to match it.
I just hope they get out alive, because they've swallowed IS propaganda hook and line imo. Reality isn't going to match it.

the reality probabaly means being married off to a funda- mentalist and being used as a baby machine for said antideluvial sexist macho wanker. hopefully it wont get to this and they manage to slip away
I reckon that is from ages ago like the previous one, lots of new isis distraction stuff going on right now.

The guy standing behind him and next to the kid refers to the attacks in Paris so it was least that recent (2 months). The quality of these videos (from a technical standpoint) would suggest it would take some time to actually produce them.

You really have to wonder what heinous shit these fuckwits will come up with next.
Major new ISIS assault on Ras al-Ayn/Serê Kaniye - this is on the syrian/turkey border - isis obv worried they're going to be cut off from resupply from the whole border area over next few weeks and months. Town is inbetween th kobani and Jazira Cantons, closer to the latter- this is precisely where the YPG/J and associated groups are aiming to squeeze ISIS.

Sari Kani - Google Maps.png
ISIS executes one of its Sharia judges

Social media activists who support the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have said on Twitter that the organisation recently executed one of its Sharia judges on the grounds that the latter had "excessive takfiri tendencies".

According to Twitter users known for supporting the Hazimi trend within ISIS – named after the Saudi figure Ahmed Al Hazimi who is known for his views that ignorance is no excuse to being denigrated as an infidel (a practice known as takfir) – claimed that ISIS's leadership has started to execute judges who are accused of excessively using takfir against those who should be exempt due to ignorance.

According to a number of Salafi Jihadi online forums, ISIS detained Sheikh Abu Jaafar Al-Hattab and a number of other Sharia judges last September, the month in which Judge Abu Omar Al-Kuwaiti was mysteriously executed. Some linked Al-Kuwaiti's execution to his proclamation of Baghdadi as a kafir ("infidel")....

Is it too much to hope they will end up devouring themselves?

Iraqi forces battle Islamic State in streets of strategic Tikrit

BAGHDAD —The fight for Tikrit moved into the city’s streets Wednesday as Iraqi forces pushed past bomb-laced cordons in attempts to oust Islamic State militants.

The clashes marked the first within the city limits since the government launched its offensive to retake the area earlier this month, and signaled possible gains in the important showdown over the northern city.

Regaining Tikrit would give the Iraqi government and its allied fighters — some closely linked to Iran — a key stepping stone in efforts to push farther north into Islamic State-held territory, including the major city of Mosul.

Iraqi troops and militias entered Tikrit at 4 a.m. local time, a government spokesman said, after approaching the city from several directions and besieging Islamic State fighters inside....

There is a strong possibility they will lose Tikrit, the numbers are certainly against them.
Is it too much to hope they will end up devouring themselves?

TBH it is probably a bad sign if - and this is assuming the reports are accurate and that is genuinely what they executed him for - they are purging the loon element, or at least the loon element that makes, enforces and punishes allegations of apostasy. Getting rid of those clowns (who lets face it invariably make those claims in order to gain power for themselves) would probably make IS more dangerous.
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