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The Islamic state

Some actual news as the ISIS assault on southern Baghdad (how would they even have got there) is presumably being covered up or something:

1) YPG driving wedge between ISIS in Iraq and Syria cutting supply lines
2) 100-220 christians (number rising with each new account) abducted by ISIS - partly due to this operation, partly due to christians forming anti-ISIS militia, partly because this is what ISIS do and want to do
3) On top of the book buring in mosul they have also destroyed 3000 year old assyrian statues in Nineveh (video of this but it's on isis linked sites)
4) Seems like YPG and ISIS heading for major heavy clash at tell aybad - this time with ISIS under siege.
brechers piece from yesterday seems to think the Turkish rescuing the tomb of osman was little more than a show of force to the YPG- claims IS had left it untouched for months and were never going to touch it anyway because they have a secret deal with the tukish state. Not sure how accurate that is wrt the tomb, but the ongoing destructions of the jonah tomb, those assyrian statues butchers has linked to is evidence that they are as they have said destroying these things (idolatry right). What I'm unsure of is the claim that they have had the osman tomb at their mercy for months but not touched it.
brechers piece from yesterday seems to think the Turkish rescuing the tomb of osman was little more than a show of force to the YPG- claims IS had left it untouched for months and were never going to touch it anyway because they have a secret deal with the tukish state. Not sure how accurate that is wrt the tomb, but the ongoing destructions of the jonah tomb, those assyrian statues butchers has linked to is evidence that they are as they have said destroying these things (idolatry right). What I'm unsure of is the claim that they have had the osman tomb at their mercy for months but not touched it.
They went nowhere near it and were never going to for simple tactical reasons - the religious reason they gave is that they do not smash un-worshiped statues and shrines and the turkish one fits (they say).
Haven't there been allegations of dodgy goings on in that 'cage' charity?
Yes they're dodgy - basically under the civil liberties guff they're hardcore islamists. Hands off ISIS!

Today they chose to release a statement saying this 'Jihadi-john' and the killers of Lee Rigby were made into fundie nutter killers by security service attempts to turn them into informants - i wonder what made them targets for this then? Nothing going on beforehand?
Yes they're dodgy - basically under the civil liberties guff they're hardcore islamists.

Today they chose to release a statement saying this 'Jihadi-john' and the killers of Lee Rigby were made into fundie nutter killers by security service attempts to turn them into informants - i wonder what made them targets for this then? Nothing going on beforehand?

I went to a talk by that moazzam begg years ago and bought his book. He came across quite well from what i remember. But yeah ive heard well dodgy stuff about them since.
Some actual news as the ISIS assault on southern Baghdad (how would they even have got there) is presumably being covered up or something:

1) YPG driving wedge between ISIS in Iraq and Syria cutting supply lines
2) 100-220 christians (number rising with each new account) abducted by ISIS - partly due to this operation, partly due to christians forming anti-ISIS militia, partly because this is what ISIS do and want to do
3) On top of the book buring in mosul they have also destroyed 3000 year old assyrian statues in Nineveh (video of this but it's on isis linked sites)
4) Seems like YPG and ISIS heading for major heavy clash at tell aybad - this time with ISIS under siege.

Kurdish commentators on twitter suggesting that YPG need FSA support to take/occupy Arab-majority Tel Abyad, because it's not a Kurdish majority town, and is just across the (porous) border from a strong AKP/MHP town.

Edited to add - 'occupy' in a military sense, not a colonial sense (it still sounds dodgy when qualified)
thats down to the mass layoffs of the officer class and others in the post-saddam iraqi army rather than any ideological links between the two surely.
Saddam was using islamism as a regime bolster for the last decade of his rule and helped set the shia/sunni fears in motion - and he set up the hidden networks and supplies that formed the core of the islamist resistance after 2003. Baathists had the keys but quickly had them taken. So ideological crossover and simple direct interest.
I went to a talk by that moazzam begg years ago and bought his book. He came across quite well from what i remember. But yeah ive heard well dodgy stuff about them since.
CAGE have released yet another statement - basically saying jihadi john is a victim of islamophobia.

I can't believe the state isn't getting some good info out of these people. Remember the begg/MI5 stuff last year?

edit:that dossier has obv been compiled and written some time before today - so they knew damn well who he was.I wonder who they shared it with?
Saddam was using islamism as a regime bolster for the last decade of his rule and helped set the shia/sunni fears in motion - and he set up the hidden networks and supplies that formed the core of the islamist resistance after 2003. Baathists had the keys but quickly had them taken. So ideological crossover and simple direct interest.

And jihad now used as a recruiting tool & inflammatory sectarian destabiliser by Ba'athist officers seeking revenge & a place at the top table if/when Iraq & maybe Syria are divided along Sunni/Shia lines, maybe. Syrian Kurdish elements certainly don't buy the pious cover story.
Kurdish commentators on twitter suggesting that YPG need FSA support to take/occupy Arab-majority Tel Abyad, because it's not a Kurdish majority town, and is just across the (porous) border from a strong AKP/MHP town.

Edited to add - 'occupy' in a military sense, not a colonial sense (it still sounds dodgy when qualified)
And local sunni tribes maybe - if there is still space for them to have an impact in terms of immediate support/resistance,and then on the question of being viewed as occupiers - this from a year ago is worth a quick read despite the source.
Saddams army was woeful when your armoured brigade loses a fight against milita on foot you know you have problems.
Kurdish commentators on twitter suggesting that YPG need FSA support to take/occupy Arab-majority Tel Abyad, because it's not a Kurdish majority town, and is just across the (porous) border from a strong AKP/MHP town.

Edited to add - 'occupy' in a military sense, not a colonial sense (it still sounds dodgy when qualified)
Maybe another additional reading is that the FSA need to do this as well to a) get their foot back in the door b) protect them from both ISIS/JAN and the regime. Up there they need the YPG/YPJ right now - and nearer home later.
CAGE in their defence of jihadi john say they're going to release emails from him. Maybe time to set up another front because whoever is running this one right now has fucked them.
i can't see what they could gain from a defence of jj when i would have thought even they might realise they're on something of a sticky wicket with this one. no matter how i spin it in my mind it seems to me to be a loser for them all the way down the line.
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