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The Islamic state

CAGE have released yet another statement - basically saying jihadi john is a victim of islamophobia.

I can't believe the state isn't getting some good info out of these people. Remember the begg/MI5 stuff last year?

edit:that dossier has obv been compiled and written some time before today - so they knew damn well who he was.I wonder who they shared it with?

John Rees was fronting the Cage Press Conference today, the final degradation?
Not good obv:

Iraqi Kurdistan: Arabs Displaced, Cordoned Off, Detained

Iraqi Kurdish forces have confined thousands of Arabs in “security zones” in areas of northern Iraq that they have captured since August 2014 from the extremist group Islamic State, also known as ISIS. Kurdish forces for months barred Arabs displaced by fighting from returning to their homes in portions of Ninewa and Erbil provinces, while permitting Kurds to return to those areas and even to move into homes of Arabs who fled. Some restrictions were eased in January 2015, after Human Rights Watch communicated with the Kurdish regional government about the issue, but others remain.

Local Kurds told Human Rights Watch that Iraqi Kurdish citizens or forces of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) have destroyed dozens of Arab homes in the areas, which the KRG appears to be seeking to incorporate into Kurdish autonomous territory. Arab residents in one cordoned-off zone said that KRG forces detained 70 local Arab men for long periods without charge.

Can't help thinking the YPG etc would not be so politically stupid. Then i stop and have a think, hang on the KRG are not stupid - they may just have different aims than you.
CAGE have released yet another statement - basically saying jihadi john is a victim of islamophobia.

I can't believe the state isn't getting some good info out of these people. Remember the begg/MI5 stuff last year?

edit:that dossier has obv been compiled and written some time before today - so they knew damn well who he was.I wonder who they shared it with?

That statement is a disgusting piece of apologism.
Just listened to the beginning of the CAGE press conference, apparently Jihaad John is remembered as a good bloke , very kind who brought them in cakes when they were doing some work for him.Then some long story about how he was harassed whilst trying to go on holiday in Tanzania by both Tanzanian and British security for for some reason thought he might be engaging in terrorism.

Now why would anyone possibly think that:(
The toleration, encouragement and apologism on behalf of these people by student unions really needs to stop


Students are mounting a last-minute campaign to prevent a preacher accused of having homophobic views from speaking at their university the day before it hosts a national gay pride event.

Haitham al-Haddad, who is alleged to have described homosexuality as “a scourge” and “a criminal act”, has been invited to talk to students at Westminster University on Thursday at an event entitled “Who is Muhammad?”

Members of the university’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) society have launched a petition, which has attracted nearly 2,500 signatures, in an attempt to block the visit and stop him from “preaching hate on our campus”.


The University of Westminster students’ union (UWSU) said Haddad, who was invited by the Islamic Society, had undergone the external speaker-vetting process. A statement said: “UWSU wishes to reflect the diversity of our students and enable our student leaders to deliver events which are important to them.”

Yay diversity in all its glorious forms - homophobia, FGM...
Saddam was using islamism as a regime bolster for the last decade of his rule and helped set the shia/sunni fears in motion - and he set up the hidden networks and supplies that formed the core of the islamist resistance after 2003. Baathists had the keys but quickly had them taken. So ideological crossover and simple direct interest.

And not a lot in the press about al-Douri (the ginger Saddam Baathist who got away) or the organisation he was said to be in charge of since stories about him being back on the scene and in league with ISIS briefly emerged last summer.

That theme was very much picked up by this November piece in the Huffington Post, which seeks to paint a picture of the Baathists having a very strong hand, especially in Mosul. It understandably doesn't go quite as far as a certain poster on this thread, but its still rather a dramatic explanation that really requires a lot of follow up stories for me to get into, but we don't get much info on these dimensions. Any useful links would be appreciated.

John Rees was fronting the Cage Press Conference today, the final degradation?

He is hosting it according to his social media presence. Amazing how his 'personal ethical brand' deftly navigates its way from shilling for Russia and Iran on the one hand to shilling for Salafist extremists on the other.
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just imagine the psychology behind cutting someone's throat. how dark is the thought processes, how strange the beliefs...think about it. it's beyond comprehension.

What "psychology"? As I said in reply to another of your windy whines, this isn't about psychology, aberrant or otherwise, it's all about belief, whichever "side" you're on. Belief in religion or ideology or even in rational choice is what fuels such actions, not psychological pathology.

Oh, and if it were "beyond comprehension" you wouldn't be able to ponder about "how dark" the thought processes are, you spoon!
Can't help thinking the YPG etc would not be so politically stupid. Then i stop and have a think, hang on the KRG are not stupid - they may just have different aims than you.

This was always a risk, indeed if the various Government and "associated with Government" groups do take Mosul one would imagine there will be all manner of scores being settled, with the Saudis and the rest looking on with increased annoyance.
sorry - are they effectively saying 'we're all on that wavelength'? that is, 'one that's not unfamiliar with us' being 'one that is common with us'?

Isnt Begg part of CAGE? Perhaps that is what they meant.

In any case it was a daft press conference - they could at least opened with a summary of what British Intelligence is alleged to have taken part in over the past fifteen years to provide a context, instead of coming up with something that the Krays would have objected to on the grounds of its absurdity.
"..polite and soft-spoken.."

Just now on R4 'PM'. Do I win a prize?

If I had a prize it would be winging its way to you.

You just know the Daily Mail has people desperately looking for pictures of him boozing in up with a stripper on his knee..... I hope they find some.
Considering they've had some notice of this news breaking, the CAGE spokesman on C4 news did himself no favours whatsoever. Asked whether or not he condemned Emwazi's alleged actions, Asim Qureshi tried the old 'you're only asking me that because I'm Muslim' line. Well, no Asim...you're being asked that because you're being interviewed as a representative of an advocacy organisation and offering up theories about Emwazi's radicalisation.
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