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The Islamic state

Thanks for trying at least.

Beardies say 'coalition'air-strikes in raqqa have killed their last US hostage Kayla Mueller. That's them saying that.

Depressing that we're now just talking about what militarised forces have done/are doing/plan to do.


I dont believe that for a moment. Not after they claimed the pilot was alive for a month
i have never burned nor have i claimed i burned an effigy of any description in a london park. so there you have it.

Oh shit. You just wouldn't let it lie, would you? Sorry Spiney, but I did try.

"I rounded off a perfect day by spending the evening at the Class War bonfire in London Fields, watching figures as diverse as the Mayor of Hackney to the Prophet Mohammed being thrown on the fire. There is something about being next to a natural fire that is soothing, in a way that other forms of heat are not. I could have stood there all night."


So you didn't attend this event, did you, Pickman's?
Well perhaps this is more for the Rojava thread but there have been at least 3 separate groups of activists from turin alone that have gone to Kobani/Rojava in recent weeks - hardly the international brigades but I think the idea is to bring back videos and pictures without interference from mainstream media etc. I went to a talk given by some returnees and there were lots of talk about the organizational structure in the cantons and so on but it's not stuff that will be new to anyone who's been following the situation.

Anyway despite the depressing nature of the situation I would hope that ISIS can be stopped from capturing any Lebanese villages if all of the opposition forces unite against them - but it might take a really terrible tragedy on Mt Sinjar levels to make that happen.

There was also a funny story yesterday about one of the ISIS treasurers stealing a million dollars and fleeing to Turkey
Oh shit. You just wouldn't let it lie, would you? Sorry Spiney, but I did try.

"I rounded off a perfect day by spending the evening at the Class War bonfire in London Fields, watching figures as diverse as the Mayor of Hackney to the Prophet Mohammed being thrown on the fire. There is something about being next to a natural fire that is soothing, in a way that other forms of heat are not. I could have stood there all night."


So you didn't attend this event, did you, Pickman's?
you claimed i boasted of burning an effigy of mohammed. you've not provided any evidence of this. now you're reduced to posting an eight year-old blog post which doesn't mention me at all. you've already been shown to be a liar about this once, yet you come back wanting more. fuck off.
you claimed i boasted of burning an effigy of mohammed. you've not provided any evidence of this. now you're reduced to posting an eight year-old blog post which doesn't mention me at all. you've already been shown to be a liar about this once, yet you come back wanting more. fuck off.


You organized a bonfire party during which the Prophet was publicly burned in effigy. That'll do for me. Now let's both leave it alone eh?
so YOU say. you've adduced no evidence to support any of your claims: which isn't surprising as there is none. now, which part of 'fuck off' don't you understand, liar?

OK, how about this?

If you deny attending that party, I'll take your word for it. I'll take your word of honor as a gentleman. And naturally I will apologize, as a gentleman, for any inadvertant aspersions I may have cast. But you must deny it clearly and without any ambiguity.

Fair enough?
OK, how about this?

If you deny attending that party, I'll take your word for it. I'll take your word of honor as a gentleman. And naturally I will apologize, as a gentleman. But you must deny it clearly and without any ambiguity.

Fair enough?
you've been caught out lying about me on this thread already so an apology is already well overdue.
You're not denying it.
you lost the right to demand anything from me when you decided to start lying about me. i asked you to substantiate your claim - which appears to be from 9 years ago - and in response you posted up a blog which is nothing to do with me. fuck off - you're a lying cunt and there's no more to be said on the subject.
you lost the right to demand anything from me when you decided to start lying about me. i asked you to substantiate your claim - which appears to be from 9 years ago - and in response you posted up a blog which is nothing to do with me. fuck off - you're a lying cunt and there's no more to be said on the subject.

All you have to do is deny it and I'll apologize.
Could not disagree more.Their objective is to diminish and degrade Islam and mould what's then left to an American/israeli model of acceptability.

Quisling filth, nothing less, nothing more.

Their objective is to counter the distortions that Islamacists have made about Islam and therefore oppose Islamic extremism. They also want to promote a vision of Islam that is modern and compatable with living in European democracies.

Their argument , which I agree with , is that the Islamacists have diminished and degraded Islam. As an organisation made up of ex extremists, the co founders and others who work for them are all ex HT members, Nawaz was imprisoned for being a member, Benotman was the leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group I am inclined to listen to those who walked the walk rather than those who talk the walk. Obviously the Islamacists and their liberal left apologists would say that they were traitors or as you put it Quislings . Predictably when Nawaz retweeted a cartoon with Jesus and Mohammed that had been banned with the opinion was that God was probably not enough not to be offended he received death threats.

What is wrong with their idea of a vision of Islam that is modern and suitable for democractic states in Europe or is that playing into the hands of the America/Israeli satans?
Am I Muslim? Who the fuck are you to ask me that question?

I am someone who is trying to establish on what basis you are deciding whether someone is Muslim or not.

Members of my family believe that Catholics are not Christian, they believe this for religious reasons not because they have access to some sort of objective evidence that contradicts mainstream study of religion. Similarly, you are making a claim that people who say they are Muslim are not in fact Muslim and I want to know on what basis you are making that claim. If it is a faith based claim, like ISIS' claim that people who run mixed gender universities are not Muslim, then that is difficult to argue with but if you have an evidence based claim then I would like to hear it.

Do you think that mainstream Shia Muslims are Muslim? Alawites? Are all Sunni Muslims who agree with Western foreign policy non-Muslim?
Give it a rest Phil it is really fucking tiresome
Fwiw, for me (and many others, I'm certain) this thread has been an excellent, vital source of decent info and debate about IS and related stuff and it would be a great shame if it descends further into tedious squabbling :(
...Now let's both leave it alone eh?
Take your own advice. If you post once more on this thread you'll be banned.
Jamie Dettmer of the Daily Beast perhaps getting a little ahead of himself here with comparisons to Robespierre but we can dream ... apologies if this has already been posted, just trying to keep things ever so slightly on topic.

What's interesting here is that the local Syrian fighters are apparently closer to the bottom of the pyramid, while the Europeans and Gulf Arabs are near the top - if that's really the case (which seems strange, I had previously thought the ISIS command was dominated by Iraqis) then the old ghost of nationalist tension between ISIS fighters could be their own undoing. Or, at least, cause some national groups (tunisians for example) to abandon ISIS wholesale, undermining the "Caliphate for all" image they are trying to build.

North African recruits among the Islamic State’s estimated 20,000 foreign fighters are among the most disgruntled, the Raqqa activists say. They complain they receive less than Gulf Arabs, Europeans, and Chechens who are paid as much as $1,000 a month. They grumble about missing out on many of the spoils of war, including women slaves and jihadi brides. Like local Syrian fighters, North African recruits say they have been used as cannon fodder, especially in the battle for Kobani.

Last week, four Tunisian recruits who joined ISIS months ago were executed in the neighborhood of Rumaila in central Raqqa, say opposition activists. They were described as traitors. Two other Tunisians, possibly along with family members, were executed in the Eddekhar neighborhood of Raqqa.

The quarrels and executions trigger more cycles of revenge as commanders and groups compete and jockey for power and survival. The disputes over the fate of Kasasbeh and the Japanese captives “raised the ire of the [Raqqa] security office, which started to eliminate a number of members who have become skeptical about the application of the law of God,” says Almossa.

The ISIS infighting and internal disputes could be likened to the Reign of Terror stage in the French Revolution, when Maximilien Robespierre sent revolutionaries as well foes to the guillotine.

They killed a fww chinese part-timers today today/yesterday as well.

I know we can all use Google. :D I misread fww (few) as perhaps meaning some splinter / affiliate group and went for a look.

"The Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group has killed three Chinese militants who joined its ranks and later attempted to flee, a Chinese state-run newspaper said, the latest account of fighters from China embroiled in the Middle East conflict.

China has expressed concern about the rise of ISIS, nervous about the effect it could have on its Xinjiang region, which borders Pakistan and Afghanistan.

But Beijing has also shown no sign of wanting to take part in the U.S.-led coalition’s efforts to use military force against the militant group.

Around 300 Chinese extremists were fighting with ISIS after travelling to Turkey, the Global Times, a tabloid run by China’s ruling Communist Party’s official newspaper, said in December.

The paper on Thursday cited an unnamed Kurdish security official as saying that a Chinese man was “arrested, tried and shot dead” in Syria in late September by ISIS after he became disillusioned with jihad and attempted to return to Turkey to attend university.

“Another two Chinese militants were beheaded in late December in Iraq, along with 11 others from six countries. ISIS charged them with treason and accused them of trying to escape,” the official said, according to the paper.

ISIS, which has seized parts of northern and eastern Syria as well as northern and western Iraq, has killed hundreds off the battlefield since the end of June, when it declared a caliphate.

Chinese officials blame separatists from the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) for carrying out attacks in Xinjiang, home to the Muslim Uighur people. But they are vague about how many people from China are fighting in the Middle East.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei did not comment on the report at a regular press briefing, but said China was opposed to "all forms of terrorism".

“China is willing to work with the international community to combat terrorist forces, including ETIM, and safeguard global peace, security and stability,” Hong said.

Human rights advocates say economic marginalization of Uighurs and curbs on their culture and religion are the main causes of ethnic violence in Xinjiang and around China that has killed hundreds of people in recent years. China denies these assertions.

China has criticized the Turkish government for offering shelter to Uighur refugees who have fled through southeast Asia, saying it creates a global security risk.

Last Update: Thursday, 5 February 2015 KSA 12:36 - GMT 09:36"
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