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The Islamic state

There were (and are) large Christian minorities throughout the Islamic world who didn't develop protestant ideas.

That's true. I assume it's because they associated such ideas with Islam, against which they defined themselves and their religion.

In the West, the Islamic threat was not so immediate, and so pseudo-Islamic ideas were able to spread without prejudice (relatively speaking). As the Islamic threat receded over the sixteenth century, such ideas began to spread faster. This would also explain why Protestantism caught on in the areas of Europe that were furthest away from Muslim territory.
I didn't say it that that influence would spread through France, I was talking specifically about the southern French world which looks south to the Mediterranean, and is part of a Mediterrean culture interaction sphere that dates back to antiquity (if not earlier).

Yes, but heresy in southern France was Manichean, thus not influenced by Islam.

It's unprovable, but my hunch is that Manichean ideas didn't "spread" at all, but rather remained. Early Christianity was Manichean, and the Manichees didn't disappear after Nicea, they went underground. Then they kept popping up all over Europe from Bradford to Bulgaria. Not that this has anything to do with the subject of our conversation you understand.
HAHAHAHAHAHA...HAHAH...HA...ha haha... heh...heh...

Phew, just managed to stop laughing. Thanks Pickman's. In fact we'll have it one more time:

HAHAHAHA. This from the man who boasts about publicly burning the Prophet in effigy.

Right Pickman's? You did that, didn't you? You burned an effigy of Mohammed in a London park. And now you expect us to believe that you didn't intend any Islamophobic insult! You know what I say to that? I say this:

i don't recall making that claim. so either give me a link or stfu
can you link to this boast?

Do you deny it?

Do you deny having publicly burned the Prophet in effigy in a London park?

Because I thought you were rather proud of it. And now you say "I didn't mean any offense, honest I didn't."

Maybe it's true. Maybe you just have no idea how offensive you're being, like a hayseed at the Ritz. Or maybe you're a duplicitous and cowardly liar. Got to be one or t'other though.
Do you deny it?

Do you deny having publicly burned the Prophet in effigy in a London park?

Because I thought you were rather proud of it. And now you say "I didn't mean any offense, honest I didn't."

Maybe it's true. Maybe you just have no idea how offensive you're being, like a hayseed at the Ritz. Or maybe you're a duplicitous and cowardly liar. Got to be one or t'other though.
i have never burned an effigy in a london park.
i have never burned an effigy in a london park.

Stop being so disingenuous. You have nothing to be ashamed of, do you? Oh well, we can do the cross-examination if that's what you want.

Did you, or did you not, participate in a Bonfire Night gathering in which the Prophet Mohammed was burned in effigy?

I don't know why you're being evasive, you used to shout this from the rooftops.
Stop being so disingenuous. You have nothing to be ashamed of, do you? Oh well, we can do the cross-examination if that's what you want.

Did you, or did you not, participate in a Bonfire Night gathering in which the Prophet Mohammed was burned in effigy?

I don't know why you're being evasive, you used to shout this from the rooftops.
let's put it this way, i have asked for proof of your claim. i deny your claim. thrre has been no proof. stfu you lying little shit.
That's my whole point, you shit for brains fuck-knuckle - that the case of the Cathars, who were in relatively close proximity to the Muslim world, but who did not develop their religious heresy in ways analagous to Islam (but who were instead Manicheans, a religious worldview anathema to both Christianity and Islam), would seem to contradict laptop's hypothesis (which is by no means outrageous, I think) that analogies between Luther's version of Christianity might be related to the proximity of central Europe to those parts of the continent under Ottoman rule at that time.

You shit for brains fuck-knuckle.

So, let me get this straight...

...you believe phil to be a shit for brains fuck-knuckle?;)
So, let me get this straight...

...you believe phil to be a shit for brains fuck-knuckle?;)

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Meanwhile in actual ISIS news, there is direct fighting on the Lebanon border, interestingly, it seems this may bring hezbollah and Lebanon's Christians together to fight their common foe.

Thanks for trying at least.

Beardies say 'coalition'air-strikes in raqqa have killed their last US hostage Kayla Mueller. That's them saying that.

Depressing that we're now just talking about what militarised forces have done/are doing/plan to do.
I didn't say it that that influence would spread through France, I was talking specifically about the southern French world which looks south to the Mediterranean, and is part of a Mediterrean culture interaction sphere that dates back to antiquity (if not earlier).

(FFS, there's a harbour in Marseilles that has been in continuous use since the ancient Greeks and Phoencians).

If we're going to be nitpickingly accurate about the Cathars, then given that the sect lived on both sides of the Pyrenees, they were even closer to Muslims and Islamic culture than "the southern French world", and yet still no syncretism.
Alright, I will. Unless Pickman's is brazen enough to deny it again, in which case I'll offer evidence. I don't like being called a liar, and he knows I'm not lying.

But you're right, it's a distraction. So if he chooses to leave it alone, I'll do the same.
i have never burned nor have i claimed i burned an effigy of any description in a london park. so there you have it.
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