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The Islamic state

I was trying to explain IS to a nine-year-old yesterday, and the best explanation I could come up with for why there hasn't been a concerted international effort to destroy the ringleaders and their infrastructure, was the absolute impossibility of consensus about what shape and form nation-building in Syria and Iraq would take afterwards.

People who are following this stuff and understand it, is that more or less right?
I was trying to explain IS to a nine-year-old yesterday, and the best explanation I could come up with for why there hasn't been a concerted international effort to destroy the ringleaders and their infrastructure, was the absolute impossibility of consensus about what shape and form nation-building in Syria and Iraq would take afterwards.

People who are following this stuff and understand it, is that more or less right?
i think the consensus is 'not what we did following 2003', although as you say that does leave the canvas fairly blank.
i think the consensus is 'not what we did following 2003', although as you say that does leave the canvas fairly blank.

Also, there are more shades of religious and political opinion represented among people who have had enough of IS than there were among the soi-disant coalition of the willing in 2003.
Also, there are more shades of religious and political opinion represented among people who have had enough of IS than there were among the soi-disant coalition of the willing in 2003.
yeh but that's not the point as the people who pay the piper for the rebuilding likely to be the same as the auld willing lot in 2003. so it's all fucked.
Which is about as reasonable a summary of it all as Regan has a right to expect.


it's all any of us have a right to expect :(
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syria was split on tribal/ethnic lines before the civil war when IS vanishes its not going to be in a great state.
Going from a tyranny to a functioning state is hard even harder when the basic concepts like rule of law the nation state idenity.
Putting germany back together cost $$$$$$$$$ planing started in 43 and involved a massive occupation force.

Syria no plans
Zero willing occupiers
Ethnic/tribal splits no hisotry of rule of law or nationality
Prognosis get as far away as possible.
Info on squabbling around Sinjar:

Kurdish rivalry delays victory in Sinjar

The incomplete Sinjar operation lowered the credibility of the KDP among the Yazidis. Subsequently, an argument erupted about giving Sinjar area the status of canton.

Barzani’s KDP feared that a canton might be an alternative to the existing structure, under PKK guidance, and vehemently opposed the idea. The Yazidis, on the other hand, insisted on self-governance and their own defense forces to prevent further massacres.

On Jan. 14-15, 210 Yazidi notables met at the Sinjar Mountains and declared the establishment of a constituent assembly, whose current 27 members will total 80 after the refugees return.

Yazidi self-governance and self-defense demands go back to 2004-2005, when non-KDP Kurdish movements had approved of giving priority to the Kurdish identity of the Yazidis. In three meetings held in Mosul, the consensus was that unless the Yazidis organize their own governance and self-defense, massacres would repeat. This led to the formation of the Yazidi Democratic Movement (TEVDA) in 2005 to follow up on the demands, and the PKK had considerable influence on this process. The Yazidis wanted US weapons assistance. The newspapers Ki Tigris and Saniye Spi were established with US funding. The KDP intelligence service that perceived these activities as threats sent warning messages to the Yazidi delegates and even detained some them.

Today, the KDP strongly condemns the self-governance decision and is holding the PKK responsible for the developments. Sociologist Azad Baris, leader of the Yazidi Cultural Foundation and a delegate to the meetings, told Al-Monitor, “The PKK was involved but did not lead the way as it did in 2004-2005. Among the participants were known Yazidi names from the Kurdish Patriotic Union, Yazidi Communist Party, Progressive Yazidi Party, European Yazidi Federation and Yazidi Cultural Foundation. Their aim is to give Sinjar autonomous status and build administrative bodies with the help of Kurdish actors. Nobody even mentioned a canton or an independent entity. Yazidis know they are at the point of no return. Anyone who stands against this current cannot be our friend, no matter what his name, race and ideology may be. After this point, we will never accept domination by anyone. The KDP [Barzani] has to understand that old ways will not work any longer. Nobody wants the KDP. If one day our refugees return and elections are held, the PKK will gain more than 70% of the vote.”

An official of the HPG force at Mount Sinjar told Al-Monitor about the problems with the KDP. "Kurdistan military officials don’t want a second armed force to emerge under PKK control. They told us, ‘If we don’t lead the liberation operation and if you don’t behave as guests, we won’t enter into a joint operation with you.' In fact, dialogue between the groups fighting is excellent but politicians are preventing joint action.”
More here

Murat Karayılan criticized the South Kurdistan forces and South Kurdistan media for imposing censorship on the truth and making it look as if the guerrilla forces weren't there. He pointed out that PKK forces have played a major role in the defense of South Kurdistan, in Sinjar, Makhmur-Hewler and Kirkuk, and reminded everyone of the false charge that the guerrillas went there in order to occupy the regions. "We consider these approaches as an insult. They want to present the PKK as an illegitimate force," he said, criticizing this attitude, which he said aimed to cover up the truth. "We are fighting there, giving our lives and sacrificing our respectable and brave youths. We are there for the sacred lands of Kurdistan, not for propaganda. The denial of the truth, however, cannot be accepted. Our administration is discussing whether or not to withdraw the guerrilla from South Kurdistan.

Murat Karayılan: We are discussing withdrawing the guerrillas from South Kurdistan
I am someone who is trying to establish on what basis you are deciding whether someone is Muslim or not.

Members of my family believe that Catholics are not Christian, they believe this for religious reasons not because they have access to some sort of objective evidence that contradicts mainstream study of religion. Similarly, you are making a claim that people who say they are Muslim are not in fact Muslim and I want to know on what basis you are making that claim. If it is a faith based claim, like ISIS' claim that people who run mixed gender universities are not Muslim, then that is difficult to argue with but if you have an evidence based claim then I would like to hear it.

Do you think that mainstream Shia Muslims are Muslim? Alawites? Are all Sunni Muslims who agree with Western foreign policy non-Muslim?

You an unbeliever ask me to decide who is a Muslim or not?

Do one.

Site is infested with Islamophobes and trolls.
You an unbeliever ask me to decide who is a Muslim or not?

Do one.

Site is infested with Islamophobes and trolls.

So you want to denounce Muslims you don't like as being non-Muslim then get indignant and throw around accusations of Islamophobia when people ask you to clarify your position further. I think that you know that your actual position will not be very well received which is why you are behaving like this.
Just to remind people that the Turkish state (stepped up border shellings over weekend) is not the turkish people and turkish society is riven internally by class conflict as well and many of its workers are at war with the same state (indeed DISK has been the target of imprisonment/murder/shootings etc):

Turkish union mobilises thousands to rebuild Kobane

A statement released by the Confederation of Revolutionary Trade Unions of Turkey (DISK) in Diyarbakir says the union has 12,000 members who have pledged their willingness to assist in the reconstruction of Kobanê following the offensive from ISIS which left much of the city in ruins.

The statement added that DISK members, who could help in rebuilding the local infrastructure, would not remain silent in the face of the Turkish state’s refusal to open an aid corridor to the city of Kobanê, in the predominantly Kurdish Rojava region.

Serdar Ekingen, a regional representative for DISK in Diyarbakir, made the statement at a press conference organised by the Rojava Association.

He said, “The honor of humanity had won in Kobanê”, but that ISIS barbarism had left much of the area in ruins.

Note: that doesn't mean the union has 12 000 members, it has around 400 000 but that 12 000 members have signed up to help rebuild kobani.
Doing a follow up to that piece about the origins of jihadism and its worldwide spread, and how it was ignored by western secutity services, and reasons for its popularity among some muslims, that have very very little to do with the actual content of the koran imo.
Doing a follow up to that piece about the origins of jihadism and its worldwide spread, and how it was ignored by western secutity services, and reasons for its popularity among some muslims, that have very very little to do with the actual content of the koran imo.
May be on interest to you and the colonialism idea you were investigating - it's from Yassin al-Haj Saleh again (very useful archive of his stuff here) and it looks at the concepts of taghyeer (تغيير) and taghayur (تغيّر).

Both words mean change. But taghyeer connotes planned action, executed unilaterally by a powerful elite, with a pre-known end result; whereas taghayur implies an open- ended, multitudinous process that could be influenced by organized social agents. Taghyeer is engineered according to a pre-determined ideal, already complete before its application, while it is this ideal which is always revised and revisited during the process of taghayur. The agent of taghayur is the population; they are the changer and the changed, while the agent of taghyeer is an omniscient and mighty elite, to whom the population is a passive object to be changed from above and outside. For there must be an outside to effect taghyeer.

(Looks and sounds rather similar to negri's constituent power and constituted power/power as potentia and power as potestas)
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