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The Islamic state

Having a bit of a moment of paranoia here. I linked to some of the john cantlie hostage vids on youtube in my puece on Daesh. Theres no chance i could be arrested for that is there?
Having a bit of a moment of paranoia here. I linked to some of the john cantlie hostage vids on youtube in my puece on Daesh. Theres no chance i could be arrested for that is there?

Right on cue, another Cantlie video released - John in Aleppo, visiting madrases & a sharia court, nodding along to a French-speaking hood urging Western muslims to 'kill them with knives', and going full-Partridge over some farming footage. The last in the series - whatever that means.
Very brief interview but very revealing for all that:

FSA ‘split’ as Islamic State moves into Homs

Q: The FSA and Jabhat al-Nusra control most of the rural areas in Homs province. What is their reaction to IS advancing toward Homs?

The FSA leadership is split between support for, and opposition to, the presence of IS in Homs. One side favors confronting IS and its followers, while the other prefers welcoming and pledging allegiance to IS and the [pro-IS] Assoud al-Islam Brigade under the leadership of Rafid Taha in Telbisa.

With regard to Jabhat al-Nusra, they maintain a firm position [against IS] and as such have surrendered their fronts to the FSA, sounded a call to arms, and begun to close off the entrances in the eastern countryside to IS bases.

Not sure how valuable this guys input will be.

Good luck to him. He's put his money where his mouth is which is more than what most "idealogues" on the left have done, so nobody should be mocking him gratuitously as he's going to learn a hell of a lot just from being with his new brothers and sisters in arms, and that experience alone, will probably make him a better a person, unlike the scum that have gone to ISIS. How many of the left have gone out there?
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Good luck to him. He's put his money where his mouth is which is more than what most "idealogues" on the left have done, so nobody should be mocking him gratuitously as he's going to learn a hell of a lot just from being with his new brothers and sisters in arms, and that experience alone, will probably make him a better a person, unlike the scum that have gone to ISIS. How many of the left have gone out there?
What left? In the broad, hundreds. A left that only you count as left - less.
Never thought I'd be standing up for Dwyer, ever. But guys, just try and listen a moment, OK?

Fair point, he detests the Kurds and especially hates the PKK, but now and again he makes an interesting contribution, though his little derails in conjunction with Spymaster are totally out of order.
Does anyone seriously think that if "the West" were to "get out" of the Middle East (and what are we talking about here? Military presence or something more?) that Daesh would meekly up sticks and go home?
Phil obviously thinks so!
I'm not at all sure who they were. I do know that no atrocity was successfully perpetrated.

It seems pretty obvious to me that attacking and occupying foreign lands invites retaliation. That's a good reason not to do it.
Mebbes you could tell that to IS? Hopefully in person?
2day day running regime killed 100 civs in Allepo - ISIS moving stuff out of allepp and to raqqa. YPG clearing east of kobani out, west done to river, east makes hands with cizre.
I have never ever said that ISIS or IDF actions are to do with mental illness in fact whenever this argument comes up I have always rejected it.

I don't know. I don't think it's nothing to do with the west but I do think that these motivations are not the only or even the most important ones.

The 'Wests' actions' may have been a useful starting point for the jihadists, but we have gone well beyond that it's now an Islamic power struggle and jihadist attacks on the west are now very little more than a diversionary tactic aimed at the western public, ie,keep your noses out if you know what's good for you.
But like many others on here I'm willing to be corrected, it's a total mess, and while I don't believe it's our fault,we are to blame for letting the genie out of the bottle.
US opening air base near Erbil, Kurdish official says

The United States is opening an air base in the Kurdistan Region, and planes based there will carry out surveillance missions but not bombing raids, a Kurdish official said.

Helgurd Hekmat, spokesman for the Kurdish Peshmerga forces fighting on the ground against ISIS, said that US military planes and personnel would be deployed at the new base, which was still under construction.

“The base Is close to Erbil,” he told Turkey’s Anadolu Agency, without giving more details. "The aircraft will carry out surveillance," he added, “but those on bombing missions will not take off from the new base."

Hekmat said the base – once ready – would be used by all countries that are part of the US-led coalition arrayed against insurgents fighting under the Islamic State (ISIS) banner....
Isis are your fundie sunni group so killing sunni who dont agree with them is the preferred choice then the shia then kurds and others and finally the west though are hostages are a chance at a few million in cash
The recuits make news and are handy for scut work.
The 'Wests' actions' may have been a useful starting point for the jihadists, but we have gone well beyond that it's now an Islamic power struggle and jihadist attacks on the west are now very little more than a diversionary tactic aimed at the western public, ie,keep your noses out if you know what's good for you.
But like many others on here I'm willing to be corrected, it's a total mess, and while I don't believe it's our fault,we are to blame for letting the genie out of the bottle.

I think attacks on the West are more about earning credit for "taking on" the kuffar and earning legitimacy that way, especially as a distraction to what IS has been doing (which as likesfish and others have stated is basically killing Sunnis, Shias and everyone else). If they were interested in keeping the West out then it would be a lot better for them to not attack at all.

I also think that the culpability of Bush, Blair and more than a few western leaders (and not us/"we", lets face it the vast majority of the population here were correctly against what went on in Iraq for instance) is a lot greater than just letting the genie out of the bottle (by invading Iraq) - both the UK and US have been for decades and continue to be directly allied with the genie, allowing it to spread its influence and money worldwide.
Whats going on with Boko Haram and ISIS then? BH just released a video with al-baghdadi in it.

AFAIK the Bokes are a fully home-grown Nigerian product. I wouldn't read too much into BH releasing a vid with some ISIS bloke in it. These sorts of things circulate throughout the Muslim world, including the Muslim bits West Africa, but that doesn't mean that local factors aren't the most important one. Probably Benson and Hedges are looking at ISIS and saying "well played, we tip our fedoras to you", though.
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