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The Islamic state

tbf some of that is dwyer engaging in some pointless attention-seeking. You can probably skip a load of that content and still get good info from this thread....

Generally speaking, you can ^F search for appearances of Dwyer on any page of any thread. More often than not, you can ignore the entire page from the point where he appears. Saves a lot of time.

Often you can ignore the entire page from the point where he appears :mad:
disgusting. i think they know they're on the back foot here. would they have done this if they'd taken Kobane? probably not. this is a combination of:
A) show of strength to their fighters/local populace under their control
B) scare tactics aimed at the Shias, Kurds, Jordanians and so on - "can you really face the prospect of being captured by us?"

May the Kurdish victory be a mortal blow to ISIS everywhere.
A video has emerged purportedly showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians who had been kidnapped by Islamic State (IS) in Libya.

The footage shows a group wearing orange overalls, being forced to the ground and then decapitated.

It was posted online by Libyan jihadists who say they are allied with IS.

Can't be long before the bombing starts here again. I suppose the RAF will have fairly up-to-date maps.
New ISIS video in which the scum execute 21 Coptic Christians who they kidnapped in Libya.
More Westerners volunteering to fight ISIS, except this time to fight with an Iraqi Christian militia. Good luck to them.


Saint Michael, the archangel of battle, is tattooed across the back of a U.S. army veteran who recently returned to Iraq and joined a Christian militia fighting Islamic State in what he sees as a biblical war between good and evil.

Brett, 28, carries the same thumb-worn pocket Bible he did whilst deployed to Iraq in 2006 – a picture of the Virgin Mary tucked inside its pages and his favorite verses highlighted.

“It's very different," he said, asked how the experiences compared. "Here I’m fighting for a people and for a faith, and the enemy is much bigger and more brutal."

Thousands of foreigners have flocked to Iraq and Syria in the past two years, mostly to join Islamic State, but a handful of idealistic Westerners are enlisting as well, citing frustration their governments are not doing more to combat the ultra-radical Islamists or prevent the suffering of innocents.

The militia they joined is called Dwekh Nawsha – meaning self-sacrifice in the ancient Aramaic language spoken by Christ and still used by Assyrian Christians, who consider themselves the indigenous people of Iraq.

A map on the wall in the office of the Assyrian political party affiliated with Dwekh Nawsha marks the Christian towns in northern Iraq, fanning out around the city of Mosul.

The majority are now under control of Islamic State, which overran Mosul last summer and issued am ultimatum to Christians: pay a tax, convert to Islam, or die by the sword. Most fled.

Dwekh Nawsha operates alongside Kurdish peshmerga forces to protect Christian villages on the frontline in Nineveh province.

“These are some of the only towns in Nineveh where church bells ring. In every other town the bells have gone silent, and that’s unacceptable,” said Brett, who has "The King of Nineveh" written in Arabic on the front of his army vest.

Brett, who like other foreign volunteers withheld his last name out of concern for his family's safety, is the only one to have engaged in fighting so far.

The others, who arrived just last week, were turned back from the frontline on Friday by Kurdish security services who said they needed official authorization.


Tim shut down his construction business in Britain last year, sold his house and bought two plane tickets to Iraq: one for himself and another for a 44-year-old American software engineer he met through the internet.

The men joined up at Dubai airport, flew to the Kurdish city of Suleimaniyah and took a taxi to Duhok, where they arrived last week.

“I’m here to make a difference and hopefully put a stop to some atrocities,” said 38-year-old Tim, who previously worked in the prison service. “I’m just an average guy from England really.”

Scott, the software engineer, served in the U.S. Army in the 1990s, but lately spent most of his time in front of a computer screen in North Carolina.

He was mesmerized by images of Islamic State militants hounding Iraq's Yazidi minority and became fixated on the struggle for the Syrian border town of Kobani -- the target of a relentless campaign by the jihadists, who were held off by the lightly armed Kurdish YPG militia, backed by U.S. air strikes.

Scott had planned to join the YPG, which has drawn a flurry of foreign recruits, but changed his mind four days before heading to the Middle East after growing suspicious of the group's ties to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

He and the other volunteers worried they would not be allowed home if they were associated with the PKK, which the United States and Europe consider a terrorist organization. They also said they disliked the group’s leftist ideology.

The only foreign woman in Dwekh Nawsha's ranks said she had been inspired by the role of women in the YPG, but identified more closely with the "traditional" values of the Christian militia.

Wearing a baseball cap over her balaclava, she said radical Islam was at the root of many conflicts and had to be contained.

All the volunteers said they were prepared to stay in Iraq indefinitely.

“Everyone dies,” said Brett, asked about the prospect of being killed. “One of my favorite verses in the Bible says: be faithful unto death, and I shall give you the crown of life.”
Fucking hell. Libya now. And their dictator is already dead so there's even more vacuum to fill than in Syria. Egypt bombing exercises just face saving propaganda, they don't even know where to begin maintaining order in their own country. This is super depressing but begs the following question : why is stuff like this not happening in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia? Perhaps it is on a smaller scale. Got any good links, frogwoman / butchers?
Fucking hell. Libya now. And their dictator is already dead so there's even more vacuum to fill than in Syria. Egypt bombing exercises just face saving propaganda, they don't even know where to begin maintaining order in their own country. This is super depressing but begs the following question : why is stuff like this not happening in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia? Perhaps it is on a smaller scale. Got any good links, frogwoman / butchers?
because 'they' decided to make am example of libya
The largest number of ISIS fighters is actually from Tunisia afaik. And Chechnya as well.

Wish we could do something about it instead of ineffectively ranting online.
The largest number of ISIS fighters is actually from Tunisia afaik. And Chechnya as well.

Wish we could do something about it instead of ineffectively ranting online.

You could say that about so many things today, the left in the 30's would be saddened by the ineffectualness of todays model.
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