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The 'I have some sort of lurgy but don't know if it is corona or just a cold' thread

Felt a bit crummy since last week. Went to be late Friday night and slept through all of Sunday. Got up on Monday feeling shittier with sore chest and a slight temperature. Now I'm still feeling exhausted and still have the slight temperature (currently 38.8) but although my chest kinda hurts thankfully no shortness of breath.

I'm sorta self isolated but I'm living with 3 others all of who are bloody high risk.

Really hoping this is poorly timed regular lurgy.
Actually this could probably just be merged with the If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it? Thread

For some reason I thought that thread was just for confirmed cases
Actually this could probably just be merged with the If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it? Thread

For some reason I thought that thread was just for confirmed cases

Confirmed cases, that's a good one. What do you think this is, a country where they test people for a virus that's already claimed thousands of lives and brought society to a standstill?
My mask did nothing.....
To be fair it may have protected others whilst you were asymptomatic. It may also have reduced your initial viral load.

All entirely IMHO: If I were in the same situation I would keep away from the others for as long as I could and wear the mask if in proximity/the same room to them. Keep washing those hands. Keep monitoring temperature and, if possible, should breathing become laboured, blood oxygen (some recent smartphones are capable of monitoring SpO2 eg Samsung Galaxy series via the 'Samsung Health' app; but take multiple readings and don't assume that such a device is entirely accurate). If SpO2 drops below 95% consult professional medical opinion. Worth doing some breathing exercises if you feel able.
I have had hay fever itchiness and slight wheeziness all day which normally wouldn't think twice about but any little change in how we physically feel right now is so noticeable huh?
I don't have a temperature and have very itchy inner ear tubes so definitely hay fever but still, makes one para.
To be fair it may have protected others whilst you were asymptomatic. It may also have reduced your initial viral load.

All entirely IMHO: If I were in the same situation I would keep away from the others for as long as I could and wear the mask if in proximity/the same room to them. Keep washing those hands. Keep monitoring temperature and, if possible, should breathing become laboured, blood oxygen (some recent smartphones are capable of monitoring SpO2 eg Samsung Galaxy series via the 'Samsung Health' app; but take multiple readings and don't assume that such a device is entirely accurate). If SpO2 drops below 95% consult professional medical opinion. Worth doing some breathing exercises if you feel able.
I do not think Shippou-Sensei should be in the same room as anyone atm. The advice for family/shared houses is that the symptomatic person isolates in their room.

One of my best mates and her son are recovering from 'the rona' and completely isolating from her husband within the house. Everybody fastidiously cleans the communal areas, kitchen and bathroom after using.
Felt a bit crummy since last week. Went to be late Friday night and slept through all of Sunday. Got up on Monday feeling shittier with sore chest and a slight temperature. Now I'm still feeling exhausted and still have the slight temperature (currently 38.8) but although my chest kinda hurts thankfully no shortness of breath.

I'm sorta self isolated but I'm living with 3 others all of who are bloody high risk.

Really hoping this is poorly timed regular lurgy.
As others have said, assume it is and isolate from the rest of the house.
I've had a really, really painful sore throat for the past 36 hours, which has meant I haven't slept much and I'm feeling lethargic and a bit achy all over. No temperature, coughing difficulties or much else so I guess it's just a regular 'feeling a bit shit' with a side salad of mild worry because of the current situation.

I've had flu twice and this is not even in the same ballpark, but I suppose I could be getting a very mild dose - which would be sort of good because I'd get it out of the way. Fingers crossed it gets better!
Fortnight ago started getting slight aches and pains, a burning pressure in my sinuses and a headache. The back of my throat and then my whole windpipe started feeling a bit raw. I felt slightly rough like when you havent slept all night. Things tasted odd. But no cough and the thermometer showed only a slightly lower temp than normal. Be great if it was Covid (I lived) but very much doubt it.
lots of what people describe here are some key symptoms of M.E and Fibromyalgia, not saying for a moment that people have, but if they are prolonged worth looking into
My chronic mild sinusitis has merged into hayfever and I woke up after a weird claustrophobic dream to a blocked nose and borderline panic attack.
If it hadn't turned so flaming cold, I would sneak out for a bike ride...
I'm definitely getting out of the house today for a long ride.
This happened last year when I was stuck at home sick for months ..
I've now had seven days of a really fucking horrible sore throat, restless sleep and a run-down feeling. I'm thinking that in the world as it was, I'd have a couple of DJ gigs and nights out and 'shake off' the negativity but maybe being stuck in is just making it worse. But - as I said earlier - in the grand scheme of things, it's not that bad at all.
Have felt weak and tight chested up upon awaking today, started coughing a fair bit this evening and started to shit it a bit!

Now haven't coughed for hours and have no temperature, so feeling a bit more optimistic. I've never felt this way before which got me worried, but its very hard to not get paranoid at the moment when the news is a constant spiel of death and illness. Am hoping i wake up in the morning fine again and it was just a false alarm.
In my case I probably need to get out on my bike on a daily basis before the railway path gets busy.
I managed to get my lungs working a bit yesterday, but chickened out when I saw congestion building up ahead ... And there are some very narrow sections alongside the steam railway.
The trade-off is sharing the path with the grim-faced Lycra crowd....
It seems highly unlikely that I'll be deemed "essential" at work next week and cycling there again - not least because I'm about to turn 60 and qualified for a free flu jab this year - albeit on what I reckon is a technicality....
My temperature is now 32.9 on two thermometers touching each other and I'm actually shivering. Suffering significant anxiety at the moment
BP and pulse normal
I managed to get it to 35 by pre-warming the thermometers.
Once this is all over, I will mention it to the doc.
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I think it must be the lack of exercise - I'm not used to having snot - albeit there's only a modest amount now... weirdly there's no phlegm production ... the teeeeeniest bit of hayfever from time to time. I'm hoping to be sorting the back garden next week so we shall see ...
Thermometers still having a laugh - 33 degrees C first thing in the morning.
If I manage to work up a bit of a sweat later in the day I might manage a hypothermic 35.
Perhaps I'm a phenomenon that is worthy of study :hmm:
I think it must be the lack of exercise - I'm not used to having snot - albeit there's only a modest amount now... weirdly there's no phlegm production ... the teeeeeniest bit of hayfever from time to time. I'm hoping to be sorting the back garden next week so we shall see ...
Thermometers still having a laugh - 33 degrees C first thing in the morning.
If I manage to work up a bit of a sweat later in the day I might manage a hypothermic 35.
Perhaps I'm a phenomenon that is worthy of study :hmm:

Even if it's not covid I'd call the doctor, they can still discuss with you . That sort of temp isn't normal
Even if it's not covid I'd call the doctor, they can still discuss with you . That sort of temp isn't normal
I've struggled to find anything online ...
I'm usually less able to cope with stuffy offices than most people I know.
I hope when I'm really ancient I will be located somewhere that I can go ocean swimming on NYD :D
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