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the great live album rip off

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Reaching out
Browsing the shelves recently I noticed that there are now more than a few bands releasing live albums these days; Zeppelin, Who, Genesis, Floyd etc etc.
Back in the day a band occasionally released a live album to help fans get a live album and not be ripped off by bootlegs.
These days it appears to be the bands ripping people off; 10, 15 or 20 albums or so is not uncommon eg Genesis have released live in New York as two albums!
They certainly know their market; middle aged fans with more disposable income than ever before.
For goodness sake, how much can these bands rip people off for, its really taking the piss. Do they need the money - NO.
Is it happening because they have long since sold their rights to a third party?
IF I were to succumb this trend and only if, it would perhaps be a recording of a gig I was at, if only I can remember them.

What do others think?
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