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The gardening thread

Morning thread!....Robin and friends are on the wall again this morning so removing the MONSTER ivy has clearly uncovered some delights for them. Also, i'm happy about getting that done because the light onto the ground at the back has increased and I can see/get at the well established roots of Ivy that is climbing up and suffocating the large trees along the back wall.

I need a chainsaw. :)
Our tool porn is getting more expensive :)

I am waiting for a delivery but hope to dig some holes later today. If the weather holds off and the baby behaves....
Think I might rip out the passion flower and jasmine at the end of the yard...the bed they grow out of is basically a toilet for my cat :mad: and the trellis they're attached to has been blown off the fence by recent storms. I am tempted to get rid of the lot and plant a fruit tree instead.

Jasmine and passion flower GONE :cool: Pondering what kind of fruit tree to get now.

Need to cut the honeysuckle and rose climbers back soon too. They are totally wild.
Jasmine and passion flower GONE :cool: Pondering what kind of fruit tree to get now.

Need to cut the honeysuckle and rose climbers back soon too. They are totally wild.

As Manter says, an espaliered pear or apple would be good, or perhaps even a peach?
Is it south facing?

I'm considering a peach tree for our south facing patio, but I need to wait until we've laid a new patio before I get it.
There's a (non hardy) fuchsia tucked into the corner of the patio, up against the wall of the house, sheltered by a big potted bamboo and it's still in flower from last summer so I reckon a peach stands a good chance in the same spot.
I started the day badly by wasting too much time on the interweb looking for wellington boots to fit my apparently enormous calves.

Then I decided to recycle a pair of black leather and leopard skin ankle boots of dubious taste - they are now my gardening boots. I should have done this earlier.

I have done quite a bit of weeding and pruning. Very soggy out there though.
I'm considering a peach tree for our south facing patio, but I need to wait until we've laid a new patio

Peaches can be a bit swinish, needing spraying against leaf curl (and almonds, nectarines etc.)....but apples, plums even cherries (with netting) are all good in pots and can be bought with dwarfing rootstock.

Yeah, I have had the same problems with wellies - had to cut them down before circulation problems stopped all blood flow below the knee.
campanula I'm currently thinking cherry. There's definitely only room for one so I need something that doesn't require a mate to pollinate, and I gather there are several good cherry varieties for this.

Plus cherry fruit are fucking well expensive.
They are gorgeous as well. I have a Lapins/Cherokee and a late ripening Sweetheart - absolutely delicious but once pigeons have seen them, it is game over unless you wrap them in net.....or, I think best of all would be if you can find any old net curtains in charity shops....because birds simply peck through garden net unless you have a cage (which I don't). Any of the Canadian cherries are good (Stella, Summer Sun) and probably more reliable than the French bigarreau types. Cherries are probably my favourite summer fruit and they also hang on the tree for a while and last well in the fridge....unlike strawbs which are rubbish after 12 hours.
I had a lovely cherry tree in my old garden, potted, dwarf stock. I never got round to netting it and only ever got one cherry a year before the pigeons had them away.
I bough a rose bose from the pound shop last weekend and have been watching it carefully, dripping the odd bit of water on it, just waiting for a less windy or rainy day before I settle it into a pot on my balcony.
I also have bulbs that I need to stick in some dirt before it's too late.
I bough a rose bose from the pound shop last weekend and have been watching it carefully, dripping the odd bit of water on it, just waiting for a less windy or rainy day before I settle it into a pot on my balcony.
I also have bulbs that I need to stick in some dirt before it's too late.
Keep the bulbs cool and in the dark, you'll be fine
Ah. Well. They're pound shop stock, so they'll probably be shit anyway.
I've got faith in them, still. I'll give them a little team talk when I plant them. It'll be grand
D'you reckon I'll be able to grow a rose bush on my balcony then? I'll buy it some special feed and give it a fairly deep pot (I don't want it to be very big either, just pretty) but does anyone know if they dislike pots?
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