All this talking of fuschias makes me want to drive to the 'local' specialist but got no cash so will have to do without. Local in my case is an afternoon trip, probably 100km there and back. But I have been busy raking the dead moss out of the grass. Been putting that off for years and it was getting very squidgy to walk on.
Mr. Purdie got next week off and he is sorting out the growth along the fence. A mixture of bindweed, ground elder, stinging nettles and an old snowberry that has been annoying me for a few years now and odds and sods of bits of fence that previous tenants have slapped on. When he gets to the end it's the big one cause the elder tree is coming down. Played with the idea of planting bamboo but decided against it cause it don't really fit with the trees I do want to keep. Thinking of Garrya elliptica, it's low maintenance, fits the space, can take the cold winters bla bla bla. And it would fit in nice with what is there
We were lucky really. Last year the waterboard installed some pipes in the landlords' wood and ripped everything next to our fence up and afterwards they re-seeded it. Now we have a bufferzone of grass before the wilderness that is his woods starts.
Which is why the fence bit never got done before. It was a lost cause.
Might plant some cucumbers tomorrow and sow some wildflower mixture. That probably will end up being eaten by the birds. Got some carrots and onions too.
Thought I had removed the dahlia corms last year but obviously not all as some have started to grow. I'm seriously considering planting the onions in the gaps. The veggie box has borage in the middle bit now and will plant it with herbs this year.
Did prune some of the roses and we're ripping out the old climber to put two new ones. Something stands me by that I shouldn't plant roses in the same spot but bought them at Aldi for 2 Euro each so not the end of the world if they don't live. Also bought a pink Magnolia whip for 2 Euro, no idea where to put it again, man I am hopeless
But I have decided where to put the small leaved rhododendron so that is something I suppose and also found a place for a Deutzia that has been in a pot too long. All in all not a bad few weeks in the garden.