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The FBI created a closed encrypted app, AN0M, for criminals - over 800 arrests so far.

If you want an eighth of puff ask for a ‘Henry’ ;)
Your dealer will turn up with a vacuum cleaner
Are you telling me that drug dealers don’t ring each other up on their landlines and say “hello. my good fellow. Coukd you sell me a kilogram of your finest Bolivian cocaine please. I will pay you £50,000 of your English pounds. I suggest we meet at 1245 tomorrow (Thursday) in the car park of the Droitwich Sainsbury’s. My man will be driving a black BMW 5 series registration number DrU6 B0Y. Would you be so kind as not to attempt a offence of robbery against my associates and myself as we will be carrying two of Messrs Glock’ s most efficient handguns and we could all get dreadfully discombobulated. I look forward to doing business again with you in the future.”
They're the ones that won't get caught since plod will probably think "Nah no-one's that dumb, must be someone pissing us about"
Is that why state security keeps asking encryption providers to provide backdoors into their systems? That doesn't strike me as ringing with confidence that they can easily crack modern encryption.
It's exactly what I do if I'd cracked it. "Please Mr Apple open the phone. Put in a backdoor. Help us, help us, help us..." Then going crying to the press. Job done.

On Tuesday, global law enforcement officials revealed the unprecedented scope of the three-year operation, saying they had intercepted over 20 million messages in 45 languages, and arrested at least 800 people, most of them in the past two days, in more than a dozen countries. Using the messages, U.S. court papers say, the authorities have opened a barrage of international investigations into drug trafficking, money laundering and “high-level public corruption.”

On Tuesday, global law enforcement officials revealed the unprecedented scope of the three-year operation, saying they had intercepted over 20 million messages in 45 languages, and arrested at least 800 people, most of them in the past two days, in more than a dozen countries. Using the messages, U.S. court papers say, the authorities have opened a barrage of international investigations into drug trafficking, money laundering and “high-level public corruption.”
particularly like the last 4 words in bracket there, let's see if it leads anywhere.
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