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The Daily Climate Show - Sky News Mon-Fri @ 6.30pm


Chief seagull hater & farmerbarleymow's nemesis.
Heads up on this show, it's rather good, and I am impressed that Sky News has made such a commitment to highlight climate change.

Hosted by Anna Jones, The Daily Climate Show will follow Sky News correspondents as they investigate how global warming is changing our landscape and how we all live our lives.

John Ryley, head of Sky News said: "There has never been a more urgent need to report accurately on the climate crisis and to bring this story to new audiences. In this critical year for action ahead of COP26, The Daily Climate Show from Sky News will feature forensic data-journalism, expert analysis and eye-witness reporting and look at the solutions to climate change."

COP26 president Alok Sharma said: "I'm delighted to see how Sky, a Principal Partner and Media Partner for COP26, is informing and engaging its viewers about the climate crisis, and the need for urgent action, through the Daily Climate Show.

Often some of their reports, and the 'dashboard', gets into their main news bulletins too.


* This image is from last night's show, showing an impressive 49% of energy from renewables, sadly on some days recently that dropped to below 20%.

They also produce a podcast called the 'ClimateCast', although I've not listened to any of them, I am sure they will as informative and professional as the TV show.

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1880 is presumably chosen as the base year because it was when their former proprietor was born.

Fair play to them for doing this. Bit surprising the BBC haven't tried something similar, either on News24 or BBC2.
Interesting piece on yesterday's show about a new inter-connecter cable that has come online, between Norway & the UK, so we can import hydroelectric.

I wasn't aware of that. Quite interesting viewing.

The BBC have belatedly launched their own version. It's ostensibly as a countdown to COP, although you'd hope they'd keep it going beyond then.

Sky News launched the show back in April, good to see the BBC playing catch-up at last, I wasn't aware of that, something else to set to record, thanks for the heads up.

ETA - Oh, the BBC's version is only weekly, not daily, poor effort in comparison.
Yes, I watched the first one earlier and noticed they promoted "next week's" episode.

It's surely a wide enough brief to manage 15 minutes a day, especially with the Beeb's global network of hacks.
In post #3 above, last Saturday morning wind was producing 42.6% of our electricity, and gas 'only' 26.3%, not looking so good this morning.


That's a bugger for both the climate, and the cost considering the price of gas has gone through the roof. :(
Interesting piece on yesterday's show about a new inter-connecter cable that has come online, between Norway & the UK, so we can import hydroelectric.

I think that will also allow export of wind when we have a surplus. This kind of linkage is essential to ‘balance’ renewable generation across the continent.
Using this as a proxy for general coverage of climate change, is it me or have things gone a bit quiet since COP finished? Or have the litany of government fuck-ups bumped the potential collapse of civilisation off the front pages?
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