If this programme was supposed to be a narrative about the misgivings many have about the official narrative, why no mention of the J7 campaign?
Oh, J7 were invited. They were invited before anyone else. They refused to participate. They like to big it up on the internet but won't speak out in public. probably because if they were out in public they would have to move from their comfort zone of asking endless questions online and actually posit something as an alt. explanation or provide evidence as to why the police investigation into the murders isn't good enough for them.
The J7 campaign totally distance themselves from The Ripple Effect...
...yes, they distanced themselves from the Ripple Effect, but they certainly are not distanced from wild conspiracy theories. They are pro- 'Ludicrous Diversion' and 'Mind The Gap'. They are savvy enough to try to pass themselves off as 'just asking questions' but they are conspiracy theorists and when under pressure here, one of them, known as 'Prole' on this forum said 'It's a traversty of justice, those men [the bombers] didn't do it.' So there you go, they have an agenda - they just hide it rather better than Kollerstrom, Gosling et al.
Maybe they were just too rational and reasonable to fit in with the Conspiracy Files narrative that all scepticism about the government narrative amounts to fruitloop conspiracy theories.
Prole aka Bridget Dunne first claims that everything J7 does is public, and was promptly caught out lying about the fact that J7 have secret forums - no doubt where they are able to air their prejudices rather more frankly than their public forum. When under pressure, she says the 7/7 men are innocent. Like all CT-ers, the J7 people demand more and more 'evidence' - yet when CCTV is released, they dismiss or disregard it.
But the most telling point of all is that Kollerstrom's book - widely derided as crap even by the J7 people -
is cut and pasted from the J7 website!
How embarassing! How infuriating for J7!
And it was Kollerstrom who first found out about the train not running, Kollerstrom who worked hand in glove with J7 until late 2006. Kollerstrom who was happy to identify himself as a member of J7 for over a year after the site was set up, and they were happy to have him on board too.
Since then they seem to have been amusing themselves by pasting every media article ever published on 7/7 onto their site, making lists of 'questions' that they don't want to know the answers to, and annoying police and emergency services by writing FOI letters.
I have no problem with the BBC shooting down wild conspiracy theories. But presenting a programme on the 7/7 bombings in such a way as to imply it covered all misgivings about the official narrative is misleading to say the least, and glaringly duplicitous at worst.
But it didn't. It just looked at the most popular conspiracy theories and investigated them, in an hour's programme
So why was no one at J7 invited to speak
they were , they even explain all this on their site
and give rational reasons why we need an open independent inquiry
But they don't seem willing or able to give rational reasons, apart from demanding their every question, suspicion, hypothesis and intuition is explained in a way that meets their exacting demands according to their world view which presupposes Islamist innocence - this is not being open minded, this is being hugely and wilfully biased.
and factual evidence released that can prove that the bombers were who the government say they were?
Because without that we are simply being asked to take the government and police at their word.
Well, yeah, like when any murder happens, people do usually manage to take the police 'at their word' that it was done by the murderer and not by a nefarious secretive crew of top secret agents with black helicopters.
And with their history that is something I am not prepared to do, and I believe many people feel the same way, with good reason I would add.
there is a great big yawning difference between thinking the Govt are a bunch of shits who lied about WMD etc, and thinking they organised the murder of 50+ people to prove ...to do...to achieve...what, exactly? How?
It's normal to be suspicious of the Govt but that doesn't mean you should believe any old totally irrational tripe about patsies, Mossad, actors, stuntmen, coverups, and all the rest of it.