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*The Archers thread

Is the court case this week?
If so, on the stand but even if not he'll blurt it out to someone this week.
Trouble is, George is such an unpleasant character it's impossible to feel any sympathy for him.
Emma and Ed, on the other hand, don't deserve to become pariahs.
Their business is going to suffer and half the village will stop talking to them.
George deserves to rot in prison but the Grundy's have suffered enough.
Poor Clarrie.
Without meaning this as a criticism (of TA or of your post, Monte) Ed and Emma have over the years been both really lovely and really awful characters.

So, I find it hard to sympathise with any of the characters in The Archers.

However, plot-lines that have built up over months/years and really good acting in the key episodes are a joy to listen to.
Emma is pretty awful; remember when she was asking everyone for money as they had lost the house they were getting in the new development.

Ed has a kind heart but is a bit useless.
I just think that our sense (as an audience) of natural justice is being tried where Alice is concerned, the persecution of an innocent is what we are hearing and naturally we want something done about that.
aah, just caught uo with last...thursdays (?). That was really nice tribute to Roy.

RIP Ian Pepperell (again)
Ah, is that what that was all about?
I hadn't realised the actor had died.
Roy came a long way from his BNP days.
Who'd have thought a far right racist would end up falling in love with the sort of Eastern European he once marched in opposition to.
He will (but this is The Archers, so anything could happen) and it's highly likely Emma and Will will get done for attempting to pervert the course of justice also.

And, "this the Archers", so we can't expect the storyline to resolve itself at all quickly.

My bet is they will draw it out over months!
I reckon we may get Anna Tregorran doing some barristering when Alice is on trial

I was thinking George might look up his crooked great uncle Alf Grundy, Believe he is also responsible for stealing the bunting some years ago from a village function - Lynda was very upset. Hopefully this action will be taken into consideration and reduce any sentence he may get
Fun guy :eek: now adding emotional blackmail to his many talents
Great website. Feel a bit wrong looking at the actor and thinking yea I can see he is a wrongun :) but very amusing putting faces to names. Justin Elliot is how I imagined him to be, Lilian isn't - Kirsty looks about right and Lynda Snell is bang on :)
Great website. Feel a bit wrong looking at the actor and thinking yea I can see he is a wrongun :) but very amusing putting faces to names. Justin Elliot is how I imagined him to be, Lilian isn't - Kirsty looks about right and Lynda Snell is bang on :)
Interesting that the Ambridge folk use pseudonyms in day to day life to avoid their names being recognised

Like how celebrities check into hotels under an alias
Is George going to be outed by uncle Clive?
That's where it seems to be heading.
There are two obvious storylines: Clive outs George or Alice recalls what happened (via the hypnotherapy or whatever the gobbledegook is that she's having)

Therefore, my money is on neither of these things happening.
There are two obvious storylines: Clive outs George or Alice recalls what happened (via the hypnotherapy or whatever the gobbledegook is that she's having)

Therefore, my money is on neither of these things happening.
Yes, big chance that they are both red herrings and he's outed some other way. Maybe even owning up himself in order to assuage his guilt (unlikely).
Yes, big chance that they are both red herrings and he's outed some other way. Maybe even owning up himself in order to assuage his guilt (unlikely).
Clive is a very big old stinking red herring though, fished up from the distant past, so I don't think that's his sole purpose as a plot device. He's either instrumental in outing George or he's going to do some new nasty crime.
He’s mentioned getting in touch with Kylie but kidnapping her seems unlikely given she’s a silent character. Would he take Chelsea or Brad?

A lot of the malignant characters who come and go and are linger in the subconscious of Ambridge are dead - Rob, Tiger Crawford to name two. Alf Grundy seems to have disappeared. I suppose there’s Hazel Woolley but she’s more of an evil landlord type
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