she'd have a job keeping up with whatshisname the son who got sent to prison for whining. Fuck me his voice grated every time he spoke.She's the least wino/most whiny alcoholic ever. They should demand she does some method acting. Up the ante a bit like.
Radio drama at its best thenI think an attempt at a snog, hadn’t considered the wanking option
I've just caught up with it. Genius special guest!Good news is that Sunday episode is back (and on next week as well so a permanent fixture?)
Bad news is that it’s a village fete special
The special guest was by far the best bit!I've just caught up with it. Genius special guest!
haven't listened since saying i wasn't going to listen again - have I missed anything? (may have a sneaky listen to the mystery guest)
I hate the bloody village plays with a passion; more so now they are an “institution” and attract a month + of buildup and a stand-alone extended episode. Self indulgence from the Luvvies.
But then I’m a fan of the agri-business storylines.
Yeah, agree. Really fuckin tediousSelf indulgence from the Luvvies