Bahnhof Strasse
Met up with Hannah Courtoy a week next Tuesday
I like my job, most of the time. Give me a map, any map and I'll look at it with joy on my face for hours, I get to use my knowledge of maps all day long, and still at least once a week discover somewhere new; American Samoa anyone??
My job requires no qualifications, which is handy as I have none, yet by its nature I have to deal with multi-millionaires from all walks of life and a smattering of billionaires, plus film stars and rock stars and various other 'elevated people', yet for some reason I seem to gain their confidence; always treated as an equal, never as the serf I am. Very often as a confidant, either one party trusting me to arrange their elicit shags, or a partner espousing the cuntishness of the other. And it pays well, I have to nick a quid like a spiv, but that's fine by me, I'm good at it and it brings in the Benjamins. I am 48 now and have been doing this kind of shit since I was was 15. I killed someone when I was 16, probably not as directly as kebabking but I think about her a lot, 21st December 1988.
My job requires no qualifications, which is handy as I have none, yet by its nature I have to deal with multi-millionaires from all walks of life and a smattering of billionaires, plus film stars and rock stars and various other 'elevated people', yet for some reason I seem to gain their confidence; always treated as an equal, never as the serf I am. Very often as a confidant, either one party trusting me to arrange their elicit shags, or a partner espousing the cuntishness of the other. And it pays well, I have to nick a quid like a spiv, but that's fine by me, I'm good at it and it brings in the Benjamins. I am 48 now and have been doing this kind of shit since I was was 15. I killed someone when I was 16, probably not as directly as kebabking but I think about her a lot, 21st December 1988.