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Thatcher is dead

That's the one.

A man of many faults, but the man that held the country together during WWII.
i think you will find that it was the collective efforts and sacrifices of the UK's working class that 'held the country together' if you could lift your gaze away from the cult of personality hero worship for a moment (which obscures the bigger truth).
i think you will find that it was the collective efforts and sacrifices of the UK's working class that 'held the country together' if you could lift your gaze away from the cult of personality hero worship for a moment (which obscures the bigger truth).
Got a 12 hour ban on Twitter for calling Thatcher a cunt under Priti Patel’s tweet about her. I didn’t know you could get banned for stating facts. 🤷‍♂️

twitter is owned by a cunt who only bought it because he was butthurt about his kid coming out as trans

are you surprised

saying that he has lost billions due to butt hurt
i think you will find that it was the collective efforts and sacrifices of the UK's working class that 'held the country together' if you could lift your gaze away from the cult of personality hero worship for a moment (which obscures the bigger truth).
There's a good argument to be made for the fact that Thatcher set in train the particularly vicious brand of right-wing populist Toryism that has seen us end up where we are. She purged the thoughtful tendency - the "wets" - from the party and left it in the care of a rump of ideologically-driven career politicians whose only interest was their careers, and thus making sure they got voted in by whoever it took to achieve this. Arguably, the lighting of the fires of populist outrage at poor people, disabled people, immigrants...in fact, anyone who wasn't "us" was done on her watch, even if she can't be held directly accountable for the excesses of Raab, Patel, Braverman, et al plus any number of less high-profile cash-grabbing, influence-peddling, morally vacant arseholes with whom we're saddled now.

Pre-Thatcher, there was a case to be made for the existence of the "conviction politician" (and I don't mean politicians who should BE convicted of offences, in this particular case); once she was finished with the Conservative party, there was no space for convictions, morals, or integrity. It was a bare naked land grab for cash, influence, and the minds of the tiniest-minded voters.

I remember, during her reign, when my dad said "It will take a generation to undo the harm she has done to her party". He was prescient, if somewhat optimistic.
twitter is owned by a cunt who only bought it because he was butthurt about his kid coming out as trans

are you surprised

saying that he has lost billions due to butt hurt
Bannings for calling anyone a cunt, even before The Cunt bought it.
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There's a good argument to be made for the fact that Thatcher set in train the particularly vicious brand of right-wing populist Toryism that has seen us end up where we are. She purged the thoughtful tendency - the "wets" - from the party and left it in the care of a rump of ideologically-driven career politicians whose only interest was their careers, and thus making sure they got voted in by whoever it took to achieve this. Arguably, the lighting of the fires of populist outrage at poor people, disabled people, immigrants...in fact, anyone who wasn't "us" was done on her watch, even if she can't be held directly accountable for the excesses of Raab, Patel, Braverman, et al plus any number of less high-profile cash-grabbing, influence-peddling, morally vacant arseholes with whom we're saddled now.

Pre-Thatcher, there was a case to be made for the existence of the "conviction politician" (and I don't mean politicians who should BE convicted of offences, in this particular case); once she was finished with the Conservative party, there was no space for convictions, morals, or integrity. It was a bare naked land grab for cash, influence, and the minds of the tiniest-minded voters.

I remember, during her reign, when my dad said "It will take a generation to undo the harm she has done to her party". He was prescient, if somewhat optimistic.
She did what needed to be done.
There's a good argument to be made for the fact that Thatcher set in train the particularly vicious brand of right-wing populist Toryism that has seen us end up where we are. She purged the thoughtful tendency - the "wets" - from the party and left it in the care of a rump of ideologically-driven career politicians whose only interest was their careers, and thus making sure they got voted in by whoever it took to achieve this. Arguably, the lighting of the fires of populist outrage at poor people, disabled people, immigrants...in fact, anyone who wasn't "us" was done on her watch, even if she can't be held directly accountable for the excesses of Raab, Patel, Braverman, et al plus any number of less high-profile cash-grabbing, influence-peddling, morally vacant arseholes with whom we're saddled now.

Pre-Thatcher, there was a case to be made for the existence of the "conviction politician" (and I don't mean politicians who should BE convicted of offences, in this particular case); once she was finished with the Conservative party, there was no space for convictions, morals, or integrity. It was a bare naked land grab for cash, influence, and the minds of the tiniest-minded voters.

I remember, during her reign, when my dad said "It will take a generation to undo the harm she has done to her party". He was prescient, if somewhat optimistic.
Great post existentialist. Your dad sounds just as sharp as you so evidently are. i don't particularly enjoy accepting the characterisation of any tory as "thoughtful" but it remains the case that there were some. my personal favourite of Thatchers period was John Biffen (remember him?). He always seemed a person of insight and honesty, and dare i say it, integrity. Many of his views i found to be quite objectionable, but his particular wing of the Tory Party were eventually pretty well decimated by the Thatcherite steamroller approach. Such Tory thinkers could not survive today.
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She did what needed to be done.

While I can concede that mining was at an end and the pits needed closing, if only from an environmental point of view without getting into the whole bullshit economic side of things, doing so without her or her predecessors coming up with a plan to replace the economy of 2/3rds of the UK other than “just move lol lmao” destroyed the economy of the north for 30 years and fractured many communities beyond repair

Then let’s move onto the many incidents of police oppression, the cover ups for Northern Ireland death squads and resolute determination to make the poor suffer.

She was not a good person and didn’t do what was right or indeed what was needed.

Indeed her cutting of funding to the garrison of the falklands and withdrawing of troops is what initially led to the junta choosing to move in under the impression Britain didn’t give a shit about the place
The SNP founder was a Nazi sympathiser, as were many of the members at that time. This is a checkable historical fact.

The SNP at the moment are producing huge merriment amongst those not adhering to the cult. Mike Russell's comment that it is their biggest crisis in 50 years is a beauty. It is the end of the SNP and the end of their divisive politics.

The Chief Executive having to resign for lying about membership numbers? Ye Gods, the utter arrogance of the man.
Plenty of Tories supported Franco. Two even flew him from the Canaries to what was then Spanish Morocco.
The SNP founder was a Nazi sympathiser, as were many of the members at that time. This is a checkable historical fact.

The SNP at the moment are producing huge merriment amongst those not adhering to the cult. Mike Russell's comment that it is their biggest crisis in 50 years is a beauty. It is the end of the SNP and the end of their divisive politics.

The Chief Executive having to resign for lying about membership numbers? Ye Gods, the utter arrogance of the man.
It’s funny that this doesn’t bother you about the royal family.
Even a decade later, I still hope the iron lady is still rusting in hell - if not melted down ...

At one point recently I had the nightmare that she had been re-cycled into liz truss
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