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Talk to me about motion detector video doorbells

FTR I don't have one of these doorbells and I too have huge concerns about how this tech is used. But I have huge concerns about so much shite going on in this world, lots of which I do "buy in to" (like my smart phone).

Unfortunately I think the horse has bolted and it's deeply unfair and totally missing the bigger picture to try and shame individuals about using stuff vast swathes of the country are when people are understandably trying to protect themselves.

Even if you live off grid, you're not really helping as you're just an ignored anomaly.

Anyway, that's my piece.
I'm going to bed.
It's easy to think that lots of people agree with or support the point of view that you're talking about.
We (me included) get in a bit of bubble and it's easy to think that if "we" don't do something, that will help change things.
I've come to the point in my life now, where, very unfortunately, I think that ha fuck all effect.

II don't want that to be the case but, it probably is.

You being the one person without a smart phone or video doorbell or some other piece of tech, while making you feel better about yourself, what is it actually achieving if that's what's happening in the world?

Genuine question.
Not trying to be tricky.

I think the stand out thing for me is stuff like having a smartphone is a hi-tech mobile Orwellian telescreen, most of the impact of that surveillance is on you as an individual. What these door cams do is film public spaces without the consent of your community.

Combine the rapid spread of these cameras, with increasingly effective facial recognition technology and extreme UK surveillance legislation, we’re heading to a dark place.
Depending on the system and your own technical ability you could always set up your own recording system without paying for a subscription.

For a simple solution ring seems cool

Considering buying in myself.

However part of me wants me to make one myself using old Web cam bits and something like an arduino or raspberry pi.
I think the stand out thing for me is stuff like having a smartphone is a hi-tech mobile Orwellian telescreen, most of the impact of that surveillance is on you as an individual. What these door cams do is film public spaces without the consent of your community.

Combine the rapid spread of these cameras, with increasingly effective facial recognition technology and extreme UK surveillance legislation, we’re heading to a dark place.
Dude they were asking for advice on them - this is suburban.

Start a different thread in a more relevant forum for your thoughts on the UKs Orwellian surveillance obsession
This country is already highly covered by CCTV.

Youre blaming individuals for a much bigger problem around surveillance and a whole mess of legal stuff.

It's like saying "you're destroying the planet" to an individual that puts something in the bin that their local council won't recycle for whatever reason.

Or saying to a local businesses owner "you're a grass for having CCTV" when all the other businesses do and they wouldn't be able to to stay afloat without it.

Yes, we are all responsible for the shit that goes on in the world but often the only way to deal with it is go after the big guns, not the individual who's just trying to protect themselves.

Start a thread about how we collectively stop this tech being used in neferious ways, don't have a pop at someone using the same things as everyone else on their street to protect what little they might have.

And you posted about going thieving to get cash for raving etc as a youngun, no judgement but you can't imply that someone should just leave themselves open to that or they are a "grass".

The world is different now.
This whole "grassing up thing" is so bloody playground...
Depending on the system and your own technical ability you could always set up your own recording system without paying for a subscription.

For a simple solution ring seems cool

Considering buying in myself.

However part of me wants me to make one myself using old Web cam bits and something like an arduino or raspberry pi.
You can do quite a bit with a webcam, a Raspberry Pi, and an application called "motion".
I used mine to help a neighbor after her car got dinged. It's really easy to set up and use. Got a camera for out the back as well cos there's loads of burglaries around here.
You don't have a right to privacy in a public space.
Video doorbells are classed as domestic CCTV under British law. The owner is supposed to inform the public (by putting up a sign, sticker in the window etc) that they/the public/passers by/visitors may be/are being recorded and allow people recorded by it access to their data or allow them to access their data protection rights (provide them with recordings if they ask for them!) and respond to subject access requests received from anyone you have recorded. Probably nearly unenforceable in real terms.

We get people contacting us (Council) about this stuff all the time - nowt to do with us, though, generally speaking. But we need a response, so we point them at the relevant orgs - ICO, gov.UK, the police etc. People get very annoyed if they think they are being recorded unnecessarily.
Blink Doorbells and cams are discounted at Amazon atm: Amazon Deal: Blink Home Security devices

as are RIng things

I worry about the Amazon tentacles and recordings. I'd rather have a doorbell record to a device in my house than to the cloud and that's what the Blink Sync Module does.

These devices seem like a good, cheap way of getting people who shouldn't be there to keep on walking I suppose.
You can set up the blink to record to a usb storage card instead of the cloud. I've got the doorbell and 3 cameras. Amazon quite often have them reduced to half price.

ETA I really like them. Very easy to set up and great when people are staying at ours like my mum and dad cos I can wind them up by talking to them through the cameras.
Video doorbells are classed as domestic CCTV under British law. The owner is supposed to inform the public (by putting up a sign, sticker in the window etc) that they/the public/passers by/visitors may be/are being recorded and allow people recorded by it access to their data or allow them to access their data protection rights (provide them with recordings if they ask for them!) and respond to subject access requests received from anyone you have recorded. Probably nearly unenforceable in real terms.

We get people contacting us (Council) about this stuff all the time - nowt to do with us, though, generally speaking. But we need a response, so we point them at the relevant orgs - ICO, gov.UK, the police etc. People get very annoyed if they think they are being recorded unnecessarily.
Still don't have a right to privacy in a public area. If it was illegal the council wouldn't be allowed to have CCTV cameras all over the place. :D

Probably not a good idea directing people to the police as some of them are clueless. Tried to do my sister for having a camera looking over her front garden and over the street. :facepalm:
Still don't have a right to privacy in a public area. If it was illegal the council wouldn't be allowed to have CCTV cameras all over the place. :D

Probably not a good idea directing people to the police as some of them are clueless. Tried to do my sister for having a camera looking over her front garden and over the street. :facepalm:
Oh no, you don't have a right to privacy, I agree (unenforceable innit and that's why).

What you do have a right to do is request info, and copies of recordings, within clear legal timescales and then sue people if they don't cough up your/my/their data, sue them for not informing you you're being recorded etc blah etc

It's a minefield/dull as fuck.
Still don't have a right to privacy in a public area. If it was illegal the council wouldn't be allowed to have CCTV cameras all over the place. :D

Probably not a good idea directing people to the police as some of them are clueless. Tried to do my sister for having a camera looking over her front garden and over the street. :facepalm:
They come with advice about privacy and ensuring that you're not undully videoing your neighbours and stuff iirc. I'm sure there was a video link with ours that covered that. I've got one in our pantry that looks out into the back garden but I use it mainly for ordering a coffee from my bed much to my wife's dissatisfaction.
I have a video camera in the back garden covering the rear of the house.
I was very careful to set it up so it doesn't overlook the garden at No 5.
I didn't worry about No 1 since I am confident it can't see through solid brick,
Oh yeah your not allowed to position them so they look in through neighbours windows or doors or overlook their back gardens where you would expect privacy but not if they overlook the street.

My sister did check all this with the ico before getting her CCTV system installed.

Local plod also tried to do my sister's friend for having CCTV when in fact it was an empty toilet roll placed against his bathroom window. Even if it was a CCTV camera what they thought it would see through frosted glass is anyone's guess. :D

Even though they tried to do my sister for having CCTV when the post office got broken into they were round her house smartish to see if anything had been caught on her system. So it's ok if it's of use to them but not if it's for my sister's safety. :facepalm:
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As a teenager I was knocking around with some wronguns. We were skint and needed money for drugs and raves, we went thieving.

Thieves will be wandering around looking for low hanging fruit for later. Open windows, expensive things on show, unlit areas to access buildings are likely to flag your gaff. Address these issues and you won’t need to grass up your community with creepy surveillance cams.
You broke in to people's homes? You took their things? You contributed to massive damage to their mental health? And you weren't even hungry just looking to enjoy yourself?

If true, and not, as I suspect, just your normal 'look at me look at me' toddler like rhetoric then you really are a cunt, not just acting like one on here.
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I have a video camera in the back garden covering the rear of the house.
I was very careful to set it up so it doesn't overlook the garden at No 5.
I didn't worry about No 1 since I am confident it can't see through solid brick,
Housing association took my sister to court 'because' her rear CCTV 'overlooked' the local football pitch and she might be filming kids. :eek: Except the football pitch was up a big bank that was as high as the roof of her flat so was physically impossible for the camera to see the football pitch. :facepalm:
I got one which gives the option of keeping the data local to SIM card or pay subscription. I'm keeping vids on the SIM and on low sensitivity, so only triggered if someone comes close to the door or actually rings the bell. Bought on sale for £108, it's a bit more right now. Battery lasts for 10 weeks on low sensitivity.


I didn't like Ring as it seemed to force me into a subscription.
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