Thank you for contacting me regarding the planning application at Dorrell Place. I received a considerable volume of email representations on this, so I have ‘blind copied’ all those who wrote to me or were copied into a representation.
As you may know, I submitted objections to the original Planning Application Committee (PAC) on 2nd August for this application, and attended, with the intention of speaking, but it was deferred for several reasons, including Transport for London concerns. I took the opportunity to re-submit mine and resident’s concerns on a number of key Planning Policy issues and received some assurances from Planning officers that the concerns were taken seriously.
I attended the committee meeting this Tuesday (19th September) and addressed the Committee. I stated at the Committee that for the Developer to rely on a few letters and one local exhibit that were done in October 2015 to satisfy adequate local consultation for a Planning application being heard nearly 2 years later is outrageous, and was the kind of engagement that brought local developers into disrepute. Indeed, I know from some residents that it was only due to leaflets from myself and my colleagues in the Labour party to local residents informing them about the development that they had any idea that the application was being discussed this week. Sadly, it seems that the national rules about these consultations on developers are very weak and not mandatory.
I also stated at the committee that the traffic implications in and around Nursery Road on a 24/7 basis (in respect of coach drop-off, staff and guests and delivery and servicing arrangements and construction logistics) have not been assessed properly, and I think Planning Officers have relied on the developers projections for some of these (stated as four deliveries a day which I believe is unrealistic). I also asked that the developer and hotel operator to give some preference to the current operator of the SW9 Bar, given it is a well-liked local venue. This is not a planning matter, but the developer / operator can do this, if they choose to.
Although there were many other concerns raised, the Committee approved the application (4 to 2) so while I am disappointed, there is little that can be done to undo a decision. The Chair of the Committee did add at my request a requirement for the Developer and Council Transport to consult Local Councillors on the Traffic plans, and I will use this to further engage residents. I share resident’s concerns and will do what we can to hold the developer and hotel operator (as yet unknown to me) accountable to local community and residents.
Have you been consulted on plans for a six story hotel in central Brixton?
Cllr Paul McGlone