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Superman launches ‘Anti Feminist’ Children and Family Party.


How do I change this 'custom title' thing then?
https://cafp. uk/manifesto/

This superman has launched a ‘new party to change the face of British Politics’. It’s got an ‘anti-feminist’ platform as apparently only one in 11 women are feminists. The only good thing is he’s standing in my home town where our Labour MP has less than 200 majority. So that might help…


I’ve added a broken link as otherwise you’d never find it because of the search results for Children’s party venues and entertainers. He’s on FB too, if anyone fancies popping along.
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It's a good job he's not bitter or anything.

Laughing at feminists

'Feminists wield a level of power and influence across the developed world which is utterly disproportionate to their numbers. The democratic deficit is staggering. Fortunately for the mental health of the rest of us, they’re also laughable... Feminists are laughable, ridiculous and ludicrous. We need to laugh at them, ridicule them, and ludicrise them, whenever and wherever we encounter them.'

He sure likes a stock photo, doesn't he?
Missed this: I’m out for dinner tonight 1 May 2022, but the launch is online tonight.

If you can’t make it either you can get in touch on the details he posted on FB…

We invite you to meet Mike Buchanan (party leader) online 7pm tomorrow (Sunday) evening Chat with The Boss
or meet him in-person for breakfast next Saturday morning 10am at the Pilgrim’s Progress pub in Bedford Breakfast with The Boss
Mike Buchanan
Party leader
07967 026163
It's a good job he's not bitter or anything.

Laughing at feminists

'Feminists wield a level of power and influence across the developed world which is utterly disproportionate to their numbers. The democratic deficit is staggering. Fortunately for the mental health of the rest of us, they’re also laughable... Feminists are laughable, ridiculous and ludicrous. We need to laugh at them, ridicule them, and ludicrise them, whenever and wherever we encounter them.'

He sure likes a stock photo, doesn't he?
Ludicrise ftw. :thumbs:
Missed this: I’m out for dinner tonight 1 May 2022, but the launch is online tonight.

If you can’t make it either you can get in touch on the details he posted on FB…

We invite you to meet Mike Buchanan (party leader) online 7pm tomorrow (Sunday) evening Chat with The Boss
or meet him in-person for breakfast next Saturday morning 10am at the Pilgrim’s Progress pub in Bedford Breakfast with The Boss
Mike Buchanan
Party leader
07967 026163

Donald Trump is coming to where I live tonight. I laugh at the venue. It's a little country dirt racetrack.

I'll be giving it a miss.
From the Manifesto:

The government should make the drinking of alcohol whilst knowingly pregnant a criminal offence,

Wereject the notion that awoman can make unilateral decisions about her body when she is pregnant. The rights of a woman to self-determination must end where therights of the unborn child begin. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is the potential infliction of Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH) on the unborn child.

The government should appoint a Minister for Men, to be charged with representing the interests of men and boys and ending the state’s assaults on their human rights (through the state’s actions and inactions).

Taxpayers would then better know what the government is taking from them, unlike the present situation where they have little sense of the very considerable amount that is taken from them over time – drivers, drinkers and smokers, in particular – through duties and VAT.

Learning the ugly truth about the toxic impacts of feminism and feminists on society over the past 50+ years can be a depressing experience.

On our main website we have a link25 to photographs and details of feminists including Tracey Emin, an ‘artist’ who can’t draw yet is the ‘professor’ of ‘drawing’ at the Royal Academy – so she’s officially a Royal pain in the arts.

We propose that the division of assets following divorce would include the following principles: - Assets belonging to each partner at the start of marriage would revert to them following divorce. - Pension plans and pensions belonging to each partner would remain theirs following divorce.

The government should aim to increase the proportion of secondary school teachers who are men to 50% over time,

The Athena SWAN initiative, designed to advance the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment, inevitably at the expense of the careers of men in those fields, should be scrapped.

Public misunderstanding about the nature of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is rife. The first of many widely-held beliefs that is demonstrably a myth is that the vast majority of victims of IPV are women, and the vast majority of perpetrators are men.

The legal definition of rape in the Sexual Offences Act 2003 should be redefined to provide an equivalence between rape and being forced to penetrate, which should attract the same sentences.

The criminal justice system is systemically and strongly biased against men, resulting in a major ‘gender justice gap’. Women are held barelymore accountable than children by the justice system.

Across the English-speaking world men and boys as a class have no political representation, and the situation in the UK is worse than in most of those countries.

In 2015 the hatchet-faced harpies at the Fawcett Society, a feminist charity, commissioned a survey which revealed that only 9% of British women and 4% of British men identify as feminists. Only one in 15 adults in this country identify as feminists. From this, the geniuses concluded that this is a country of ‘hidden’ feminists.

The physical fitness requirements for candidates for the firefighting and police services should be returned to what they were before they were artificially lowered to enable more women to enter the professions, as should the physical fitness requirements for serving firefighters and police officers.

(The Police in the 'golden age' didn't have a fitness test. You just had to be taller than 5"8'....)
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It's a good job he's not bitter or anything.

Laughing at feminists

'Feminists wield a level of power and influence across the developed world which is utterly disproportionate to their numbers. The democratic deficit is staggering. Fortunately for the mental health of the rest of us, they’re also laughable... Feminists are laughable, ridiculous and ludicrous. We need to laugh at them, ridicule them, and ludicrise them, whenever and wherever we encounter them.'

He sure likes a stock photo, doesn't he?
Oh ok, it's not the patriarchy and capitalism at fault here, it's those pesky feminists. Good to know.
Okay, I made the mistake of looking at his website and at first I was thinking, 'oh ha ha, embittered misogynist, oh well, never mind.' But actually it's not funny. There's some serious incel tropes going on in there. He would no doubt whine that he's not anti-women, he's anti-feminist but a lot of the language is a call to arms, and it's worrying.

Sample chapters:

Are you a misogynist if you only hate feminists?

Why men have nipples, and my sex change story

Are feminists less intelligent than normal women?

Why are fat women fat?

Are feminists less attractive than normal women?

Do feminists suffer from PPS (Permanent Premenstrual Syndrome)?

Women have a right to complain, but do feminists abuse the privilege?

Are some feminists (e.g. Tracey Emin) a pain in the arts?

Does Harriet Harman MP suffer from Mad Cow Disease?
Okay, I made the mistake of looking at his website and at first I was thinking, 'oh ha ha, embittered misogynist, oh well, never mind.' But actually it's not funny. There's some serious incel tropes going on in there. He would no doubt whine that he's not anti-women, he's anti-feminist but a lot of the language is a call to arms, and it's worrying.

Sample chapters:

Are you a misogynist if you only hate feminists?

Why men have nipples, and my sex change story

Are feminists less intelligent than normal women?

Why are fat women fat?

Are feminists less attractive than normal women?

Do feminists suffer from PPS (Permanent Premenstrual Syndrome)?

Women have a right to complain, but do feminists abuse the privilege?

Are some feminists (e.g. Tracey Emin) a pain in the arts?

Does Harriet Harman MP suffer from Mad Cow Disease?
He's obviously a twisted horrible little man. Hopefully his recent antics will bring the disinfectant of sunshine on him.
https://cafp. uk/manifesto/

This superman has launched a ‘new party to change the face of British Politics’. It’s got an ‘anti-feminist’ platform as apparently only one in 11 women are feminists. The only good thing is he’s standing in my home town where our Labour MP has less than 200 majority. So that might help…

View attachment 320806

I’ve added a broken link as otherwise you’d never find it because of the search results for Children’s party venues and entertainers. He’s on FB too, if anyone fancies popping along.
he looks like he's always been a superannuated clark kent and never a superman
https://cafp. uk/manifesto/

This superman has launched a ‘new party to change the face of British Politics’. It’s got an ‘anti-feminist’ platform as apparently only one in 11 women are feminists. The only good thing is he’s standing in my home town where our Labour MP has less than 200 majority. So that might help…

View attachment 320806

I’ve added a broken link as otherwise you’d never find it because of the search results for Children’s party venues and entertainers. He’s on FB too, if anyone fancies popping along.
Presumably called the Children & Family Party because he doesn't have access to his children, his family has disowned him, and he never gets invited to parties.

Also: toxic dude articulating toxic ideas.
I agree Poot. As repellent and ridiculous as this person is, the fact that he feels empowered enough to even try and form a political party based on these views is really concerning.
I guess it's a reminder - perhaps more to men than women - that woman-hating and woman-blaming never went away, and that men need to sort their shit out, and not help embolden this stuff through indifference.
his previous vehicle was justice for men and boys (and the women who love them)

bedford today 6/9/2013
A political party which fights for the rights of men and boys is getting almost as much web traffic as the Conservative Party - according to a new poll.

The Justice For Men And Boys (and the Women Who Love Them) party was set up by Bedford's Mike Buchanan - and Mike is set to go head to head with MP Richard Fuller at the next general election.

And according to Septembers Political Pop Chart the party is now ranked 7th for the amount of web traffic it receives on its blog - just behind the Conservative Party's 6th.

Party leader Mr Buchanan said: "The growing popularity of our website http://j4mb.org.ukis very encouraging.

"J4MB has been in existence for only six months, but the level of public interest in our policies clearly shows we're on the right track.

"I'm looking forward to contesting the Bedford & Kempston seat at the 2015 general election."

According to the poll right wing party the BNP came in at number one, with Nigel Farage's UKIP in second place.

However, the number one slot for time spent on a party website goes to the Green Party, whose users visit the page for an average of 13 minutes and 13 seconds.

Will you be voting for Mr Buchanan's party at the next general election?
his previous vehicle was justice for men and boys (and the women who love them)

bedford today 6/9/2013
A political party which fights for the rights of men and boys is getting almost as much web traffic as the Conservative Party - according to a new poll.

The Justice For Men And Boys (and the Women Who Love Them) party was set up by Bedford's Mike Buchanan - and Mike is set to go head to head with MP Richard Fuller at the next general election.

And according to Septembers Political Pop Chart the party is now ranked 7th for the amount of web traffic it receives on its blog - just behind the Conservative Party's 6th.

Party leader Mr Buchanan said: "The growing popularity of our website http://j4mb.org.ukis very encouraging.

"J4MB has been in existence for only six months, but the level of public interest in our policies clearly shows we're on the right track.

"I'm looking forward to contesting the Bedford & Kempston seat at the 2015 general election."

According to the poll right wing party the BNP came in at number one, with Nigel Farage's UKIP in second place.

However, the number one slot for time spent on a party website goes to the Green Party, whose users visit the page for an average of 13 minutes and 13 seconds.

Will you be voting for Mr Buchanan's party at the next general election?
he got 153 votes in 2015
Presumably called the Children & Family Party because he doesn't have access to his children, his family has disowned him, and he never gets invited to parties.

Yes he just reeks of failed custody hearings.

He doesn't seem like a well man at all tbh. Which would be sad if not for the prospect of him actually becoming the nucleus of some sort of organisation to provide validation for his idiotic ideas.
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