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Superhero comics/graphic novels for a 7 year old

Part 2

bizarre wanking accident
My little un is reading really well and is mad on superheros.

Can anyone recommend me the best comics books for him to start reading?

He seems to like Marvel most.

Part2 said:
My little un is reading really well and is mad on superheros.

Can anyone recommend me the best comics books for him to start reading?

He seems to like Marvel most.


that's difficult that. I can tell you lots and lots of comics he shouldn't be reading. But not many he should...

Actually, sod it, he's 7. Get him Superman, Spiderman.. all that stuff. Probably best to steer away from the Batman Dark Knight books (especially Killing Joke).... and whatever you do, don't buy him From Hell, but when I was 7 I just loved all the standard Superhero stuff.

It's been a long time since I read comics tho. Is there a Forbidden Planet, or an independent comic shop near you? They'll be more than happy to give you some tips. :)
tommers said:
that's difficult that. I can tell you lots and lots of comics he shouldn't be reading. But not many he should...

It's been a long time since I read comics tho. Is there a Forbidden Planet, or an independent comic shop near you? They'll be more than happy to give you some tips. :)

That was my problem, everything seems a bit adult. Not that he'd complain I'm sure, loves a bit of blood and guts (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead style)

There's a Forbidden Planet in Mcr, I could probably take him there under the guise of "seeing what he might like to ask Father Xmas for".
Part2 said:
That was my problem, everything seems a bit adult. Not that he'd complain I'm sure, loves a bit of blood and guts (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead style)

There's a Forbidden Planet in Mcr, I could probably take him there under the guise of "seeing what he might like to ask Father Xmas for".

Sounds like a plan. There must still be comics for kids, not all comics readers are cynical jaded 30 somethings after all. I reckon Spiderman will be a pretty safe bet. Everybody likes Spidey.
If he's a Marvel fan then get him one of their big events from recent years. Planet Hulk and World War Hulk would have been awesome for me as a 7 year old, lots of fighting and smashing things up. Civil War was also quite good but it's a slightly more complicated to follow. Their Ultimate line is also decent for people who are only just starting to read comics, Ultimate Spider Man is great and The Ultimates is also decent (Ultimate X-men is pretty bad though). Marvel Zombies was alright.
Swarfega said:


Never seen that, looking at the write ups on Amazo sounds like something I might like to read. Any recommendations on where to start?
Part2 said:
Never seen that, looking at the write ups on Amazo sounds like something I might like to read. Any recommendations on where to start?

I can thoroughly recommend it - definitely for mature readers only!

Is my all time favourite comic book(s) even over Watchman and Sandman..

Like many of its peers, it doesn't quite hit its stride, nor the main story arc until the 3rd volume IMHO but you have to start from the beginning really.

Start with "Back on the Street" and work your way forward....this has them in order

I wrote this on another recent thread just after reading them for the first time:

Swarfega said:
Transmetropolitan is fucking ace. Anyone who has the slightest interest in comics should read it, as should...well, anyone else really.

Profane, silly, intelligent, challenging, violent, thoughtful and always wildly imaginative - often all on the same page.

Cheers Dotcommunist and others for leading me to the bestest comic read I have ever had.


A friend of mine, and long time comics buff, took his 4 year old son into Forbidden Planet in London. Standing amongst the aisles of comics festooned with models of spiderman, zombies, moveable figures of Spawn, etc; he asked the Simpson's esque shop assistant if there were any comics and toys for children. Without trace of irony the assistant stated there were not :D
Marvel have got a lot of re-issued older stuff (sort of silver covers) that might be good. I got Secret Alliance earlier this year, which was their first big cross-over event from the 80s - lots of characters, no mature plots. :)
my five year old loves comics. he cant really read them yet but he spends hours looking at all the pictures. tintin ones are quite good, have a search on amazon and im sure you'll find something
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