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Sun hats for men

Orang Utan

Acceptable through usage
Are there any that don't make you look like a twat? I'm getting to the point where the hair on top of my head is thin enough to let rays through, but too thick to apply sunblock, so I need a hat to wear on glorious British summer days (lol). Any recommendations?
I've got a broad brimmed floppy hat had for years since I used to do a lot of field work, really need it in the sun here. Never a hat wearer but necessity somehow made it alright and actively like it now. Rohan, Sunday supplement walking clothes brand.
Bush hats FTW - rotate when the sweat band gets moist - and they even tolerate a bit of drizzle or light rain.
Put them over your eyes when sitting or lying down and it's a bit like being in a tent.
I've got a broad brimmed floppy hat had for years since I used to do a lot of field work, really need it in the sun here. Never a hat wearer but necessity somehow made it alright and actively like it now. Rohan, Sunday supplement walking clothes brand.
Is it a broad black brimmer?
Are there any that don't make you look like a twat?
I've got some great news for you here: unless you're donning something really outlandish like a top hat or a tricorn, no-one will give a shit what hat you wear, so the only real obstacle you have to get past is your own self-doubt. Anything new will feel odd at first though IME.

I mostly wear a cap simular to this in the summer (I have a few different models and colours, but they all have an open weave to let the air through) - I think something along these lines might suit?

Flatcap has a little bit at the front that keeps the glare out of your eyes as well. or just a little fez for the bald patch
it's not a bald patch yet, I'm hoping it'll never get to that - it'd didn't get that far on my grandfather and I inherited his hirsuteness
I've got some great news for you here: unless you're donning something really outlandish like a top hat or a tricorn, no-one will give a shit what hat you wear, so the only real obstacle you have to get past is your own self-doubt. Anything new will feel odd at first though IME.
If I cared what other people thought, I wouldn't dress as I do, I just want to look in the mirror and like what I see on my head
Bush hats FTW - rotate when the sweat band gets moist - and they even tolerate a bit of drizzle or light rain.
Put them over your eyes when sitting or lying down and it's a bit like being in a tent.
they just make me think of I'm A Celebrity - wearing one would probably give me the urge to eat a kangaroo's ballsack
I’ve got a wide brimmed hat, like a bush hat but made out of mesh material which is great for keeping the sun off whilst keeping your head from getting hot.

Plus a wide brimmed hat made of waxed cotton, line a Barbour coat ( but not made by then) which is great in the rain…
If I cared what other people thought, I wouldn't dress as I do, I just want to look in the mirror and like what I see on my head
Sure, but I think we're quite unused to seeing our heads in hats, and almost anything looks a bit twattish at first.

I have a green straw pork pie hat which I bought experimentally a few years ago and at first I found it very difficult to wear - it just looked ridiculous to my mind. Then the second summer it saw a lot of wear, and now its in the general rotation for hot weather. It just takes a bit of time for a hat you aren't used to to bed in, and for you to work out what clothes they go with.

I think a wide brim hat is more difficult to come to terms with, so a pork pie or a trilby are probably the best place to start if you want to move away from caps: something like this?

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