Frog: "Jew were not the indigenous people of the land because the Torah says that the Cananaanites lived in the Promised and.": Well, you got this Scripture correct (smile).
However,idigenous denotes the original people at the time of a population shift if you want one of the tech. definitions, the one I use. See, at the time of the Arabs entry into history, Canaanites (anmother word for Philistines and Phoenicians, among other related societies/cultures)had been extinct for more than a millenia. Jews are the oldest surviving inhabitants of one of the earliest inhabited places on the planet.
You are basically saying that "indigenous" means the Jews in Israel and nothing else and that means that every Jew has, not only a right to come to Israel, but more of a right than a Palestinian, even if the person in question has never been to Israel, and does not have any connections to the place. You are aware that even on your spurious arguement, a lot of people came to Israel who are not in the slightest bit connected to it at all, yeah?
How does a rich person from America who does not have any reason to go to Israel and does not face discrimination in daily life have more of a right to go to Israel based on what happened thousands of years ago than someone who is already living there?
Although some Torah can have some historical accuracy it is a poor guide for anything having to do with history. It is best read as a symbolic work, albeit one which offers us a perfect guide for living.
But you are forgetting that the zionist movement justified moving to Israel on the basis that it was the Jews' historic homeland as stated in the Torah, but the Torah doesn't say that it was where Jews originated, only where they were promised they can go, so isn't the Torah's description of these events important if you are going to talk about what happened thousands of years ago as a justification for what the modern country is doing?
"Talking 2000 years ago, not 100.":In our parrt of the world 2000 is a drop in the bucket, seriously. In any event the truth does not change, in cases of contested land where things are equal or nearly so, many judges, as stated, will award it to the first party who resided there. Who was that party?
Im sure loads of people lived there before the Jews so should the ownership of the land go to us? If 2000 years is a drop in the bucket then why isnt the Jewish homeland somewhere like Iraq?
Yet THAT party offered the bulk of its land to the ususrper, the occupier, what other nation even offered a minimum of its land, let alone the bulk of it? Not only the bulk but the bulk of arable land as well!!!
"Illegl house demos break International Law.": There are NO illegal demoilitions, all were and are according to Israeli and International Law. First, ones known as punative demos by most foreigner sources were ceded as a goodwill gesture at Sharm al Sheikh more than 2 years ago.
erm, i'm sorry, but house demolitions as punishment are always illegal according to international law, especially when they take place with people still in them !! What makes them legal?
Did they violate International Law? Nope. It is a practice carried out throughout the Middle East and is thus a Cultural Norm.
Stoning women to death for being raped and therefore "committing adultery" is also practiced throughout the middle east, and is also a cultural norm. Does this make it right?
Stop trying to defend the indefensible.
I thought Israel was suppose to be the best country in the middle east and better than all the other arab countries anyway ... so why are you justifying this practice in this way?
It was also a practice aimed at punishing the bombers himself, or herself as the case maybe. Arabs , as a culture at large have no individualism as you do in the UK. Everything is for the family, and clan as a whole. Knowing that the family will suffer (which sounds like collective punishhment to you, an oxymoron in a society where individualism can get one killed) has prevented countless terrorist actions. Losing a domicile makes one loe incredible face, and honour is everything.
Well that is the definition of collective punishment isnt it. Do we send people to jail because of what someone in their family did?? NO! ... and frequently its not just the bomber's house but houses where there MIGHT be a bomber or where one happened to walk past one day, and whole neighbourhoods ...
To offer the more orthadox legal expplanation, one which may be understood independantly of any kind of culturisms..."...It is prohibited EXCEPT under military neccessity." Since it has proven its deterrant power, and thi is documented, then we consider it militarily neccessary.
Disclsure: In 2005 there WAs an IDF study that concluded the practice should end because its PR and subsequent psychological impact were neutralising the deterrant power of the practice and that it should cease. This was taken into account with the goodwill gesture.
Didnt stop them in Lebanon though did it.
In 1949 we DId become party to the 4th Geneva Convention but we also believe that the Demos, which only occurred outside of the Greenline, did not fall under the Convention ANYWAY since there had never been any state there other than the Jewish State. Occupying one's own land? From this perspective there is no issue whatsoever.
Then how come Palestinians are placed under military curfew constantly and the Jewish populations are treated completely differently, even when they do things like throw stones at soldiers and human rights workers? How come Palestinians are made to wait at Checkpoints, and Jews aren't, surely this is evidence of an occupation, just one that doesn't apply to Jews
However the practice was only seen as an Israeli practice, although as stated more than a dozen other Mid-Eastern nations practicve it, and it generated incredibly bad PR for the nation. So, it was nixed.
Demolitions today have noo conflict whatsoever with the Genevas, or any other treaty or norms since they only effect those domiciles sitting atop smuggling tunnels, bomb factories, or those built illegaly, permitlessly, and uninspected as with any modern nation.
Yes but in the UK homes aren't demolished just because there are tunnels underneath them or with squatters in them. Have you heard of "squatters rights?" If a building was demolished even one without a permit, and there happened to be people inside, as part of a national policy, there would be a national outcry.
"Settlements are also illegal.":Again, there has never been a single nation in existence there, EXCEPT for the Jewish One so the word "Settlement," other than referring to the specific post 67 movement means nothing.The lack of soveriegnity prevents any violation of any law.
Morally speaking, they are and have always been Jewish land despite the present Arab majority.
That is such a load of crap, once again defending the indefensible.
Tactically, they were envisioned to serve as a security belt in areas relinquished by then avowed enemies Jordan and Egypt.
"Disporportionate use of force also is illegal.": Itis called Assymetrical Warfare and is not only an accepted but standard doctrine. It ha nothing at all to do with illegality. An armed force is allowed under law to use the neccessary strength needed to accomplish specific objectives.
The world's third most powerful army fighting a few home made rockets, you are right it is asymmetrical.
IF the collateral damage outweighs the intended benefit of an operation, then Laws are broken. To date we have not broken them.
So a hundred and ten palestinians killed (many on the West bank and therefore nothing to do with rockets in Gaza) in response to less than ten Israelis dying is not "outweighing the intended benefit"??
"Collective punishment is also illegal.": Yes,it is and that is why we do not engage in it.
"Gaza is used to test new weapons,also illegal.": Used to test? Um, no it is certainly not. We introduce new equipment into our operations all the time but that has nothing to do with testing which has taken place long before anyone in he field gets theri hands on it.
Umm what about this then?
"Israel has been warned countless times, to no avail.": By who? Entities who commit warcrimes are not "warned," they are indicted. An NGO warns us? Oooooooh, hiver me timbers. Better get out the spinach.
See, the Tribunal operates on actual legal principles and not public opinion although such opinion seems to determine who gets their come uppance. If Israel were at all deserving, with its PR image, we would see plenty of trials. No reason, no indictment.
How come Amnesty international have defined Israel's actions as "breaking the fourth Geneva Convention" and "war crimes" then?
Or are Amnesty International a biased, anti-semetic organisation?
"Countless UN Resolutions.": Gneral Assembly Resolutions mean as much as a legal brief, i.e.: not a thing. The UN is the sum of its members. Members who are technically at war with Israel athor countless resolutions , refuse to recognise the UN Ratification that brought Israel into existence and guaranteed its continued existence, and then expect Israel to jump through their ideological hoops when they athor spurious nonsense.
Yeah so there was a UN resolution bringing Israel into existence, which presumably was accepted by the majority of UN members, so what makes this UN resolution valid and the others not?