Frogwoman:"Always been threatening to Israel when the PLO was non-violent.": I am a 41 year old man, when was the PLO ever non-violent? Post-Clinton? You must have missed the little chapter on al Akhsa Martyr's Brigade, who by the way are still committing "Suicide Bombings" in my nation, or getting caught attempting to at this point....mostly thasnks to that Apartheid Wall you mention.
Actually there have been several periods where it has been non violent or at least not carried out any attacks, and these periods always end, because of Israeli provocations. I know you probably hate Chomsky but I am reading the "Fateful Triangle" at the moment and he describes this.
"Demand for one man vote.": We as a nation, including more than 1.9 million Arabs according to most do not want "One ManVote" a la Americans. We vote for the ticket, and Arabs by the way serve quite frequently and may run at anytime. ALL Israeli CITIZENS have the right to vote.
I know how Israels party system works. However, Palestinians aren't citizens of Israel are they. Were they to demand citizenship in a non violent manner this would be far more threatening to Israel's regime.
And the fact that Arab Israelis can vote is a bit meaningless to be honest given the amount of discrimination they face and the fact that many of them have been forced to leave their homes to make way for Jewish Settlements.
Dont try and pretend that life for Israeli arabs is a bed of roses which they're just "ungrateful" for, because it really isn't ...
"Serbia.": It is two completely and uetterly different situations since the Alabanians would equal the Jews since they ARE the indigenous people of that region, not Serbs (who would then be Arabs in your analogy).
My point about Serbia was to say, look at how we treat the serbs, whose policies in Kosovo only lasted ten years and in many ways, appalling as it was, were less bad (although it was still really bad) than Israel. whereas Israel's regime has lasted 60 years. We still punish Serbia today for what they did ten years ago. Look at how the UK and the USA and Germany (which also planned to elminate serbs during the war btw) all treat this country compared to how we treat Israel and tell me how this is an example of fairness.
Furthermore, you ignore tha history of the two groups, very recent history such as WWII when most Albanians, including those now called Kosovars, took the Axis side and committed gross atrocities against Serbians who were on the Allied side for the most part. The history actually dates to the late Middle Ages.
I know all this, about Kosovo and Serbia, thats why im saying there are double standards with Israel and other nations that have done similar things to attract international condemnation. The way Serbia has been treated, with international isolation even after the collapse of its regime, and democracy being introduced, is in marked contrast to how Israel is being treated internationally, as a respected ally. And for all people's complaints, about bias in the media about Israel, can you seriously say that the Israelis have been depicted in the media the way the Serbs have over the years? No.
"Palestinains" on the other hand have only existed since 1948. You seem to have a light graps on history, no offence.
So what happened, did they just appear out of the sky, or were they told in fictious broadcasts to move into the middle of a war zone just to help the evil arab armies defeat the jewish state?
"Forcing 1.5 milion to live in Wycombe." You are mistaken. close to 2 million live in Gaza. Do not know Wycombe but I do know that Gazan Arabs chose to live there in 05 when they grudgingly (since it removed most rationale from their "Struggle) Withdrawal. Israel ceded the land and they weere allowed a state. Instead they committed themselves to committing formal genocide against Israel and Jews at large.
Well if 2 million live there that just proves my point doesn't it, and the fact is that Gaza is not independent except in name, it is still being constantly bombared by Israel, and they are not allowed access to the sea, airports or ports, so how can you say they're allowed a state, your argument is a load of bollocks. They are still controlled by Israel even if there aren't any settlers there.
I should also remind you that prior to the First Inrifadeh travel was nrestricted between Gaza and the "WB" and switiching Residency PErmits ws a simple as a 4 hour wait.You choose to live somewhere, then your "leadership" makes war, do not cry. You English (I am led to believe you are Jewish but do not know you so assume that you are English) say "make you bed you lie in it?" Then lie well.
I am Jewish, but I'm also English and I don't see what relevance this has to your point. And how can they choose to live there when they are not really allowed out. Even if they did choose to live there in 1948 or 1967 or whatever, it does not change the fact that a lot of them will have had children and it is their only home, they would have grown up there but would not have had a say in what leadership they had. Not every Palestinian thinks the same thing, as the Israeli government constantly says there are plenty of palestinains who do not support Hamas, so why say that nobody should complain because of what the leadership are doing?
Oh and you might as well say to an Israeli after the next suicide bombing, "don't complain if you get bombed because your leadership chooses to make war, so it's your fault", that is basically what your argument is, I'm sorry but that's just stupid. Or how about if America gets attacked by China, dont complain because of your policies towards restricting Chinese trade with America, and you deserve it anyway because of America's actions in the world. Make your bed, lie in it!
"In 67 the armies were alot more evenly matxched.": What? the "Palestinians" were less powerful and had not even obtained their first tank. If you mean the formal nations of Egypt,etc., their armies were more powerful than ours. It was our technique, iniative, and alot of luck that won us our victory in 67, not "being evenly matched."
That's what I mean, the Arab armies were equal to Israel in terms of strength, now that excuse wont work any more, because Israel's army is a lot more powerful than any other Arab force, and even Arab countries put together.
"If Israel were invaded again.": you are confusing your issues. Arab NATIONS pose that threat, "Palestinains" engage us in Assymetrical Warfare in entrenched circumstances. They invaded centuries ago. Already there and already killing and Israel has not managed to "wipe the floor" because to do so would incur gross collateral damage to the tune of tens of thousands if not hundreds, so much for the brutality theory.
Hang on, I thought Palestinians didn't exist till 1948, now you are saying that they invaded "centuries ago" so how could they invade if they didnt exist
I think it's you who is confusing your issues mate ...