almost all of them fled voluntarily at the behest of their own fellow Arabs.
Yep, these people fled 'voluntarily' eh?
“During the morning [the Jews] were continually shooting down on all Arabs who moved both in Wadi Ninas and the Old City. This included completely indiscriminate and revolting machine gun fire, mortar fire and sniping on women and children sheltering in churches and attempting to get out . . . through the gates into the docks . . The 40 Royal Marine Commando who control the docks . . . sent the Arabs through in batches but there was considerable congestion outside the East Gate of hysterical Arab women and children and old people on whom the Jews opened up mercilessly with fire. Two [Royal Marine] officers were seriously wounded.” (Tactical HQ, 1st Coldstream Guards, ‘Battalion Sitrep’ 22 April 1948, 16.30hrs, PRO WO 261-297, cited in B Morris, the Birth of . . . p191)
Oh, looks like these did too . . .
“Their commander says that the [initial] order was: to take prisoner the adult males and to send the women and children to Motza. In the afternoon [of 9 April], the order was changed and became to kill all the prisoners . . . the adult males were taken to town in trucks and paraded in the city streets, then taken to the site and killed with rifle and machine gun fire. Before they [ie, the other inhabitants] were put on the trucks, the IZL and LHI men . . . took from them all the jewellery and stole their money. The behaviour towards them was especially barbaric [and included] kicks, shoves with rifle butts, spitting and cursing (people from Givat Shaul took part in the torture.)” ((‘Yavne’ [Yitzhak Levy] to Haganah Intelligence Service, 13 Apr 1948, IDFA 5254\49\\372, cited in Morris, the Birth of . . . p238)
And these people too . . .
“When the village was conquered, the villagers tried to escape and save themselves by fleeing to the fields of the [Jezreel] Valley. Forces from the nearby settlements sortied out and outflanked them. There were exchanges of fire in which several of these Arabs were killed. Other surrendered or were captured unarmed. Most were killed. And these were not gang members as was later written in [Mapam daily] Al Hamishmar, but defenceless, beaten peasants. Only members of my kibbutz [Hazore’a] took prisoners . . . Also in the village when adult males were discovered hiding hours after the end of the battle – they were killed . . . It is said there were also cases of rape, but it is possible this is only one of those made-up tales of ‘heroism’ that soldiers are prone to. Afterwards all the village’s houses and the well were blown up. . . Of the property in the houses and the farm animals left without minders, they took what they could: One took a kettle for coffee, another a horse, a third a cow . . . one may understand and justify, if they took cows from the field for Mishmar Ha’emek for example, or if soldiers who conquered the village would slaughter and fry chickens for themselves. But if every farmer from a nearby moshava [the allusion is to Yoqne’am] takes part in looting, that is nothing but theft.” (Bauer to Galili, Moshe Mann, Baruch Rabinov and Ya’akov Riftin, 14 Apr 1948, Eliezer Bauer (Be’eri) Papers. Cited in B Morris, The Birth of . . . p243)