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Stupid, stupid fuckers.

Whatever the faults - and they are many - of their leadership over the decades they were not the ones who ethnically cleansed Palestinians from their homes. There is a clear oppressor and oppressed in this issue

Very true the Israelis have the upper hand and can do the most damage because they have the industrial and international backing (ie the USA) to do so, I have never said this was not the case.

I think you're right, but I guess many Palestinians will at least see the benefit in that it is extracting a price from Israel and stopping the world from just letting them quietly sink down the plughole.

It is extracting a price from the Israelis, but at what cost? Actions like this just give the hardliners in Israel and the USA the excuses they need to carry on with their normal agenda, and pushes others in the rest of the world away from helping the Palastinians. I dont believe in the case of the Palastinians that "any news is good news".

Personally I think the most productive method of achieving their goals would be mass protests by Palestinians to break the walls and the blockades and the checkpoints and to appeal to Israelis not to shoot them or starve them (like these fellahs are attempting to gain support for).

I think that would definately be a step in the right direction, and certainly in an asymetric situation as this most definately is the more powerful side is put into an awkward position.
the meanign of your posts is entirely transparaent...


again your prejuidices are showing supprot fo r palestinians and not condeming their actions = capitualtion...

useless troll 0/10

What the fuck are you burbling on about?

I dont have any solutions for the present situation there, as apparantly is the case with you. But I can see that the present situation perpetuated by radicals on BOTH sides will never resolve itself.
It is extracting a price from the Israelis, but at what cost? Actions like this just give the hardliners in Israel and the USA the excuses they need to carry on with their normal agenda, and pushes others in the rest of the world away from helping the Palastinians. I dont believe in the case of the Palastinians that "any news is good news".

what part of desperation don't you understand?

moreover again with your snide little preudical comments and straw men...

you assume that the hardliners (like these childrens parents and sadly due to indoctrination these children too) need an excuse other than it's our land given to us by god and we will drive them into the sea or as one minister put it recently we will have a gazian holohcaust...

they don't need more justification than that do they it's pretty much a done deal with their conseince at this point...
What the fuck are you burbling on about?

I dont have any solutions for the present situation there, as apparantly is the case with you. But I can see that the present situation perpetuated by radicals on BOTH sides will never resolve itself.

I want to know everything there is to know about this lone murderer and his accomplice.

Alaa Abu Idheim, 26, a bus driver who lived with his family on School Street on Jebel Mukhaber


A quick google of Jebel Mukhaber is really revealing. It turns out it is an area where there is a Jewish settlement being built, and where Arab residents were refused permits to build.

Along with much of Arab east Jerusalem it is starved of municipal funds. So much for not being an apartheid state http://www.ynet.co.il/english/articles/0,7340,L-3253821,00.html

Some interesting stuff to be found on E Jerusalem in general:

Head of the Beit Hanina community center Hussam Wataad says 'the definition “helpless” is “a gentle way of describing the situation.” He prefers the term “an open wound in every aspect of life.”'

what part of desperation don't you understand?

moreover again with your snide little preudical comments and straw men...

you assume that the hardliners (like these childrens parents and sadly due to indoctrination these children too) need an excuse other than it's our land given to us by god and we will drive them into the sea or as one minister put it recently we will have a gazian holohcaust...

they don't need more justification than that do they it's pretty much a done deal with their conseince at this point...
That. And not all of those hard-liners are religious. But continuous promises of arbitration, negotiation, peace talks, peace talks, peace talks....with nothing happening but continuous...well it's large scale murder on a yearly scale, I mean it's quiet for a while now and then but at the end of the day it's - by a massive majority - Palestinians who are dying and suffering on an unbelievable scale.
That. And not all of those hard-liners are religious. But continuous promises of arbitration, negotiation, peace talks, peace talks, peace talks....with nothing happening but continuous...well it's large scale murder on a yearly scale, I mean it's quiet for a while now and then but at the end of the day it's - by a massive majority - Palestinians who are dying and suffering on an unbelievable scale.

Killing innocent/unarmed/non combatant regardless of creed is against the will of God.
Any True Jew or Muslim will know this.

God did not will this. This situation is not religious but political.

People seem to react emotionally to this situation. Even more so for the people who really know those who were murdered. There seem to be a lack of logic to this situation.

Not wanting to sound like a peace lover but there is too much hate in this region, thugs on both sides taking out their anger on whoever is close or just in the way as well as take out the Guilty. It just happen that theses "Induhviduals" belone to a religion.

Religion is just one part of a persons identity.

Does the majority of the population know anything about the on going war in Palestine and Israel ?
How it started the way Israel was created, the 6 day war the intafida, the illegal wall dividing Jews and Muslims put in place by a secular political party.I dont believe they do.

If people were better informed surely more can be done to creating a solution, and serving Justice.

look at it using logic and ask why this is happening perhaps.
Ghandi quote

No one can justify this, killing innocent people. If we lived by that attitude we'll all end up living the Ghandi quote "An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind".

EDIT: To clarify, if we think we can justify killing someone because a group killed your group...that is what I ment to say.

Soloqi: First off, the Barrier is not illegal. There WAS a brief on it filed at the Hague but a Brief is , in reality, meaningless. It is not demarcating a border, it is simply giving much needed security to the Israelis, both Jewish and otherwise, who live in areas bordered by it.

To take it one more step, since its construction fatal attacks emanating from areas bordered by it have dropped by 96%. I think that any rational person would recognise its true worth. It creates a 45 minute wait for some farmers? They should form a lobby and ask those militant groups operating in their respective areas to cease blowing up Israeli infants and then I am sure they would find the Barrier being dismantled.

Until there is a firm and lasting peace the Barrier will remain and thank G-D for that.

As for it being purely coincidental that the Arabs involved being members of Islam, study its history and dogma. Theologically they can never coexist with Israel because of the concept of a land having been ruled even for one minute by Muslims, must forevermore remain Islamic.

It is not coincidence when Bukhari speaks of destroying Jews wherever you find them, of the Qu'ran telling us how Jews tried to poison Muhammed, how Jews broke treaties with him over and over, and so on. It is ingrained hatred.

Thankfully moderates do exist but their rare voice is drowned in the torrents of hatred that exist in most of the Islamic World.
rachamim18: Thank you for your insight

This barrier that is as you say not illegal, certain governing bodies may say so.
But as for moral law well some people are more moral than others.

Just like not all Germans were Nazis well, not all the say 1.5 million Palestinians are suicide bombers.

"To take it one more step, since its construction fatal attacks emanating from areas bordered by it have dropped by 96%."

There are lies danm lies and statictics. And at what cost to the Palestinians,
Thanks to this wall and the Nazi style check points we have a significant deterioration in living conditions for Palestinian inhabitants in the Occupied Territories, with poverty, food aid dependency, health problems and unemployment reaching crisis levels.

These people are ghettoised, they are the left overs of war started by the British with their Mandate.

"Until there is a firm and lasting peace the Barrier will remain and thank G-D for that"

The South Africians had their apartheid wall, Israel has its Security fence,made out of concrete and razor wire. Its would be interesting to know that no jew commuinties exists in Palestine, it a wall of segregation.

You talk about Palestinians killing infants, Israel is responsible for more death of civillians,than puppet terrorist organisations in Palestine. State terrorism is unjustly called war some times.

One thing you should know about the quran is that it is poerty in pure arabic, where its meanings are ambiguous and cryptic. When translated into english its subject to further debate.

Also Moses, Solomon, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel and Malachi, are all jew and are messangers of God to all Muslims as well as Jews,

Lets Us not Forget too that Jews and Christians are called people of the book in the Quran. Infidels are a name reserved to Idol worshippers if memory serves correct.

Rather than listen to preatchers of hate go to a mosque and ask some questions about what Bukhari speaks of.

Current mainstream media deals with disinformation, most people believe what their tv sets tells them and what the censored newspapers say.
How can the truth ever be heard ? ????????
Soloqi: Not to be overly argumentive, but no. no government anywhere has ruled that the Barrier is illegal. To date, only a Biref was filed at the Hague and that is as meaningful as a UN General Assembly Resolution.

Who ever said all "Palestinians" (many more than 1.5 million live in Gaza alone)? In fact, I said the direct opposite when speaking about irrate "Palestinian" farmers complaining aboiut waits of up to an hour to cross the Barrier.

The vast majority do not belong to militant groups but they DO support their actions. Those who do not support the actions of militants are far and few between and too terrified to speak out. Although it has not happened in a couple of years the standard pun ishment for someone who went against the grain in both Gaza and "WB" were "Rubber Necklaces."

"Damn lies...": Sorry, but perhaps you could be more specific as to what you see as a lie? The statistic I quoted? That is old news. The percentages only climb.

"Nazi style Checkpoints.": First, to use the word Nazi and Israel/Israeli in the same sentence is reprehensible, not to mention ridiculous. Checkpoints are Nazi like? If only that were the case.

How about, Israel gassed some? Tatooed some? Shaved their heads and gassed them? Wrenched gold teeth out of their mouths? I can go on and on with this.

I want to also bring to your attention that those Checkpoints save lives...and the fact that the PA operates many more Checkpoints than Israel EVER has, and much less efficiently. The avergae wait at an IDF Checkpoint (not a Border xing) is 20 minutes. PA Point? Almost 2 hours. Do you consider the PA to be "Nazi like?"

"Deteriorating conditions in the 'Territories...." Um, only Gaza. The direct opposite applies in the so called "WB."

As for Gaza, again, they made their bed. Israel hands you the keys to the land you claim to live and die for, leaves millions {US} in propert and infrastructure (can anyone not recall the 2.2 billion (US) Greenhouse Industry that they then destroyed, totally, within 10 days of taking control?

The Qassams fired daily?

Better yet, the fact that under International AND PA Law HAMAS is an illegal entity?

"Left over from the British and the Mandate...": They were offered a state, with more and better land mind you, that the Zionists were. Of course they refused under the pretence that they wanted all or nothing. You ask for one or the other and you get something....NOTHING.

In 48 when the Mandate officially ended (not 47 as some posit), Trans-Jordan, a state illegaly created out of 70% of the offered "Palestinian" state, grabbed the entire "WB."

In Gaza Egypt did the same.

In 67 they made war with Israel and lost. Both then renounced claims to those lands. Since no Arab Nation has ever existed in those lands it was left to Israel to administer them.

Do you know the very first thing Israel did? Before erecting fences,etc.? It weent to every single village and dug potable wells for the populace. In its initial act is did more for those Arabs than all their Arab "brother put together.

From the beginning Israel was villified. How could it administer these lands when the population rejected their administration? Because under International Law it was relegated to them.To abandon the lands would be remiss and unhumitarian.

Since 67 Israel has time and again offered them statehood, again something they had been offered since 1919 and just as they did in 1919, they rejected it out of hand.

Using S. Africa in an analogy with Israel makes no sense . Apartheid is based on the interpretation of the Christian religion and is race based. In case you are unaware, both Jew and Arab not only belong to the same race, caucasian, but sub race, Semite.

To take it further, how many Arab Israelis are there? 2.2 million and they hold equal rights. How many Jews can even walk down a street in Gaza, not to mention being barred from even entering 7 nations (Jews as well as Israelis in this case).

I was not aware that S. Africa had a security Barrier. Perhaps you might point me in the right direction in trying to find out about it.

"Made out of concrete and razor wire....": Have you ever been there to see it? I ask because less than 26% consists of any concrete, and almost NO razor wire exists. Most of it is simply chainlink fencing as one might see in a Western playground.

"Interesting to know that no Jewish communities exist in 'Palestine'.": You mean Gaza and that is because HAMAS has primed Jewws for extermination. As far as the so called "WB," many Jewish communities exist there.

"Israel is responsbile for more civilain deaths than 'Palestinians'.": How do they come to these figures when militants wear no uniforms? Granted, militant groups soemtimes admit the deceased's membership but that is rare.

A bullet kills an innocent "PAlestinian." How do we know Israel did it? Where is the forensics? The INDEPENDANT 3rd part account? In talking of the most CCTV innundated area in the workd, where is the film? The ammo to measure caliber and grain content,etc., etc., etc.

"Qu'ran.": My first language is Arabic and I have read the Qu'ran quite a bit. Suras such as #4 are not allegorical. They are quite literal. I would like to see it explained as allwgorical.

If your point instead is that the Suras relating to Jew-hating are allegorical. Again, I would love to see that explained.

Muslims try and defend it by saying, "See!? The Prophet had a Jewish wife! He could not have hated Jews.": And then we see how he took her after great warfare...in other words she was property, nothing more and nothing less.

What do the Jewish prophets have to do with Islam. Of course Islam accepts them as they do Issa but that is because they believe that even Abraham was a Muslim. Whom they accept and do not accept is of no bearing. It is their attitude and action(s) that count.

"People of the Book.": And that is because Muhammed, in his illiteracy saw both faiths as different facets of the same religion. In the beginning he he prayed towards Jerusalem, until he was rejected by the Jews.

"Goi to a mosque and ask about Bukhari.": Again, I think in Arabic and have had more debates than I can count over all aspects of the faith including theologians like Bukhari.

"Current mainstream media.": That is nonsense (no offence). There are, for people who have the internet or even simply cable tv, enough choices.
Soloqi: First off, the Barrier is not illegal. There WAS a brief on it filed at the Hague but a Brief is , in reality, meaningless. It is not demarcating a border, it is simply giving much needed security to the Israelis, both Jewish and otherwise, who live in areas bordered by it.

It's been rendered 'legal' by the Israeli state through the use of legalistic argument. In reality it is an illegal barrier that creates more tensions than it solves. It is short-sighted in the extreme and smacks of both Israeli arrogance and racism (don't bother trying to wriggle out of it, you'll only end up looking foolish).
"Qu'ran.": My first language is Arabic and I have read the Qu'ran quite a bit. Suras such as #4 are not allegorical. They are quite literal. I would like to see it explained as allwgorical.

Your first language is Arabic? That isn't what you've said on here before - is it?
rachamim18, your funny.

No government no where says the "fence is illegal" are the same governments that Went to war Iraq, to find weapoons of mass destruction..

People are too quick to forget.

What do the Jewish prophets have to do with Islam. Of course Islam accepts them as they do Issa but that is because they believe that even Abraham was a Muslim. Whom they accept and do not accept is of no bearing. It is their attitude and action(s) that count.

They believe in the oneness of God. Islam is simply a completion of judaism and christanity.

It's been rendered 'legal' by the Israeli state through the use of legalistic argument. In reality it is an illegal barrier that creates more tensions than it solves. It is short-sighted in the extreme and smacks of both Israeli arrogance and racism (don't bother trying to wriggle out of it, you'll only end up looking foolish).

Todays governments do not carry out the will of the people,but corporations and the minority who control the wealth.

Nazi style Checkpoints.": First, to use the word Nazi and Israel/Israeli in the same sentence is reprehensible, not to mention ridiculous. Checkpoints are Nazi like? If only that were the case.

How about, Israel gassed some? Tatooed some? Shaved their heads and gassed them? Wrenched gold teeth out of their mouths? I can go on and on with this.

Nazi styled check points manned by Isareli soldiers bully and ethnic minority poplulation, instigate a climate of fear with collective punishment and the killing of thousands of un armed women and children, along with the destruction of infrastructure, and enforced cerfews.
Snipe foreign unarmed activists for fun.
The Israeli government perfere the above method.
there's a pattern here............and you know, i dont think violence is proving to be the answer.

Call me crazy...............
they are all idiots. Unofrtunately the Israeli leaders are seen as more humane because their voting system makes their actions have a sheen of legality about them.
Nino: "Creates more tension than it solves..." : I disagree of course. A 90 odd percentage drop in fatal attacks is very meaningful in my book, especially when it is my family directly involved. Perhaps if you yourself lived in a border area that was subject to men, women, and children strapping Semtex to themselves and detonating you too might feel the same. Until then, I would ask you to consider both sides of a complex issue.

"First language is Arabic....": Actually I have always said it because it has always been true. It is the language of my father, his father, and so on due to Arab occupation of our homeland.

Soloqi: Governments have no say in what and what is not illegal in another nation. There are International Tribunals for those issues and on this particular issue, none has said so.

"Nazi styled Checkpoints bully the population...": There ARE cases where abuses happen...such as the equivalent of a Private taking a much needed ID Card and confiscating it for whatever reason but perhaps you are unaware that IDF Checkpoints are CONSTANTLY monitored by both the Israeli Govt. as well as activists. IF terrible abuse took place, there would be film, and of course nonse exist.

PA Checkpoints on the other hand are another story. Having run a Checkpoint up until June of 2007 I can attest personally to unimaginable abuse taking place at unmonitored PA Points but no one here would care because it is unsexy to criticise Arabs...no cache in it.

They also initiate many m,ore curfews, and not for security reasons , like Israel does.

"Snipe unarmed foreing activists for fun.": Actually, how many times did a foreign activist get hit by a sniper? twice? Both times by non-Jews (albeit in the IDF) which says alot for your anti-Zionist screeds, but? In any armed conflict things like that will happen, sadly. ALL armed forces the world over have bad apples and the Brits have more than their share and yet noon is calling for the dismantling of the UK, are they? The UK by the way that is occupying Wales and Scotland not to mention Las Malvinas and various other areas.

Frogwoman: You can quote all you like. You obviously take it to mean I wish that IDF Checkpoints committed Nazi atrocities. I take it, and I am the person who said it, to mean that the person I was addressing has no idea what they are saying, the crimes that would be happening were it true.
Barkingmad: "Sheen of legality.": 2.2 million Arabs vote as well so you really need to examine your comment.

I feel sorry that you have learnt nothing and simply treat others as you yourself have been treated. Psychologically it is of course somewhat understandable that given your treatment you react this way. You are a psychologically damaged nation. :(
Nino: "Creates more tension than it solves..." : I disagree of course. A 90 odd percentage drop in fatal attacks is very meaningful in my book, especially when it is my family directly involved. Perhaps if you yourself lived in a border area that was subject to men, women, and children strapping Semtex to themselves and detonating you too might feel the same. Until then, I would ask you to consider both sides of a complex issue.

"First language is Arabic....": Actually I have always said it because it has always been true. It is the language of my father, his father, and so on due to Arab occupation of our homeland.

Do you ever tire of lying? Walls solve nothing. The Berlin wall eventually fell and it was never 100% effective in preventing East Germans from crossing into West Berlin. Your apartheid wall will eventually fall too. When that happens dinosaurs like you will either be dead or in prison.

You continue to lie about yourself as well, you have never once claimed before on this forum that your first language was "Arabic". Then, suddenly, when it comes to the Hamas Charter, your mother tongue is now Arabic.

Go tell that to some other schmuck who'll believe you.
"Snipe unarmed foreing activists for fun.": Actually, how many times did a foreign activist get hit by a sniper? twice? Both times by non-Jews (albeit in the IDF) which says alot for your anti-Zionist screeds, but? In any armed conflict things like that will happen, sadly. ALL armed forces the world over have bad apples and the Brits have more than their share and yet noon is calling for the dismantling of the UK, are they? The UK by the way that is occupying Wales and Scotland not to mention Las Malvinas and various other areas."

Its funny how you take what i say and call it something else, are you ok ?
people do not get hit my snipers they get murdered by them.
I never claimed to have an anti zionest creed, Zionist are like any other religios fannatic group that call the will of god.

"The UK by the way that is occupying Wales and Scotland not to mention Las Malvinas and various other areas."
I have spend time in both places and never had to cross a nazi style check point like the one manned my Israeli soliders in Palestine.
The welsh and scotish can come and go freely un checked and unharmed by british soliders.

You seem sick in the head you should behave in a rational manner, and stop playing the victim. Peace be upon you.
"Snipe unarmed foreing activists for fun.": Actually, how many times did a foreign activist get hit by a sniper? twice? Both times by non-Jews (albeit in the IDF) which says alot for your anti-Zionist screeds, but? In any armed conflict things like that will happen, sadly. ALL armed forces the world over have bad apples and the Brits have more than their share and yet noon is calling for the dismantling of the UK, are they? The UK by the way that is occupying Wales and Scotland not to mention Las Malvinas and various other areas."

Its funny how you take what i say and call it something else, are you ok ?
people do not get hit my snipers they get murdered by them.
I never claimed to have an anti zionest creed, Zionist are like any other religios fannatic group that call the will of god.

"The UK by the way that is occupying Wales and Scotland not to mention Las Malvinas and various other areas."
I have spend time in both places and never had to cross a nazi style check point like the one manned my Israeli soliders in Palestine.
The welsh and scotish can come and go freely un checked and unharmed by british soliders.

You seem sick in the head you should behave in a rational manner, and stop playing the victim. Peace be upon you.
Barking: I enjoyed the blanket analysis of an entire nation but really, are you positive that you want to sign that check? Israelis are as varied as any other nation and happen to have one of the best examples of democracy on Earth (problem being that people confuse residents of the so called "Territories" with citizens of Israel).

Nino: First explain how Semites could engage in Apartheid with other Semites.

Then explain what a border demarcation like the Berlin Wall has to do with a security Barrier that has caused a 90 odd percentage point DROP in FATAL attacks. Thanks in advance.

Whether or not you believe my first language is Aleutian, I could not care less. In fact I have discussed it here numerous times but all you sniping and trolling has probably effected your memory skills. Too bad, but that is your figurative cross to bear.

Panda: I know you would like to imagine that but I do speak all of them. Arabic however is my first and I have NEVER claimed other wise.I think that will be enough of me, how about getting back to the supposed subject? Miserable people can be entertaining at times but sometimes become tedious when others really wish to discuss real issues. PS: I actually peak many more as well if you want to argue that s well.

OH, because I feel sorry for you and your twin Nino (probably the same person), just go back to threads where I discuss the spelling of Hezbollah versus Hizbollah with that other poster whose name began with an "S".
Soloqi: I am fine. Because you do not say something in one particular post, does not mean that you then have never said it, or more precisely expressed that same idea in another post.

"People get murdered by snipers...": That happened all of one time. The other case where an IDF, and both were NOT snipers (let us be exact at least), simply Infantrymen shot someone was a case of an errant shot. In fact, the one case where one could even argue there was a case of murder was judged to be a case of Manslaughter. He has no intent, but acted on impulse. In any event, t was enough to get him cashiered and imprisoned so it is academic above the sadness of the event.

You see me as playing the victim? Because I DARE to hold a different opinion than you? I would say that speaks volumes more about yourself than it would about me.

I mean, I am after all one of perhaps 14 million Jews on the planet. whose parents' generation rose out of the death camps, established a tiny nation of a couple of million and who are faced with more than 1 billion Muslims who for the most part are committed to our destruction....but hey, I still manage to engage folks like yourself and to do so without resorting to expletives and ad hom attacks. YOU might want to mull that one over.
Nino: First explain how Semites could engage in Apartheid with other Semites.

This again. :rolleyes: It's rather obvious: Israel has built a wall and has subjected an entire people to collective punishment. That is racism in anyone's book except that of a Kahanist.
Then explain what a border demarcation like the Berlin Wall has to do with a security Barrier that has caused a 90 odd percentage point DROP in FATAL attacks. Thanks in advance.

Plenty but you're too ignorant to understand.

Whether or not you believe my first language is Aleutian, I could not care less. In fact I have discussed it here numerous times but all you sniping and trolling has probably effected your memory skills. Too bad, but that is your figurative cross to bear.

More lies.
Like i have stressed in the previous post you take what people say and turn it into something else. Dont assume without evidence what my thought are and idea.

I mean, I am after all one of perhaps 14 million Jews on the planet. whose parents' generation rose out of the death camps, established a tiny nation of a couple of million and who are faced with more than 1 billion Muslims who for the most part are committed to our destruction....but hey, I still manage to engage folks like yourself and to do so without resorting to expletives and ad hom attacks. YOU might want to mull that one over.

You are simple preaching hate and assuming all Muslims agree with a handful of fanatics. you seem to believe the main stream media, who agenda at the end of the day is not about providing information but political.

Do you know the high of religious extremism ? .
5000 years ago a group of people lived in a region now called Israel. and because of that they have a right to live there now.
This tiny nation has the 4th larges army and was created by a terrorist organisation called Irgun. A religious fundemental organisation who wanted a homeland in the middle east.
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