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UVW private school cleaners' strike is off now cos they've won:

Outsourced jobcentre security staff announce more strike dates:

And passport staff at Heathrow striking over a new roster:
Also, volunteers wanted for an attempt at organising in hospitality:
GAILS's campaign volunteers sign-up
We want to invite you to get involved in a new Organise Now campaign that moves from supporting workers who reach out to us, to actively building a campaign at a company: GAIL’s! We’ve chosen GAIL’s because it is a non-union hospitality chain. It is expanding rapidly and there is leverage that workers can build both in-store and in the supply chain. The aim of the campaign is as follows: to develop a worker campaign at GAIL’s related to pay and conditions, to support GAIL’s workers building power in the workplace, to develop a trade union structure to support GAIL’s workers bargaining and negotiating with the employer, and to seek recognition of BFAWU at GAIL’s

To do this, we need to speak to workers and build public support. Our aim is to do as many GAIL’s workplace visits as possible, aiming to build relationships and understand the issues in the workplace. We will use novel social media targeting alongside this to build up contacts at GAIL’s. We then need experienced coaches who can tailor their support to GAIL’s workers. Once all this is in place, we will go public with a worker-led campaign. To make this campaign a success, we need volunteers with experience like you. Do you want to get involved in unionising GAIL’s?

Sign up below for our first meeting at 6pm, Thursday 12th of September
Outsourced workers at Sheffield First Bus depot to strike on 12, 20, 24, 30 September and 8, 9,16, 17, 24 and 25 October.

Sheffield Veolia refuse workers have also been out on indefinite strike since 20th August over union recognition.

Colchester NHS staff to strike against outsourcing plans from 10-14 September.
On that last one:
Please send messages of solidarity to branch@ciah-unison.co.uk.

And if you’re able to send financial support to the strikers, please send it to:

UNISON Colchester & Ipswich Area Health
Sort code: 60-83-01;
Account number: 20403881
Reference: STRIKE
UVW asking people to write to the Natural History & Science Museum bosses asking them to negotiate with staff ahead of a potential strike:
I filled out the form. I only saw your post because I am thinking of visiting the sciecne museum next week, and did a search to see if their were any posts about it.
I filled out the form. I only saw your post because I am thinking of visiting the sciecne museum next week, and did a search to see if their were any posts about it.
I have just discovered that, although it is still free to visit the Science Museum, you have to book a ticket in advance, specifying a half hour period on a particular day. I will be in London next week for an appointment, but I have not much idea what time I would want to go to the Museum. Why are these things so complicated? No wonder they don't care about paying higher wages to the guards.
UVW fundraiser party for the striking museum guards in mid-October:


Party to celebrate our wins and fundraise for our strikes! 🔥

Have fun and help us fund our next fight!

Are you ready to party to support museum security guards and all our comrades on strike?

Join us for an evening of solidarity, fun and comradeship with BBQ, music, raffle, drinks and dancing. All proceeds will go to the UVW strike fund.

Let’s come together to celebrate our members’ recent victories, including at JAGS school, while gearing up for the next fight in the Natural History and Science museums!

There might even be a giant piñata! 🪅
Outsourced caterers and cleaners striking at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in East Kilbride on 24, 25 and 26 September, and a further 8 days of walkouts on 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22 and 24 October.

The G4S DWP dispute continues, asking for people to support picket lines on the following days this coming week:


  • Birkenhead – Brunswick House, Price Street, 8am
  • Bradford – Westfield House, 9am
  • Grimsby - Bridge House, Victoria Street, 8-10.30am
  • Handsworth – Jobcentre Plus, 9.30-11am
  • Middleton – Jobcentre Plus, Othen House, Oldham Road, 7am
  • Oldham – Tweedale House, Union Street, 9am
  • Pudsey jobcentre, 8.30am
  • St Helens - Gregson House, 8.15-10am
  • Sheffield - Hillsborough Jobcentre, Cavalry and Lancer Court, 639-641 Penistone Road, Sheffield, S6 2GG

  • Birkenhead – Brunswick House, Price Street, 8am
  • Bradford – Westfield House, 9am
  • Grimsby - Bridge House, Victoria Street, 8-10.30am
  • Middleton – Jobcentre Plus, Othen House, Oldham Road, 7am
  • Oldham – Tweedale House, Union Street, 9am
  • St Helens - Gregson House, 8.15-10am
  • Sheffield - Bailey Court Jobcentre, 112 West Street, Sheffield, S1 3SY
  • Walsall - Bridle Court Jobcentre Plus – 8.30-10am.

  • Birkenhead – Brunswick House, Price Street, 8am
  • Bradford – Westfield House, 9am
  • Grimsby - Bridge House, Victoria Street, 8-10.30am
  • Hanley - Jobcentre, Huntbach Street, 10am
  • Middleton – Jobcentre Plus, Othen House, Oldham Road, 7am
  • Oldham – Tweedale House, Union Street, 9am
  • St Helens - Gregson House, 8.15-10am
  • Sheffield - Cavendish Court, 9 Bank Street, Sheffield, S1 2DR.

  • Birkenhead – Brunswick House, Price Street, 8am
  • Bradford – Westfield House, 9am
  • Grimsby - Bridge House, Victoria Street, 8-10.30am
  • Middleton – Jobcentre Plus, Othen House, Oldham Road, 7am
  • Oldham – Tweedale House, Union Street, 9am
  • St Helens - Gregson House, 8.15-10am
  • Sheffield - Hartshead Square, 1 Hartshead Square, Sheffield, S1 2FD

  • Birkenhead – Jobcentre Plus, Brunswick House, Price Street, 8am
  • Bradford – Westfield House, 9am
  • Grimsby - Bridge House, Victoria Street, 8-10.30am
  • Middleton – Jobcentre Plus, Othen House, Oldham Road, 7am
  • Oldham – Tweedale House, Union Street, 9am
  • St Helens – Gregson House, 8.15-10am
  • Sheffield - Kings Court, 80 Hanover Way, Sheffield, S3 7UF


  • Bradford – Westfield House, 9am
  • Grimsby - Bridge House, Victoria Street, 8-10.30am

First ever-strike by workers making Tetley Tea in Teesside (pleasing bit of alliteration there) to continue on Monday 23rd.

Food preparation workers at Bakkavor in Spalding, Lincolnshire, to start indefinite strike over low pay from Friday 27th on.

Oscar Mayer ready-meal staff in Wrexham in the middle of a strike over fire and rehire running from 12 September to 10 October.

Labour have of course promised to ban fire and rehire within their first 100 days, although they've not got around to it just yet.
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