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A video message from a leading bus worker activist in Cairo to colleagues in London who are discussing strike action to win improved bonuses. April 2012

Alas the guy is speaking in Arabic but I admire the sentiment. Can anyone translate?
NHS managers draw up plans to cope with first mass walkout by doctors

National Health Service managers have been told to draw up contingency plans to deal with the threat of the first-ever strike by doctors in England, which could take place within two months.

The British Medical Association is to ballot members over possible industrial action against the Government's proposed changes to doctors' pension entitlements next month.

If they vote in favour of a 24-hour strike, doctors would only provide urgent and emergency care to patients. Routine operations, scheduled GP appointment and hospital outpatient appointments would be cancelled. The BMA has said it will review the "impact on patients of the day of action" but further one-day stoppages are likely. As a result, NHS executives are being told to draw up plans for dealing with the knock-on effects of a walkout, as well identifying what is and what is not urgent or emergency care.
From PCS website
National executive agrees plans for ongoing action

17 April 2012
The union's national executive this afternoon unanimously agreed a programme of ongoing action, starting with national strikes over pensions co-ordinated with other unions on 10 May and at the end of June.
The action across the civil service, health and education, will include joint national strikes; national, regional and local protests; lobbying of ministers, MPs and other politicians; and co-ordinated, targeted industrial action in employer groups and sectors.
The plans are designed to help build the maximum possible level of co-ordination between unions in the weeks and months ahead, to press the government for more meaningful negotiations.
Following our ballot result – in which 90.5% voted to reject the government's pensions offer and 72.1% voted for a programme of further action – we wrote to Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude requesting genuine negotiations but, as yet, have not received a reply.
Since March we have successfully worked to build a coalition of unions ready to take the action needed to put real pressure on the government.
Unite has already announced that its members in health will hold national strike action on 10 May and a ballot of Unite members in the civil service closes tomorrow, with an expectation they will also join the action.
In education, UCU has confirmed it intends to strike on 10 May, though this is subject to a decision next week. Following its annual conference, the NUT executive is due to meet next week to take final decisions on rolling regional and national strikes, including proposed national action in June.
The main Northern Ireland public sector union Nipsa has confirmed plans to take action on that date and RMT members in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary will also be on strike.
The action will come a day after the Queen's Speech, which is expected to include a parliamentary bill forcing through changes to public sector pensions that will mean civil and public servants paying much more every month and working up to eight years longer for a lower pension in retirement.
Campaign plans for members in employer groups are being drawn up alongside proposals for national action, with groups encouraged to consider how their own issues are taken forward.
On 10 May, we will be organising strike day activities in each region with other unions – including, marches and rallies – and we will look to include other campaign groups such as the National Pensioners Association, UK Uncut, Disabled People Against the Cuts, BARAC and local anti-cuts alliances.
The Police Federation is also planning a national march through central London on 10 May to protest about cuts to pay, pensions and jobs.
More information about these plans will be posted to our website by early next week.
Since the last NEC, lobbying events have been organised, starting with a protest in deputy prime minister Nick Clegg's constituency in Sheffield at the weekend,. Others are planned in the constituencies of key cabinet members, including David Cameron, George Osborne, Francis Maude, Michael Gove and Danny Alexander.
The only thing the last strike achieved for me was Unison caving in and sending me government propoganda about how fair the CARE pension scheme is (cunts). The opposite of what I was hoping the strike achieved.

The simple question I ask is if a 1 day strike every 4 months, with nothing in between, is putting pressure on the Government and is a tactic likely to win concessions.
BBC workers to ballot for Jubilee strike

Workers at the BBC are to ballot for industrial action after management today imposed a 1% pay rise without consultation.

Bectu members will receive ballot papers early next week, with subsequent strike action likely to take place in late May / early June, possibly coinciding with the Golden Jubilee celebrations. UnionNews understands the NUJ and Unite are considering their response.
Increasing their push for regional pay
The cabinet minister is backing a plan for regional pay, which would mean that nurses, midwives, hospital porters, cleaners and paramedics would earn less if they work in the north or the Midlands rather than in the south of England. Official documents reveal that the only exemption backed by the Department of Health would be for highly paid managers working in new bodies established to deliver Lansley's controversial NHS reform programme, widely criticised as a privatisation of the health service.
Even on their own terms this seems lie an idiotic proposal to me. I would have thought that it would damage them in those seats that are needed to be won.
The UK subsidiary of Austrian multi-national packaging company Mayr-Melnhof, has victimised and illegally sacked over 140 workers at its factory in Liverpool. On February 18th, following lawful industrial action taken by Unite the Union over the imposition of unfair selection criteria and inferior pay for a limited number of redundancies, Mayr Melnhof Packaging Ltd, locked-out the entire workforce - the first employer lock-out in England for over fifty years....

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This May 10th strike - I've not heard anything so does this mean it's not council workers who are striking this time? Cheers.
This May 10th strike - I've not heard anything so does this mean it's not council workers who are striking this time? Cheers.

10 May unions out are PCS (civil servants), UCU (lecturers), Unite (NHS and Civil Service) and NIPSA (Irish public sector union). Also RMT in small numbers and NUT are taking action in a region - Wales I think.

Local Government workers are not on strike, but Unison members in the NHS did vote yesterday to reject the offer.
UNISON are claiming "no clear mandate" as 50.4% voted to reject on a 15% turnout. Just pleased leadership didn't get the acceptance of the measly "deal" they wanted.
Definitely on strike in my case, come Thirsday 10th :)

I'll lose a day's pay, but I'm actually happy to.

One good thing about the date being confirmed relatively late on, is that some of those who booked leave last time so as not lose money, have been caught out (there's only a limited quota of leave on each team).
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