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Cos Dave Prentis, like Brendan Barber, is only interested in getting Labour back in power in 2015. They don't want them earlier because they are happy to let the tories/lib dems fuck up the economy first, helping labour get a larger majority. Both, I would think, are expecting peerages in the end.
So they don't want any opposition to be too effective and they want their members to be pissed off at the tories for slashing their pensions, so they'll vote labour and encourage others to in 2015.
(imo obviously)

It's just like all the labour councillors who voted through the cuts and wring their hands as people's lives and services are being wrecked. 'blame the tories not us' even though the labour party would be hacking away if they'd won the last election. It's not just prentis though, i've seen it from unison staff/full-timers at local level. bunch of cunts:mad:
Can someone please explain to me why UNISON need pressure applied to reject the Governments offer at all, and why are they not simply backing and supporting their own members?

V good question. BigTom has part of it but isn't enough to explain in full. I think - unlike say PCS - there is a huge gulf and mutual suspicion between the union leadership/officialdom and the activist left. The leadership thinks the activists are basically a totally unrepresentative group of Trots who don't in any way reflect or speak for the views of ordinary union members, who they think are much more (small c) conservative. Prentis et al think that prolonged industrial action over anything at all is effectively only going to expose the weakness and non-militancy of their own members - who will drift back to work and lots of workers will end up crossing pickets. So their job is to protect the reputation and unity of the union from adventurist militants who would drive the union into the ground (like another miners strike).

This uber-pessimism can be seen in their assumption that the teachers etc would all settle, and the "coalition of the willing" fragment leaving UNISON exposed. Inconviently for them, the other unions have mostly voted to carry on the fight leaving UNISON looking like bottlers.
It's just like all the labour councillors who voted through the cuts and wring their hands as people's lives and services are being wrecked. 'blame the tories not us' even though the labour party would be hacking away if they'd won the last election. It's not just prentis though, i've seen it from unison staff/full-timers at local level. bunch of cunts:mad:

I've got to say that in Birmingham that is not the case - the full timers at the Birmingham branch are all militant, probably more so than their membership, but I've no doubt your impression is true for much of the country.
I've got to say that in Birmingham that is not the case - the full timers at the Birmingham branch are all militant, probably more so than their membership, but I've no doubt your impression is true for much of the country.

In my city the council, LP and the Unison people are all much the same people. I really hope it isn't the same everywhere!
Also: "Today the branch committee of the enormous Unison local government branch in Birmingham, with over 15,000 members, has unanimously voted to reject the 'heads of agreement' in the pensions dispute!"
Surrey County Unison branch secretary (and member of South East Unison Regional Committee): All Unison SE national service group reps pledge to vote against ‘deal’ tomorrow.
Also: "Today the branch committee of the enormous Unison local government branch in Birmingham, with over 15,000 members, has unanimously voted to reject the 'heads of agreement' in the pensions dispute!"

Yep, Birmingham unison LG are pretty militant, and their members are getting hammered in the council cuts, as well as the pensions. Doesn't suprise me at all that it was unanimous. Hope that helps push unison to make the right decision.
‎'West midlands unison local government reject pension deal 10 branches to 5'

Today is the lobby of the UNISON national meeting.(sorry bit late on the notice for that one - but also the TUC lobby):

Lobby of the Unison Service Group Executives on the pensions' dispute
Tuesday 10th January 2012 12.30pm
Outside Unison HQ on Euston Road, London.

Lobby of the TUC general council on the pensions' dispute
Thursday 12th January 2012 2pm
Outside Congress House, Great Russell Street, London

(I know, I know - but they are all scum - many may well be but they are under a lot of preasure - all still to play for and UNISON onside - even kicking and screaming as the likes of Prentice will be makes the wider struggle easier to esculate - especially for UNISON activists on the ground)
Yep - probably mate - "PC" from the old days (and back in action after disappearing for a wee while - he's on my fb friends if you like to catch up :)

Aye he's on mines too, just wasn't sure if he was the Surrey Branch Sec.

If its the PC im thiking of (and it is, as he's in surrey), he is well sound :cool:

Indeed he is froggie. Dennis, me and him go back many years and some rather fun times....
Glenn K reporting on twitter that UNISON exec voterd 24-10 to accept the govts pensions offer in local govt. :(
Leaves the UNITE local govt workers out on a limb in particular - and drives a coach and horses through the possibility of what was effectively a public-sector wide dispute.
Leaves the UNITE local govt workers out on a limb in particular - and drives a coach and horses through the possibility of what was effectively a public-sector wide dispute.

and just at a time when private sector pension attacks were finally being challenged (Unilever etc).... fuckwits
I can't believe that any amount of adjustments re accrual rates can amount to something worth settling for. Does the exec have to make a recommendation for the membership to vote on, or is that it?
More from GK on Twitter: Unison HE sector vote 6-5 to accept heads of agreement.
Health agree to put offer to members in a ballot and will now make a recommendation


Now is not the time to mourn but organise. We must begin to plan for special conferences to overturn leadership
"When left called for a recorded vote chair to hold exec members to account chair said no when asked why the democrat said cos I said so!"

Name and shame the traitors
right so who in local government unions is still fighting? i'll sack unison and join them instead.
right so who in local government unions is still fighting? i'll sack unison and join them instead.

the answer is - everybody else* - every other union!. you probably won't be the only one. make sure to take the entire branch with you though! (and if you cannot you have t ostay and force these bastards out - no other option)

*sorry - forgot the other exception - the GMB - I always forget they are a bloody union.... two big exceptions though - they dominate local government organisation :-(
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