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Stockwell bus garage documentary

This film (c. 1962) has some chunks filmed at Stockwell (the shiny new Routemaster on somewhat fictional route 48 was borrowed from Poplar garage - at that time, they were only in use at ex trolleybus garages)

the comments may not be good for the blood pressure, though...
in terms of architecture, wythenshawe / northenden bus garage (completed by Manchester City Transport in the early years of WW2) is a lesser known earlier version of the same concept -

one of these makes the point that bus garages are ideal with big open spaces for moving buses around in. tram depots can have lots of walls or pillars as unless something goes very wrong, you can be inch perfect getting through a narrow gap with a tram...
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A couple of other asides -

The Stockwell site had been identified for a trolleybus depot in the late 30s, when the plan was to replace all of london's trams with trolleybuses (the war interrupted this plan, leaving S London with trams until the early 50s) - stockwell was intended to replace norwood tram depot and brixton hill tram depot - it more or less did this post-war, but with buses not trolleybuses.

If it hadn't been for a shortage of steel at the time, the stockwell building would probably have ended up more akin to the old peckham bus garage


although the latter was closed in the 1990s with (allegedly) roof problems - although the speed at which most of the site was sold off has led to some doubt about this...
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