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steven gerrard to be new huns manager

Would have preferred him to stay at Liverpool and work alongside Klopp. Still good experience and a big challenge for the lad I guess :hmm:
So going to a club where only beating Celtic regularly will be considered a success, but without their resources (and for all that he's an Olympic-standard bullshitter Brendan Rogers is still a decent experienced manager)? Seems like a smart move.
Can't say I'm enjoying the direction of this thread or the title.

Desperate times when McInnes rejects the biggest club in Scotland.
Can't say I'm enjoying the direction of this thread or the title.
all threads tend in the same direction on the first page, downwards. but if you would like a different direction find a hun and get them to start a thread themselves.

except you can't because all the huns posting here e.g. anchorage, have been banned for being racist fuckspanners.
A joke nicked from Pie and Bovril:

Major investment coming for Rangers, a very rich Arab businessman with huge Masonic Links...

Sheik Mahawn
Hell of a high-pressure job for your first one. Not much chance of it ending well, is there?
"We're up to our knees in our new managers relatives & ancestors blood"

"Oh no Pope of Rome, no Chapels for Mrs Gerard & the kids to attend"
couldn't pick a more dysfunctional club for your 1st job. Shame I quite like mr g . hope it doesn't scar him too much.
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