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steven fry is unfriendly and inhumane in real life

Hmm. This is a difficult one. Never liked Stephen Fry: his novels are appallingly bad and he's a lickspittle toady to mad Charlie Mountbatten. OTOH, the OP has consistently demonstrated that wonderful artist though she is, putting letters into the right order to make sense is not her forte.

So which way to jump?
You realise where this all could lead?

When someone on Twitter said they loved Stephen Fry but found his Tweets "a bit boring", Fry did a strop and threatened to leave Twitter, which made front-page news and almost destabilised the economy for the second time, threatening the very existence of life on our planet.

I bet that Alan Davies is a right prick in real life though.
I'm half expecting Fry to be attacked by a deranged individual, after reading this thread...

Apparently, Rowan Atkinson isn't very friendly, in person. And Hugh Laurie is aloof, allegedly :eek:
Oh the inhumanity....

Steven Fry is like a chubby walking Birkenau obviously.

Tbh i'd probably get fed up with people endlessly trying to talk to me in public, whilst being fully aware that through exposing myself to the public limelight I can't really be that annoyed or surprised by it heh. Probably just a bad hair day anyway...
are you and your 'friend' the sensitive type? was the blatant Fry sarcasm missed?:facepalm:

I read that as blatantly sarcastic (and funny), too.

I don't suppose it was actually him who employed her to pick fluff off his suit etc etc....sound like a fairly obvious joke to break the ice for a slightly embarrassing situation.

If it went over her head for the lack of a hearty laugh to go with it or whatever, I'd not hold that against him.
I'd have laughed myself though, defo! :D
In your opinion most famous and powerful people are dicks, so it is likely that Stephen Fry would be unfriendly and inhumane.

Does that not make you someone quick to judge others on the basis of hearsay, in which case you're being a dick?

Maybe? I think my point was that so many people didn't believe what the girl said or thought she "took it the wrong way" struck me as a bit unfair and perhaps sychophantic?. Sure, we don't know the girl or if she even exists but why do people feel like they "know" Stephen Fry? I wouldn't say that one incident which is hearsay, as you said, means that he is "inhumane" or even " a dick" I guess I was just trying to stand up for the virtual underdog?
Maybe? I think my point was that so many people didn't believe what the girl said or thought she "took it the wrong way" struck me as a bit unfair and perhaps sychophantic?. Sure, we don't know the girl or if she even exists but why do people feel like they "know" Stephen Fry? I wouldn't say that one incident which is hearsay, as you said, means that he is "inhumane" or even " a dick" I guess I was just trying to stand up for the virtual underdog?

Miss Caphat - you're in the US, eh?
Iirc, you have actually spent some time in Scotland, but I was just wondering if you actually know who Stephen Fry is?
I am sure that sometimes Stephen is not in a mood to be funny.

Indeed he had a flounce on twitter recently and almost gave it up.

I wonder how affected he is by his bipolar, when he did the program on it he never mentioned whether he himself was on medication for it.
Miss Caphat - you're in the US, eh?
Iirc, you have actually spent some time in Scotland, but I was just wondering if you actually know who Stephen Fry is?

In the US? not right now...I'm actually writing this from inside your fridge!
Yes I do know who Stephen Fry is. My ex was a big fan. If I didn't know who he was I would not have read the thread.
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