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SpaceX rockets and launches

No doubt. If it hadn't been for X-33 eating all of NASA's SSTO R&D money, it could have gone somewhere.
But a VTOL SSTO is damned hard anyway. Your mass fraction is going to be terrible, if not zero, unless you use exotic engine technology like aerospike or mixed mode (air-breathing rocket).
I like the approach that SpaceX is taking - make the first stage reusable and you've already saved yourself the majority of the cost of the rocket. It's 90% of the engines and 75% of the tanking. It's much much easier than recovering the whole vehicle, and lets you test technologies while flying commercial missions. Win-win, IMO.

why didn't aerospike take off, too little benefit?
We'll find out later, I expect. Still, impressive performance from what is effectively a new vehicle.
Awesome, can't wait to here the results of the first stage testing. That launch had a lot of new features. New pad and launch track, new engines, airframe, fuel handling, flight profile. It was one hell of a gamble even with an essentially zero-risk payload.
First reports are that the 1st stage did its braking burn, re-entered fine, and was part way through the final "landing" burn, when excessive roll "centrifuged" the fuel away from the feed line, causing engine flame-out. So very nearly a complete success. Apparently, there is video. Coming later this week, we hope.

yep that's exactly what it looks like

Ok, this is incredible footage. The hexacopter gets VERY close to the rocket as it descends. Looks like a movie special effect. Very very cool.
Here is the first stage of the F9 v1.1 "landing" on the ocean. This is apparently a still from a video, which we will get to see soon fingers crossed.

editor - Could we have this thread renamed to "SpaceX rocket launches and news" please? We only really need the one thread, but the current title's a bit inaccurate.
well, they had an issue but looks like they've fixed it. New T=0 at half past
I don't think they've got time for another go before the window closes :(
Same time tomorrow I suppose...

EDIT: Thursday night.
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