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So what's in Fuerteventura, aside from beach?


Stark Raving Sane
Booked a holiday that's mainly for my mum and her only grandson to hang out together. They're both happy to spend the entire week going between the pool and the (admittedly impressive) beach. But the flip side to that is the hotel is a good 5km out of Callejero in the middle of utterly nowhere. I'm wondering what me and the mrs can get up to when we're sick of the other two. Is Callejero of any interest? Do we need to grab the ferry to Lanzarote to find anything a bit not the Costas and Playa de las Americas? I sort of get the impression that Fuerteventura is just pure tourism and doesn't really have much of a native population that aren't involved in the industry. I'd just like to have a walk in a town somewhere that's not entirely made of cheap bars and restaurants.

FWIW, I'm happy with the trade off - my mum is unlikely to fly across the Atlantic again at her age and I just want the two of them to have some time together. I'm just trying to figure out if it's worth trying to do more than vegetate on the beach. For which, hey, I can just load up the Kindle.
Yep, lots of drugs. Not in a dodgy/sleazy way I found tho'.

We spent a cpl of weeks in Corralejo a few years ago, we didn't do much tho'. The dunes are nice for a walk - ferry over to Isla de Lobos to climb the volcano - the trip to Lanzarote then a bus tour up the volcanos - meandering around Corralejo at night and stopping off in random places.

We spent a lot of time in the hotel, it wasn't all inclusive, we had half board and there was a brilliant spa, we'd have breakfast, head to the spa for a cpl of hours, spend the afternoon in a bar (Bar Toro Beach) next to a small beach close to the hotel, grab some Cava on the way back to the hotel (about a 10 minute walk), spend the evening drinking Cava, dinner in the hotel (it was better than any restaurant), then a walk around town.

Repeat - apart from the few days we bothered to do anything else.
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The Dunes have these little stone pods people have constructed so you can do nude sunbathing in private.
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Yep, lots of drugs. Not in a dodgy/sleazy way I found tho'.

We spent a cpl of weeks in Corralejo a few years ago, we didn't do much tho'. The dunes are nice for a walk - ferry over to Isla de Lobos to climb the volcano - the trip to Lanzarote then a bus tour up the volcanos - meandering around Corralejo at night and stopping off in random places.

We spent a lot of time in the hotel, it wasn't all inclusive, we had half board and there was a brilliant spa, we'd have breakfast, head to the spa for a cpl of hours, spend the afternoon in a bar (Bar Toro Beach) next to a small beach close to the hotel, grab some Cava on the way back to the hotel (about a 10 minute walk), spend the evening drinking Cava, dinner in the hotel (it was better than any restaurant), then a walk around town.

Repeat - apart from the few days we bothered to do anything else.
Thanks. It's reassuring that you didn't find the town to be awful or anything - I think that was my biggest concern. I don't mind a bit touristy - I kind of expect it - I just can't cope with the likes of Playa de las Americas and that sort of thing. Went once on our Tenerife trip to see what the fuss was and I know we'll never be back. (To that beach, that is - loved Tenerife, would retire there if I could)
We found it quite friendly and did find a few good bars we liked. We only ate out twice I think because the food in the hotel was so good.

There's a water park in Corralejo but we didn't go to it.
Not 'til July. :) I was wondering if it was worth renting a scooter, or even a car for a day or two.

Definitely. Unless you want to stay in the tourist zones. Nothing wrong with that, either but there's a cool beach with a shipwreck (not for swimming) that is quite breathtaking and generally lots of wide open spaces.

We loved it, as somewhere to get away from it all.
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