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Should Wiggins be stripped of his knighthood?

Wiggins is just getting it in the neck cos he's a working class sir and an easy target. You can guarantee that all the top riders and teams exploit the same grey areas in the rules.

He hasn't broken the rules. Get angry at the rulemakers not Wiggo.
Trying to stop top flight sports people from cheating is impossible, they all seem to be at it - and now it's become like tax avoidance, everyone's trying to screw the system without obviously screwing the system, whatever they think they can get away with without overtly breaking any rules, they'll do. You can't stop it cos they'll always be the next trick, the next not-quite-illegal way of trying to get a competitive advantage.

There is only one realistic solution to all of this: Immediately disqualify the first 3 winning places in every sport. The person in 4th place wins, 5th place comes second, etc. That way there'll be disincentive to being the absolute best, people will strive for being only nearly the best, and taking dodgy substances will become pointless cos no one wants the top spot. :thumbs:
Wiggins was the chosen one! It was said that he would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the force... not leave it in darkness!
Shouldn't have been knighted in the first place, irrespective of doping. Having picked up an individual gold in Beijing, he went on the piss and was still blootered when racing with Cav a day or two later. Cav, the greatest British cyclist of all time, was the only British cyclist to return from those games without a medal. Unforgiveable.
Trouble is cycling is such a tainted sport even if you are clean people are going to suspect you aren't when you do well. That's the fault of past officials, riders, owners etc for never really dealing with doping. Way back in the 90s and before then, Armstrong was only the pinnacle of it, best at riding and best at doping/covering tracks.

Now you have self confessed dopers - eg- Bjarne Riis - running teams and having results reinstated even though they admit to it.

The only way to clear it out and change the culture is to ban dopers from having anything to do with the sport for life. But that will never happen the will in the sport isn't there.

Cycling as a sport is endemically corrupt at a pro level.

Brailsford and Co were never well liked by the cycling fraternity anyway and their hubris of being "clean" and holier than thou about it is now being rubbed in their faces. Knighthoods etc are all bollocks anyhow, who gives a shit about that, I'd rather have a pay rise thanks.

All the Sky stuff looks well dodgy though, not surprised they are being taken to task for it.
Pal of mine who's well into the cycling had this to say

"During the Tour de France year he won he was such a cunt

Basically a team will rally around the lead cyclist and with tactics make him expend the least energy and protect him from the peloton
In return the prize money is split between the team
Wiggins refused to pay froome and it took the head of sky to intervene"
Froome has been stirring this for a little while whenever he got the chance, always casting doubt on King wiggys need for medical intervention. Pot kettle black interface- Emperor wiggles used more TUE's than Froome if you look at he hacked records for a couple of years ago. as if I care
Sir Launcelot shagged the king's wife and didn't lose his knighthood

Well, Camelot was a myth, of course, however, back in the day shagging the King's wife tended to lead to a short sentence. Sorry shortening sentence, in that you became a head shorter. :D
Pal of mine who's well into the cycling had this to say

"During the Tour de France year he won he was such a cunt

Basically a team will rally around the lead cyclist and with tactics make him expend the least energy and protect him from the peloton
In return the prize money is split between the team
Wiggins refused to pay froome and it took the head of sky to intervene"

Funnily enough, that doesn't surprise.

To recap: Major Wiggins, 34, faces claims that he had sex with two women – guests of a fellow, junior, officer – at the ball in Robertson Barracks after his wife and the mother of his two small children had left the revels and gone to bed. In true classy military fashion, one of the liaisons is alleged to have happened in the TV room (pretty disgusting – communal military sofas are no beds of bliss), and the other in a mess bedroom (pity the poor officer whose bedroom it was). Major Wiggins has now been suspended pending disciplinary action.

To recap: Major Wiggins, 34, faces claims that he had sex with two women – guests of a fellow, junior, officer – at the ball in Robertson Barracks after his wife and the mother of his two small children had left the revels and gone to bed. In true classy military fashion, one of the liaisons is alleged to have happened in the TV room (pretty disgusting – communal military sofas are no beds of bliss), and the other in a mess bedroom (pity the poor officer whose bedroom it was). Major Wiggins has now been suspended pending disciplinary action.

To recap: Major Wiggins, 34, faces claims that he had sex with two women – guests of a fellow, junior, officer – at the ball in Robertson Barracks after his wife and the mother of his two small children had left the revels and gone to bed. In true classy military fashion, one of the liaisons is alleged to have happened in the TV room (pretty disgusting – communal military sofas are no beds of bliss), and the other in a mess bedroom (pity the poor officer whose bedroom it was). Major Wiggins has now been suspended pending disciplinary action.
Who the fuck is “Major Duncan Wiggins, of the Queen’s Dragoon Guards”?
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