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Should Wiggins be stripped of his knighthood?


We've been together now for twenty years...
Leaving aside the ludicrous situation where highly paid sportspeople are honoured, whilst those that really matter to the community are ignored, should Wiggins now be stripped of his knighthood?

The report is in. Team Sky if not cheating outright, have certainly been found guilty of behaving in an unethical manner. Medical records on a single unbacked up laptop? My arse.

The mysterious package delivered, but its contents still not identified.

Wiggins reputation is gone, his knighthood should rapidly follow.
Leaving aside the ludicrous situation where highly paid sportspeople are honoured, whilst those that really matter to the community are ignored, should Wiggins now be stripped of his knighthood?

The report is in. Team Sky if not cheating outright, have certainly been found guilty of behaving in an unethical manner. Medical records on a single unbacked up laptop? My arse.

The mysterious package delivered, but its contents still not identified.

Wiggins reputation is gone, his knighthood should rapidly follow.

I don't know about Wiggins but if being unethical is now a barrier to getting a gong there won't be many handed out in the future. I'm also intrigued why you haven't mentioned the former tory MP and current Lord who seemingly told a load of porkies to the select committee.
I don't know about Wiggins but if being unethical is now a barrier to getting a gong there won't be many handed out in the future. I'm also intrigued why you haven't mentioned the former tory MP and current Lord who seemingly told a load of porkies to the select committee.
Quite. Considering all the corruption and dodgy dealings in the world of the honours system I find it hard to get to worked up about a man riding a bicycle.
Being unethical is not a crime.
If it was imagine how many urbanites we'd have to jail for using perfectly legal but unethical tax loopholes.
World's most famous Belgian, Bradley Wiggins:

Competitive cycling as I understand it is a bicycle-themed taking drugs and not getting caught contest.

Wiggins et al appear to have taken a bunch of drugs without breaking the rules, which means they're the best because they took the most drugs without getting caught.

If your team is named after a Murdoch company, any chance of being ethical has gone down the crapper anyway.
I say strip him of his Lycra, then confiscate and crush his bike.
Come to think of it, if we did this to all cyclists... :hmm:
Competitive cycling as I understand it is a bicycle-themed taking drugs and not getting caught contest.

Wiggins et al appear to have taken a bunch of drugs without breaking the rules, which means they're the best because they took the most drugs without getting caught.

If your team is named after a Murdoch company, any chance of being ethical has gone down the crapper anyway.
Small technicality here: it's possible to use a TUE and not be deemed to be breaking the rules, but if your intent when obtaining that TUE was performance-enhancement then you broke the rules. Not that anyone is ever going to admit to an intent that would mean they cheated, of course.
Souljacker is on the money with regard getting rid of the whole honours system, and for a catalogue of corruption through the decades (centuries?).

There's a cruel irony to the "taking back control" mantra, whilst more than half the Houses of Parliament lack any kind of democratic accountability.
There’s still a salad named after him in this trendy cyclo cafe in Malaga...was going to try it but I think the “Pantini” might make me go uphill faster.
I don't know about Wiggins but if being unethical is now a barrier to getting a gong there won't be many handed out in the future. I'm also intrigued why you haven't mentioned the former tory MP and current Lord who seemingly told a load of porkies to the select committee.

It is early yet.
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