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Shaun of the Dead - how many times?

how many times?

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High Empress of Dressing Up
i estimate i've seen shaun of the dead about ten times. i like it - but not that much... i guess it's just unchallenging enough to be unobjectionable, and funny enough to feel positively toward. it requires no concentration.

we have put it on a couple of times when we've come home twatted but not ready for sleep.

and it's on now, and we're watching it. or at least - we have it on.

it is truly the 'Dave' tv of films.
I've seen it twice. It's one of the few movies where the out-takes and stuff on the DVD are worth watching, too. The pub scene where Nick Frost's improvising and getting filthier and filthier is ace. :D
Once was ok, I might have nearly watched it twice - tonight I had to put my foot down and say 'NO SHAUN OF THE DEAD'!!!

It really isn't that great.
5 or 6 time its been on twice this week. A film were can just watch parts.
Bill Nightly :cool:

Hot Fuzz not that grate tho
I watched it one and a half times. The second time I fell asleep. I don't understand why people rate that film, it is dross.
I've got it and seen it a couple of times. I quite like it so I am 'saving' it for when I'm in precisely the correct mood to watch it again, which wasn't last night.
You know what, I don't actually know, but after the reminding qualities of this thread, I'd like to make it one more time soon. :)
Could it be that those people who like this film do so on the basis of 'it's so bad that it is good' a kind of kitch taste in film.
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