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Time Bandits

Fisher King is a wonderful odyssey through loss, pain and fantasy. It's another one of Gilliam's output that's just faded away, which is a shame.
That's bonkers isn't it. It was a huge film, I'm pretty sure it won awards and was very popular, but it just isn't talked about anymore. . . maybe the wrong people own the distribution rights or there was something difficult to clear music wise for evergreen redistribution.
That's bonkers isn't it. It was a huge film, I'm pretty sure it won awards and was very popular, but it just isn't talked about anymore. . . maybe the wrong people own the distribution rights or there was something difficult to clear music wise for evergreen redistribution.

Yeah, it's fascinating to see what gets left behind by the streaming giants. It's why I cherish my DVD collection and am always scouring rental store sales to stock up on older films.

Also on YouTube for adding classic films and shows to library. Problems with stuff that's not in public domain is that it can be deleted at any time.
Gillian's 1981 time travel dark fantasy comedy is a favourite. But it seems to have been lost in time. Best fantasies of the 80s articles seldom feature it. It's not on streaming. It rarely crops up on various feeds.

Perhaps it was just too out there, the ending too dark? It didn't connect with audiences? Or maybe it's an algorithm thing and haven't searched it out properly.

Still, it has appeared, imho, that younger generations are unaware of it and don't react to it on the YouTube. Mind, they don't react to any Gilliam unless it's Monty Python Life of Brian or The Holy Grail.

It's fine, will always treasure it and the film will always be a beloved and unblemished gem and known only to a select audience. It can remain secure, snug and smug in my heart...

Wait a moment

TB is much loved and well regarded by many.

Where are the dwarfs? Generic cast who look like every other generic cast of a modern tv show.
Not sure how Fisher King would hold up now. I suspect I would find Williams & Bridges annoying as fuck.

The series looks… slightly better than I’d expect. Kudrow is actually a decent actress, but I’m not convinced she’s right for this.
Gillian's 1981 time travel dark fantasy comedy is a favourite. But it seems to have been lost in time. Best fantasies of the 80s articles seldom feature it. It's not on streaming. It rarely crops up on various feeds.

Perhaps it was just too out there, the ending too dark? It didn't connect with audiences? Or maybe it's an algorithm thing and haven't searched it out properly.

Still, it has appeared, imho, that younger generations are unaware of it and don't react to it on the YouTube. Mind, they don't react to any Gilliam unless it's Monty Python Life of Brian or The Holy Grail.

It's fine, will always treasure it and the film will always be a beloved and unblemished gem and known only to a select audience. It can remain secure, snug and smug in my heart...

Wait a moment

I've never seen it. This looks amazing. Will watch this weekend. Already set a reminder on my phone!
By coincidence, I watched Gilliam's Brazil the other night after it popped up on YouTube

It's even weirder than I remembered

My dope dealer in the 80s had a really good stereo, a big colour TV and a VHS with everything llinked. When I’d pop round, he was pretty keen to show it off but it was always “Brazil” and “Stop Making Sense” on rotation.
I was obsessed by this when it came out.
I bought it on VHS which would have been a great expense for me at the time.
I can probably still quote large sections of it. (to this day I usually have to say "Ere I am J H - The ghost in the machine" if I am in a lift or writing in dust).
Other frequently used lines include . . .
"Things don't just fix themselves sir"
"Here's your bomb arsehole"
"something for an executive"
"My complication had a little complication"
"Ha ha, he'll never get that out"

Oh there are so many!!
Me too - I caught it quite by chance late one night on TV, aged about 12, and just sat there utterly transfixed, I'd never seen anything like it. One of my biggest teenage rewatch films, along with Time Bandits actually which I also still adore and frequently find myself quoting from. Randall and co's shambolic dance routine to Me And My Shadow always cracks me up.

Eventually I had watched Brazil so many times that I had to take a decades-long break, but I recently watched it with my teenage son and was delighted to find that it's still brilliant. Palin is superb playing against type.
It's just so American and Lisa Kudrow irritates me.
thank you for IDing the annoying yank, I couldn't place her at all.
I haven't introduced the grandgirls to Time Bandits, they have seen many snippets of the Holy Grail though. May have to find it on dvd, son loved it as do we :) Won't bother with the remake, I'm not a fan of remakes
Eventually I had watched Brazil so many times that I had to take a decades-long break, but I recently watched it with my teenage son and was delighted to find that it's still brilliant. Palin is superb playing against tytype.

Yes yes me too! I have put off watching it again for probably over 20 years now. I watched it endlessly and even cassette taped my favourite bits to listen to without the tv. I should probably try and get a watch in with my daughter.
I even skipped owning it on dvd, it's been that long. VHS to streaming.

I was probably 14 when I saw it on TV. Maybe we saw the same late night showing (again, like time bandits, no fanfare, no adverts trailing that it would be on).
When I first saw Brazil in my teens I was gobsmacked. So, watched it again to make sure. And again. And again.

Have lost track of the amount of viewings, over the years. It's been a while, and probably overdue another one...
The version of Time Bandits in that trailer has had all the pointy bits filed off. It's all smiles and sarcastic quips and no menace. The Bandits in the film are grubby, greedy and selfish. Evil is genuinely menacing, as is the Supreme Being's floating head.

This lot are all goofballs, and Taika Waititi is stunningly miscast.

It might be ok on its own merits, but it's nothing like the original material.
free to watch!
ETA- no it isnt :D sorry... used to be
Try this...
If memory serves I saw time bandits as part of a double bill. The other film was about schoolboys robbing a bank. One of them interviewed a bank manager and got a photo of him with bank keys on the desk then they made a key to the vault and emptied the cash. And unusually for caper films got away with it.

Anybody remember what this film is? Sounds more interesting than Time Bandits.
Kevin is being played by somebody called Kal-El? Just.. Some people shouldn't be allowed to name kids. I thought I was a geek but fucking hell.
I've watched the first two. It was fun, and funny at times. Taika Waititi channels Mel Brooks and Python via Thor: Ragnarok. It moves at a good pace, and I liked it. It's not Gilliam, it's much lighter, and more family friendly. I wasn't drawn to comparing it while watching it. It zipped along enough to keep my mind on what I was watching, and not the source material. I will watch more.
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