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Serbia military building up along Kosovo border

It’s not the sharpest of moves by Serbia. If they don’t invade, they look like they’ve capitulated. If they try their luck, they’ll get a swift paddling by NATO troops that have been poised for getting noisy for fair few months.
Europe's doorstep can be well inside Europe. For example I know my doorstep isn't on my neighbour's property, and if Romania is Europe's garden and Croatia its hallway, then the Serbia-Kosovo border can easily be the doorstep.
If is carrying more weight than it can relied upon to bear. Everyone knows the garden of Europe is in Holland Keukenhof - Wikipedia

But putting that to one side, it'll be interesting to see how this Kosovan crisis goes as I am not sure that the unanimity of the late 90s will be found among nato countries now.
The Kosovan government have at least partly provoked the current situation and everyone is fed up with them. I doubt Serbia will attack but they are going to try and force Kosovo's hand by showing it it doesnt have full support any more.
Let's hope it happens. It'll be another thing for people to get outraged about, and they love that. Empty outrage is what societies run on now.
i think you'll find that kfor operates under the mandate given by security council resolution 1244, so it's a mess. having had a quick look at 1244 i'm not sure how wide the ability for nato to order defence of kosovo is - perhaps kebabking will be informed on the topic

Paragraph 9, sections (A) and (C) look to be fairly specific. There's a wider one in the preamble about establishing/securing/ensuring Kosovo's 'substantial autonomy' and 'meaningful self-administration', but 9 (A) & (C) look pretty solid.
Let's hope it happens. It'll be another thing for people to get outraged about, and they love that. Empty outrage is what societies run on now.

Last time I looked, objecting to people being killed and maimed and families separated was only ‘empty outrage’ to psychopaths and stupid fuckwits with the analysis of a whelk and empathy of a table mat…
Last time I looked, objecting to people being killed and maimed and families separated was only ‘empty outrage’ to psychopaths and stupid fuckwits with the analysis of a whelk and empathy of a table mat…
As far as I've been able to see, very few regulars on here have objected to people being in killed in war for quite a while.
  • Haha
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So none of these comments have anything substantial to say about the topic. Just a beef.
I made one quip about the faux outrage so predominant in society today, and the usual crew respond with...

They, too, it seems, have little to say on the topic. Nobody's stopping anybody discussing it.
I made one quip about the faux outrage so predominant in society today, and people respond with...

They, too, it seems, have little to say on the topic. Nobody's stopping anybody discussing it.
Then let it happen, because this stuff gets in the way. I'll stop now.
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