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Selling music gear on Reverb, any experiences? Good, bad or ugly


Reverb is apparently a good place to sell music gear.

Anyone done this? Any advice? Bad experiences etc?

I believe reverb is for trying to get top dollar. People often overprice stuff and just hope.
Gumtree might be less hassle if you can handle people coming to your house.

Alternatively, are you on any music forums? I'm on the Elektron forum and they have a bustling sale/trade section but you need to have been there a while and trusted, although it's not such an issue if the item is of lower value.
Should've also said in my previous post; I highly recommend checking out the Elektron forum, if you are so inclined. While there is inevitably a huge bias toward Elektron devices, there is chat about all other equipment and technique, with a really nice vibe.

Should've also said in my previous post; I highly recommend checking out the Elektron forum, if you are so inclined. While there is inevitably a huge bias toward Elektron devices, there is chat about all other equipment and technique, with a really nice vibe.

Thanks, will check it out.
I'm not trying to get top dollar, whilst that would be nice. A reasonably priced hassle free transaction is the ideal.

Don't use facebook marketplace then. It's fine for a lot of things but when I listed a synth I was exclusively contacted by weirdo ALL CAPS timewasters.
Reverb seems to have everything listed at near or at the cost of the thing new. Maybe that's because cheaper items get snapped up quickly though.
i like Reverb, have bought a couple of lightly used secondhand things off there, both times for about half the price.
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