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Self-indulgent pet thread

In the basket again lol!

crazy eyed mop :D :p
I've met the cat! He's gorgeous, and really naughty. I can't get the photo to load- its only 352KB but it keeps saying it is too big...
In the basket again lol!

That on the left looks like my aunt's (now dead) Bilbo, who used to lie on his back at old women's feet, and furiously rub himself off with his two front paws. Something about my deaf (and thankfully half-blind) grandmother used to really push Bilbo's buttons, and he'd basically lie at her feet, sniffing her legs, and wanking furiously.

And when you threw him out of the room, you'd often go into the corridor 3mins later and find him lying underneath her hung-up coat, sniffing it and masturbating furiously.

He was a horrendous, horrendous, grotty little deviant. With all kinds of mental health problems and bizarre allergies, and a mind fuelled by nothing but testosterone, wanking, and panic.
When they got him, he hadn't learnt how to piss right, so he'd walk up to a tree, cock his front leg, then piss all over his hindquarters.

Eventually they learnt him how to raise his back leg, so he'd sometimes walk up to a tree, lift his front leg, remember, lift his back leg *too*, fall on his side, then piss all over himself.
He'd steal potatoes, too. He'd steal potatoes, fuck them, then eat them.

He was a professionally grotty little bastard of a shih-tzu. I have a feeling he came cheap, because something was indescribably wrong with his brain.
Never heard of Sprockers before... are they a bit mental? :D
He was surprisingly calm and well behaved. My old next door neighbour had a Welsh Springer who was mad as a box of frogs. Had similar wanking obsession to Mrs Quoad's late cousin Bilbo.
There's nothing like sitting up in a nice warm bed with a cup of coffee on a Saturday morning and having a sopping wet cat come bounding in from the garden and start climbing on you with muddy paws :facepalm: :D
There's nothing like sitting up in a nice warm bed with a cup of coffee on a Saturday morning and having a sopping wet cat come bounding in from the garden and start climbing on you with muddy paws :facepalm: :D

It's certainly an improvement on the one that delivered a present of a mangled (but very noisy) blackbird by dropping it on the pillow six inches from the end of my nose at 6am, granted.

No need for an alarm clock that day...
randomish question: what sort of plant is that in the background? i'm on a cat-friendly houseplant mission and not been finding many that i actually like? ta! :)
randomish question: what sort of plant is that in the background? i'm on a cat-friendly houseplant mission and not been finding many that i actually like? ta! :)
No idea, sorry to say! Artichoke brought a tonne of repellant foliage with her when we shacked up. Quite a lot of them have gone through phases of being 'gutter plants'* before undergoing miraculous recoveries**, leaving most of them with an assortment of half-dead and desperate growths. If they ever had any labels, they were washed off in the rain *long* ago.

*She used to live in a garret room. When her plants looked close to death, mostly through lack of care, she'd put them in the gutter outside because she couldn't bring herself to throw them away. The - quite large - collection of plants that ended up in her gutter came to be known as 'gutter plants.'

**They weren't *that* miraculous. But the plants actually started getting light and water, which they never got whilst she was 'looking after' them :D
I think it might be this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieffenbachia. Don't know much about plants. Only been able to save them from inevitable herbicide in the past 4 or 6 years. I've got one that looks a bit like this - think there are alot of varieties. It flops, it droops, you water it, it lives.

It was actually one that Herbs didn't fancy. Worst was palm tree thingies and spider plants. He didn't care much for those prayer palm things you get at IKEA, so still have alot of those. RIP Herbster.
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