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Self-indulgent pet thread

This is Milo (named after the drink)

We picked him up this morning from the cat shelter, where he'd been living for the last couple of months after being found as a stray. He hasn't come out of his carrier yet, but we're hoping he will tomorrow :)

Welcome Milo and congratulations strung out . Black cats are obviously the best cats, so black rescue cats are the best of the best.
Love how even carefully-scattered Dreamies on a lovely clean blanket aren't stopping him giving you the stink eye :D
Give him time and let him explore the world beyond the carrier at his own pace ... hoping he gets settled in quickly and peacefully.
What a beauty strung out - when we got two of ours from the shelter they hadn't been properly socialised and it was a month before we could get near them - so if Milo takes a while to come out I wouldn't worry, he'll be out when he's ready. Did he come near you in the shelter ? May be worth putting a t-shirt or something else you've worn in there as well, or near it. Also Feliway/valerian, but congratulations :thumbs:
Here's Isambard having a boxing day kip in a pretty cool position. I've had to effectively move him into a bungalow now due to his age. I was admitted to hospital in November for several days and my friend checking on him said he was on the floor of his enclosure. I came home two days later and he was still there. I thought that was it for him :( but a bit of love and turning his enclosure on its side has him doing a little better now. He has falls every few days now because he has arthritis in his back legs, so I'm glad I changed things around so he doesn't hurt himself when he does fall. He ain't quite what he used to be, not surprising given that he's 9.5 years old (98 in human years!) most only live til about 6 so I've obviously done something right ☺️. Hope you and your critters had a lovely Christmas!

I forgot about this thread!
strung out can we have an update on Milo please.
He came out of his box eventually and has been causing us problems ever since :p

He had to have a trip to the vets to top up his fluids after he developed an intolerance to his food and wouldn't stop throwing it up, but now he's happily eating us out of house and home. Here are a few pics from the last month or so! (apologies for the big photos)

Photo 03-12-2017, 14 32 04.jpg Photo 03-12-2017, 20 32 43.jpg Photo 11-12-2017, 07 22 00.jpg Photo 26-12-2017, 12 12 43.jpg





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