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Self-indulgent pet thread

Came home from work yesterday to be confronted by a starving hungry cat (FiFi) - I ended up putting down 5 different food offerings - 3 x biscuits - all of which she's eaten before and 2 x wet food

This time, however, NONE of the offerings were deemed suitable - so the wet food went upstairs to the boys

After about 45 minutes of whinging she dumps the most massive poo imaginable - certainly far bigger than a cat of her size should be capable of containing and then in through the door comes Mrs Voltz with our Chinese take away for tea - the timing, as always, is minute perfect


I'd forgotten to close the inner cat-lock door :facepalm:

And FiFi, whose shown absolutely NO interest in going out or trying to get out was through the inner and outer cat lock doors in a flash and wandering all calmly around "bottom" garden

Which is fine - except she then started towards "top" garden - which is not fine as she's never been taken up there on a lead so this really is new, virgin territory for her - luckily she was caught and brought back into the safety of the house with hardly a complaint - but now she's had her taste of freedom the difference in her is palpable - cat-lock duty is going to have to be rigorously enforced (on me)

Oh and the Chinese was still hot (Special Fried Rice and Special Foo Yung - both without prawns in case your interested - and FiFi turned her nose up, once again, at a piece of chicken from it, being happy with exactly the same biscuits as I'd already put down but re-put down by Mrs Voltz)
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enjoyin the sun!! :) :)
I know this is a bit Daily Mail but I've bought one of these from Lakeland


And it's bloody great at stairs and I have a few blankets, mostly fleecy ones which protect certain areas from cat hairing. They get washed regularly but there's always great swathes of hair still embedded in them. This doesn't get rid of all of them but does better than I do with a lint roller and a dampened Marigold. I even used it a bit round the brush bits on the magic catflap and it freed a few furry bits I couldn't get to.
I find giving the blankets a very short time dry with a dryer sheet (like Bounce) in there really helps get the hairs off. Not that Perry actually sheds at all, but the dog did.
Thanks for the lovely comments about Mal. He's blushing (insomuch as a guinea pig blushes!) Every guinea pig I've had (he's the 8th - hence his name Malcolm Preston MacRodent VIII) has had a distinct personality, but he's the only one who's so, well, assertive. If one can say something that low on the food chain has leadership qualities, he does.

Griff's happy to be a follower, so it works! :)
Also ( and I know they aren't pets, but still) we went to vauxhall city farm today and I got to cuddle a four day old goat. Omigod I am in love
. He went to sleep on me, and then when I woke him he did top lip at me (apparently the goat version of bottom lip!) and I wanted to take him home.

Except he'll end up this size and eat *everything*
Goats are ace :D they had loads of baby ones bouncing around at a farm I went to once. They were so naughty and into everything but very, very cute at the same time.
Goats are ace :D they had loads of baby ones bouncing around at a farm I went to once. They were so naughty and into everything but very, very cute at the same time.
When you go towards the food dispenser machine at the farm, all these goats appear and stand on their hind legs over the fences. As you walked along the edge we could see two goats- as soon as I moved towards the dispenser, there were five, all peering over the fence at me :D they are brilliant.
A goat ate my daughter's hat when she was tiny. :-D

My ideal lottery winning home would have donkeys, goats, chickens, ducks and geese as well as dogs, cats, a parrot, a tortoise and some fish.

And would be in the middle of a city. This is a dream, after all.
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