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    Lazy Llama

Self-indulgent pet thread

no one else posting pets? :oops:
only here til sat so will have another long break

despite having a full bowl of food and nice fresh water she was drinking from a manky plant pot out the back and sort of chewing this grass/plants for ages a little while ago, they do this for digestion don't they? :hmm:
have some Pockle, she's letting me photograph her tonight :)
Yeah, CRI was righteously upset about this on the bandwith thread, apparently past a certain age the females can't give birth due to fused pelvis, so they actually die if they get pregnant :(
blimey. how does that work in the wild then? anyway, yes, it's not really v funny.
They kind of do the live fast die young thing in the wild and would naturally start breeding around the age of 4 weeks (yeah, I know!) They tend to get eaten by something or other before too long.

Someone I know via rodent circles on t'interweb has been in touch offering to take some of the babies and asking after the sows and they've insisted "all is fine," but she's going to keep an eye on things.
Brandy has had a lump on his hind leg for a while now, it's pretty much all of the top bit of his leg, he had a biopsy a week ago, we got the results today, there were no cancer cells in the tissue they tested but the vet still thinks that's what's going on. We've decided not to put him through any more vet stuff, he's OK in himself right now, don't want to change that.


He's a lovely dog, it's gonna be hard when he gets poorly :(
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